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Talking machines

Archive: 14 posts

I have published tree talking machine prototypes. Firstly one which includes re-reading function, second one that don't and final one that can be activated by sensor.

Levels name: talking machines

These are basically Incremental Pistons (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=21087-Incremental-Piston&p=378965&viewfull=1#post378965) and they rely on fact that you can press R1 while reading magic mouths.

This is the one that haves re-reading function.
You need left one to emitting and destroying right one for every magic mouth.
This is the one without re-reading function. It uses less thermo.
This can be activated with sensors and it can be activated like last one only one time.
2010-02-05 08:06:00

Posts: 282

Looks cool, I'll check this out later.2010-02-05 16:52:00

Posts: 1465

Looks great, but I can think of another way that wouldn't require as much material or emittors. Good job though. I like the fact that your thinking.2010-02-08 04:17:00

Posts: 161

Looks great, but I can think of another way that wouldn't require as much material or emittors. Good job though. I like the fact that your thinking.

I can make it use less materials and emitters too but then it would lose re-reading function. Maybe I make another version without re-read.
2010-02-08 06:35:00

Posts: 282

Your seems a little over complicated.. But a good idea!

I think i can make a re-readable one that uses:

n emitter
n mag switches (maybe double depending on where you'll put the contraption)
1 mag key
1 motor bolt

n = number of speech-bubbles that are used.

This will basically be an Incremental Bolt and an emitter that emits magic mouths..
2010-02-10 12:29:00

Posts: 106

Your seems a little over complicated.. But a good idea!

I think i can make a re-readable one that uses:

n emitter
n mag switches (maybe double depending on where you'll put the contraption)
1 mag key
1 motor bolt

n = number of speech-bubbles that are used.

This will basically be an Incremental Bolt and an emitter that emits magic mouths..

I know that you can use Incremental Bolt for this but with Incremental Piston you get far more versatile system.
You can easily add/remove magic mouths and customize it like to say giving min time for reading.

And if you want you can always remit the permanent one.

How you can make it work with only one emitter while giving ability to reader choose when the next magic mouth is activated?
2010-02-10 13:29:00

Posts: 282

There is one technique that requires no emitters, no mag keys, just a grab switch and some speech bubbles.
First, connect the grab switch to the speech bubbles in the order you want them to be displayed. when you grab, all the bubbles can be read in order. You can also re-read them.
2010-02-10 14:33:00

Posts: 302

There is one technique that requires no emitters, no mag keys, just a grab switch and some speech bubbles.
First, connect the grab switch to the speech bubbles in the order you want them to be displayed. when you grab, all the bubbles can be read in order. You can also re-read them.

That works well if you have only few magic mouths but if you have lots of them some of them will disappear and when you re-read it you must press triangle.
2010-02-10 16:43:00

Posts: 282

That works well if you have only few magic mouths but if you have lots of them some of them will disappear and when you re-read it you must press triangle.

if i remember right, you can have 9 speech bubbles at max for my technique to work. or was it 10?
2010-02-10 19:59:00

Posts: 302

I know that you can use Incremental Bolt for this but with Incremental Piston you get far more versatile system.
You can easily add/remove magic mouths and customize it like to say giving min time for reading.

And if you want you can always remit the permanent one.

How you can make it work with only one emitter while giving ability to reader choose when the next magic mouth is activated?
Yeah but all that is possible with an Incremental Bolt too. But i think that since you wanna be able to re-read it its better to have an Incremental Bolt, because it is kinda destined to loop.
Where as in an Incremental Piston you need a reset function to get it back to the start.

no not only one emitter. but one emitter/speechbubble. Which means that if you have 6 speechbubbles you need 6 emitters.
2010-02-11 07:42:00

Posts: 106

Yeah but all that is possible with an Incremental Bolt too. But i think that since you wanna be able to re-read it its better to have an Incremental Bolt, because it is kinda destined to loop.
Where as in an Incremental Piston you need a reset function to get it back to the start.

no not only one emitter. but one emitter/speechbubble. Which means that if you have 6 speechbubbles you need 6 emitters.

I can see that it is better to use Incremental Bolt in re-readable but I still prefer piston. It is still more versatile and easier setup.

But how you destroy each magic mouth?
2010-02-11 14:42:00

Posts: 282

Well you dont have to destroy 'em, just emit it again, and the previous one gets destroyed.. or as rtm223 calls it: demitting.

I haven't tried this out yet, but in theory i dont see any reason why it shouldnt work.. And yeah, i probably must add 3 mag keys, 1 mag switch and 1 more piston, to the parts list. And something to trigger it.. perhaps a button or grab switch.

I can show you later today if you want. I will be home in around 2 hours. And then i will upload a techdemo-level. which should explain it better then i can by words. And make it copyable so you can play around with it yourself. If you wnat some more help or run something by me please add me on psn (Tamland)..
2010-02-11 14:59:00

Posts: 106

Well you dont have to destroy 'em, just emit it again, and the previous one gets destroyed.. or as rtm223 calls it: demitting.

I haven't tried this out yet, but in theory i dont see any reason why it shouldnt work.. And yeah, i probably must add 3 mag keys, 1 mag switch and 1 more piston, to the parts list. And something to trigger it.. perhaps a button or grab switch.

I can show you later today if you want. I will be home in around 2 hours. And then i will upload a techdemo-level. which should explain it better then i can by words. And make it copyable so you can play around with it yourself. If you wnat some more help or run something by me please add me on psn (Tamland)..

I thought about demitting it but I didn't find easy way to activate it then. You need for activating piston/emitter and destroying goes same so there is no big difference with those.

I check your demo when it is published then. It is nice to see different kind techniques used same thing.

I played your level and I must say that it is very good system but I see one problem.
You cannot place magic mouths far away/different spots.

If you use grab switch in place of button you can use cutscene camera function in mouths.
2010-02-11 18:06:00

Posts: 282

Yeah.. i think that demitting is an excellent way of getting rid of emitted objects.. And it can be applied to your soultion as well, though not as easily as with mine.. Since i have a the emitters on the moving prat and you have the emitters on a fixed part.

Yeah i'm aware of that problem, and it could be solvable pretty easy by just moving the loacation the magic mouths are emitted at. Which gives us another problem, handeling the demitting without having magic mouths everywhere

So then we are back at the same place as you are with your solution but the only difference is that we are using an Incremental Bolt instead of a Piston.
Just to point out: I definitely see advantages with both designs.. but if we are going to re-read the speechbubbles at the same place the advantages clearly is on the Incremental Bolt's side.
2010-02-11 21:07:00

Posts: 106

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