China Race
Archive: 3 posts
China RaceViniciusBR11 One level made by me that you drive away with you bike around china. In middle course you do tricks like backflip and etc... It is divided in 2 parts Racing from the left for right and from right for left Max number of players: 3 | 2010-02-07 20:52:00 Author: ViniciusBR11 ![]() Posts: 546 |
Hiya we just played China Race, here some things we liked and also a couple of suggestions: Things we liked: - The cars were very simple looking, but really quite cute. - They could really get some speed, and when we got going it was fun doing flips and going up the big ramps - Somehow, no mattter which way up the car landed, it always went forwards... how did you do that? Here's a few suggestions: - The cars are so fast that even just on straight ground they kept tipping over on us. This was especially a problem when we were trying to get the race started because we couldn't get us both onto the start line at the same time, or the same way up to start the race! - When we died it spawned us back at the beginning, but there were no cars to get into to replay. Perhaps you could have the cars on emitters so that when you respawn there is another car to ride again? Hope this is useful Clarie and Adi | 2010-02-08 22:38:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
I know that u responded me a long time ago, but really thanks by the tips ![]() | 2010-05-07 02:19:00 Author: ViniciusBR11 ![]() Posts: 546 |
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