The Nine Tail Fox by a-tziluth
Archive: 7 posts
New level from a-tziluth. Fans will be happy to play another epic adventure with a some remarkable boss fights. http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/a-tziluth-TheNineTailFox1.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/a-tziluth-TheNineTailFox2.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/a-tziluth-TheNineTailFox3.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/a-tziluth-TheNineTailFox4.jpg | 2010-02-07 03:47:00 Author: Kipmonlin ![]() Posts: 251 |
Yep, another excellent level from this amazing creator. It is superb, and thanks for the recommendation! | 2010-02-07 22:26:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
An excellent level. Thank you for drawing my attention to it. =) | 2010-02-08 08:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Wow, I hadn't played any levels by this creator before and I was just blown away. What an amazing level - fantastic gameplay - a lot of it really original stuff like the fire-wheel section, the shark counting(!!!), those leaping weasel-like animals (sorry can't remember the name) and the epic boss fight at the end. I will pass over that simple but to me fiendishly difficult bit where you have to roll the oval jewel thing over the spikes - I prefer to forget that bit, lol! It genuinely was one of those levels where you go around saying "wow" at each new section. Thanks for the recommendation. I must try the creator's other levels. | 2010-02-09 01:07:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Thanks for a terrific suggestion. I love the style of good Japanese creators and this was both beautiful and challenging. | 2010-02-10 01:11:00 Author: SlowLayne ![]() Posts: 29 |
Yes, i played this a few days ago. Reminds me of Inuyashsa. If you enjoy Anime, you will love this level. | 2010-02-13 01:45:00 Author: fijski8 ![]() Posts: 159 |
Gotta Thank you Kip I played his other level Witch from Fire Dragon Mountain a very long time ago and loved it, but I was never able to remember the creator (and had forgotten to heart it) | 2010-02-13 03:46:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
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