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'9' the movie objects

Archive: 8 posts

i don't know why but i have an unheathy fetish with the movie 9 just like LBP! XD hope you like them! Thank you so much for telling me how, but i still have to get that memory stick. I puplished a crapyly made level showing these objects called '9' the movie object showcase by iinov8, check it out because not only do you get the objects you get stickers too! sorry i haven't been on lately, I have been so caught up on drawing these dang 9 characters!:blush:2010-02-06 15:05:00

Posts: 131

All you're doing is telling us you made some 9 movie objects? It helps to post pictures or give descriptions or a level name/playstation name. Otherwise this tells us nothing and is just spam.2010-02-06 18:45:00

Posts: 3251

Gief pix plis2010-02-06 22:22:00

Posts: 342

iinov8, seeing as the two members above decided not to read your full comment, you'll need to export the pics to your harddrive which is in the options section of the pictures (square button) once they're exported, stick a memory stick into your PS3, and copy them onto it, then just copy to your PC and upload them as an attachment here.2010-02-07 20:01:00

Posts: 57

He updated his post, that comment wasn't there before, dunadrian...

But yes, a flashdrive is fastest. You might even be able to upload the pics from your ps3 albums to a site like photobucket from your ps3. Also take advantage of profile albums.
2010-02-07 20:09:00

Posts: 3251

Well cuz i has no flashdrive, I just send it to myself through Gmail.2010-02-07 22:53:00

Posts: 652

is this tim burton's 9? because if so, i've always wanted to see it in lbp. if it isn't the film i'm thinking about just ignore me! 2010-02-10 19:58:00

Posts: 1562

She showed me the objects and they are really detailed!2010-02-13 13:31:00

Posts: 837

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