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Low Thermo. Multifloor Elevator Concept

Archive: 2 posts

So we're all pretty familiar with the concept of elevators. There are simple elevators that only go up and down between floors, and then there are more complex forms that can stop on different levels. When it comes down to it, the key to making a successful multi-floor elevator revolves around timing.

So in your quest to design a multi-floor elevator you probably got lost somewhere around... i don't know....making it stop? No problem, I've got the solution to your problems. Sure my design isn't as cool as RoseScythe's elevator, but hey for being over a year old it's still pretty good. Now i'm not saying it's foolproof, but for what it's worth it get the job done.

Much like other multi-floor concepts, it has two grab switches. One goes up, and the other goes down. After you've made your choice, a simple logic system activates and before you know it you're on the next floor.

By now you're probably asking yourself, "If this elevator's so great why are you giving it away"? Well, here's the deal. If you'd like to get you're hands on one of these bad boys, then all you have to do is enter one of my competitions on my other levels. The people in the top 3 scores will win this elevator, or a number of other cool prizes. So good luck! I hope to see you in the top 3.

Note: Pictures coming soon!
2010-02-09 05:08:00

Posts: 161

Heh, no takers. Well, that's ok. Competition ends in 16 days!2010-02-12 22:54:00

Posts: 161

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