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Can you import your own music?

Archive: 7 posts

I don't know if this thread has been made but I wanted to know if there has been any news for importing your own music from your PS3 HD?

FIXED Topic Title: Darn I didn't realize the error for my thread title >.>
2008-09-29 01:51:00

Posts: 4

It has. And no, sadly you cannot. 2008-09-29 01:54:00

Unknown User

Uh that stinks...so much for my music to go with my Kirby levels. Thanks for the answer =)2008-09-29 01:57:00

Posts: 4

Considering that when you share a level you'd be sharing the music it would cause MM & Sony no end of legal problems.2008-09-29 02:00:00

Posts: 6728

Considering that when you share a level you'd be sharing the music it would cause MM & Sony no end of legal problems.

Could have made it so on your local system you could listen to your own music though?
2008-09-29 02:12:00

Posts: 22

I was thinking that you could have been using it in your own personal levels that wouldn't be shared over the net.2008-09-29 02:30:00

Posts: 4

The LittleBigPlanet soundtrack is awesome anyway!! Although I would like to add a bit of Offspring! They may include this in an update. Sheesh, LBP isn't even out and I'm thinking of update ideas!!!2008-09-29 16:48:00

Posts: 473

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