Dead Memories: Chapter 1
Archive: 3 posts
At the moment I can't remember who the creator of this levels was but let me tell you, this level is a must play! Its a creepy level that has some really good, pee in your pants moments. I can tell from experience because I was dumb enough to play this with my 10 year old brother at 10 o'clock at night. Its got a great atmoshphere to it and it really puts your adrenaline soaring because of the ambiance. It recently made the cool pages and it is a really good level. I and others will be looking forward to the next part of this level series! I can go into details about what goes on in the level, you'll just have to play to find out! | 2010-02-03 16:31:00 Author: damaz10 ![]() Posts: 771 |
You mean this one? (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=19971-Dead-Memories-Part-One) ![]() | 2010-02-03 16:39:00 Author: Shadowheaven ![]() Posts: 378 |
Oh... (looks closely) there it is, haha. Well I guess I should point out that this level deserves some advertisment. Kidding aside, it never occured to me to look up the level. Anyways, its a good level, play it! | 2010-02-03 17:09:00 Author: damaz10 ![]() Posts: 771 |
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