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Acing "The Bunker": It's pretty tough.

Archive: 82 posts

52 tries.

That's how long it took me, to ace The Bunker from "The Wilderness". MAN was it hard.

Getting through the first part is pretty easy. Just do it all at once, go through the zappers that spring out, and kill the creatures on the other side. What's harder, is the spinning platforms and the giant rotating wheel.

On my 38th try I actually got past the spinning wheel - my heart jumped as I fell down the tunnel on to the conveyer belt. But sadly I was later zapped by one of the rotating electrical balls along the belt.

When I finally aced it I was so pleased. Now I have the full ____ costume, it looks awesome

Discuss how hard this level is, how many people have commented on it saying "This level is so hard!"
2010-02-01 06:27:00

Posts: 2

Whoa, did you actually ace it?? i can't T.T I'm really impatient so I give up after a few tries >.<; by the way what is the costume? o.o2010-02-01 07:35:00

Posts: 1

You get a part of this (http://www.collectorsquest.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/mezco_neon_sackboy.jpgth (http://www.collectorsquest.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/mezco_neon_sackboy.jpg)) costume when you ace it. You get the helmet.2010-02-02 21:34:00

Posts: 2

my eyes hurt by the end of it. i aced it and didn't even realize it at first. i have no idea how many tries it took me. probably thousands...2010-02-02 21:39:00

Posts: 1562

Took me...I think around 12, when I actually cared about acing levels...hahaha2010-02-02 23:41:00

Posts: 729

It took me like between 10 to 15 shots.. but not the hardest for me o.O lol2010-02-03 02:37:00

Posts: 609

The only thing annoying about the Bunker is that it's pretty hard all the way through. Somer parts of Boom Town and the Mines are herder IMO, and those levels took me longer to ace. Spose it's just practise.2010-02-15 17:04:00

Posts: 875

The Bunker was nothing compared to Dancer's Court imo.2010-02-15 18:11:00

Posts: 93

Why does everyone find it so hard?

This is like the easiest game ever...
2010-02-15 22:01:00

Posts: 4291

it took me 62 tries...

i actually found the spinning wheel pretty easy :|

the hardest level to ace IMO is Boom Town. it must have taken me atleast 100 tries
2010-02-16 00:23:00

Posts: 139

funny cus i aced the last level but i can't ace the bunker haha2010-02-16 14:19:00

Posts: 28

I havn't aced it yet, but it will probably take me over 9000 tries. P_P

Man that level is tough.
2010-02-17 03:24:00

Posts: 268

Maybe you could all get this guy to help you.

2010-02-17 04:42:00

Posts: 256

The only problem with The Bunker I had was GETTING to the wheel..
The wheel was fairly easy, and the part after that. IMO, The Mines were the hardest..
2010-02-19 03:08:00

Posts: 3262

Tried again yesterday. Used a glitch to get past the wheel. Almost fell down the hole, but didn't. Got electrocuted. Ugh.

My limbs felt weak ad I couldn't move for a few minutes afterward. X.X
2010-02-23 21:43:00

Posts: 619

Took me to just finish the bunker on my first play through =/2010-02-23 22:43:00

Unknown User

Really, the Bunker wasn't that hard for me. My strategy was to ignore the game's music, and instead use my own soundtrack. I sort of zoned out, and all my focus was on the level. That was about my 50th try, and I finally succeeded.2010-02-23 23:51:00

Posts: 7


And how many plays did it take you to complete it "Mr.Perfect"?
2010-02-25 10:20:00

Posts: 189

I hate that one I just got to it OMG that wheel is so unfair2010-02-26 00:32:00

Posts: 27

That big wheel... man, that obliterated me like 2 times before I could actually just beat the level. If you just make one little mistake, then you're dead.
I remember the feeling of despair after I beat it and noticed that there were at least two more levels to go (but they were much easier).
I'm not even going to bother trying to ace the stupid thing. Or maybe I'm over-exaggerating. Might give it a go one day.

But... it doesn't look like it's worth it just to get that helmet.
2010-02-26 03:06:00

Posts: 64

Acing the bunker isn't really worth the helmet, I only did it to get 100%2010-02-26 16:17:00

Posts: 222

nah, to be honest, the outfit you get really isn't worth it... i mean, it's ok but i hardly ever wear it. I also just did it to get 100% - but it really isn't that hard. Just relax and don't think of it as much of a chore. Just take your time and don't rush things and it's much easier =)2010-02-26 21:35:00

Posts: 1113

Yeah, this is a level that I found almost impossible at first. In fact, I died more on this then any level, perhaps even more then all the other levels put together ha ha, it was THAT hard for me. I got it in one sitting, but I had to be sitting there for nearly 2 hours lol. I haven't aced though, that would take a while. Maybe after I've aced all the other levels I'll come back just so I can get 100%2010-03-02 12:40:00

Posts: 14

I almost despaired at this as well at the very beginning, I was so happy when I fell through the terrible wheel of horror just to find me on a conveyor with electrocuting traps all over and without any checkpoint in sight. Took me looong to actually get through the level even with dying - after playing it dozens of times I kind of got the hang of it though and aced it afterwards in just about one more dozen tries ;o
What also was really hard to ace for me was the aztec level with all the stone snakes and the mad bandit throwing bombs at me - I even beat him my first attempt on acing, but after he exploded the burning wall he hid behind just fell right onto my head...
2010-03-02 17:40:00

Posts: 14

Yeah, I'm in process in Acing the WHOLE ENTIRE game and stuck at the mines, But the bunker was H-A-R-D without trying to ace it because I was not completely used to better types of ways to beat it because I just got this game last Christmas of 2009!2010-03-03 03:33:00

Posts: 32

the wheel is actually really easy, just write down the jumps you have to do. I lost my bit of paper but I think it goes: . . : O : . : O . . or something like that. and the last conveyer belt make sure you do a tall jump instead of a long jump. Get relly close to the electric spinners. oh and the spinning platforms, see which way the first one turns (say it was clockwise) stand on the far right of the platform and jump when it's almost verticall, then just run through the other one. simples -chirps-2010-03-06 12:58:00

Posts: 1872

For me, i had played the level more then a hundred times ( i kept count) and i had settled into this pattern of jumping and weaving and grabing. I know the level so well that i found short cuts for it. However, it was always the hamster wheal of death that had me continuing to fail. One time i made it past and i was like "yes, yes YES!" until 2 second later i was killed by a electric pole. I will never play that level again.2010-03-06 17:39:00

Posts: 243

For me, i had played the level more then a hundred times ( i kept count) and i had settled into this pattern of jumping and weaving and grabing. I know the level so well that i found short cuts for it. However, it was always the hamster wheal of death that had me continuing to fail. One time i made it past and i was like "yes, yes YES!" until 2 second later i was killed by a electric pole. I will never play that level again.

LOL. I had the exact thing happen to me! I finally got past the wheel and then died trying to jump over the electric rotating circles. Even though I have not aced it yet, what seemed to help me get past the wheel was to take the whole level slow and try not to get too frustrated when you do die.
2010-03-19 18:31:00

Posts: 156

lol I had to yell at my brother to turn his controller off so I could ace it XD so I did the wheel thing was hard but I managed to get through it lol2010-03-19 21:49:00

Posts: 304

The bunker wasn't hard for me at all. However, the one after the bunker was just a pain to ace.2010-04-02 04:49:00

Posts: 32

The Bunker is very easy!
Well, it's easy when you play alnoe at least.
When you play with someone else, they usually mess up your camera veiw. Same applies with The Collector's Lair.
I also just got the Yellow Head costume!
2010-04-03 05:11:00

Posts: 801

I thought it was fairly easy until the wheel. Took me a while to get through that.

I didn't like the islands. Those were the hardest IMO
2010-04-03 23:44:00

Posts: 673

Its a pain in the ace to pass the bunker.2010-04-04 16:15:00

Posts: 32

52 tries.

That's how long it took me, to ace The Bunker from "The Wilderness". MAN was it hard.

Getting through the first part is pretty easy. Just do it all at once, go through the zappers that spring out, and kill the creatures on the other side. What's harder, is the spinning platforms and the giant rotating wheel.

On my 38th try I actually got past the spinning wheel - my heart jumped as I fell down the tunnel on to the conveyer belt. But sadly I was later zapped by one of the rotating electrical balls along the belt.

When I finally aced it I was so pleased. Now I have the full ____ costume, it looks awesome

Discuss how hard this level is, how many people have commented on it saying "This level is so hard!"

Let me tell you, its is hard no doubt about that, I played it maybe 10 times...I was stressing getting frustrated @_@ because the giant spinning platforms were rotating to quick but what I didn't like is the electricity in between the wheels....most thing, I got annoyed was the '' whole zapping''

You wouldn't believe this but I got passed it 2x times @_@ already, the key was I had to be patient, very calm and full focus on the zapping wheels * it worked*

Its was a great moment, oh congulations...you earn it
2010-04-20 01:33:00

Posts: 74

Let me tell you, its is hard no doubt about that, I played it maybe 10 times...I was stressing getting frustrated @_@ because the giant spinning platforms were rotating to quick but what I didn't like is the electricity in between the wheels....most thing, I got annoyed was the '' whole zapping''

You wouldn't believe this but I got passed it 2x times @_@ already, the key was I had to be patient, very calm and full focus on the zapping wheels * it worked*

Its was a great moment, oh congulations...you earn it

Also you gotta keep up your momentum and pace aswell. When I helping out my nethew, I aced The Bunker. Took me about 6 attempts.
When you on the giant wheel, you got to keep up the pace and keep up the momentum when getting over obstacles, or you be tossin' about like a rag doll.
2010-05-03 11:35:00

Posts: 293

yeah the entire level BEFORE the wheel of death is pretty easy. And if you go online you get all this stuff about running along the top, but the truth is that it really is easier to do it the normal way. And if you kinda ignore the entire thing moving its pretty easy. I Aced it on my own on the 11th time I think, then my friend needed to ace it, so I did it for him, and I was able to do it on the first run though. So once youve got it cracked it really isnt that hard.

And Magic is right. The key is to be patient, if you get all het up and angry about it. Leave the room, come back in an hours time, or even a day. And I bet that you will do tons better on it. Focus and timing is what it's all about in the end. Thats what I did for boom Town, I think.
2010-05-03 14:45:00

Posts: 35

If you can't ace it, cheat and find someone who can! Bring them into the level with you then turn off the controller until the scoreboard, when you can turn it back on and receive your Ace Gifts!2010-05-04 22:54:00

Posts: 875

I still can not see how this is so hard for people, i ace this level almost every time i play it! My record is 4 times in a row 2010-05-07 03:26:00

Posts: 6419

I aced it and got the Play trophy!!!!!!2010-05-07 07:08:00

Posts: 364

It's the giant wheel near the end that always gets me. I'm never fast enough to catch up with the wheel to NOT die.2010-05-13 00:53:00

Posts: 18

I recall it took me 5 tries. Back then, the Boom Town's impact asplosive part felt the most intimidating. Also, the Construction Site's boss was a pain for me... back then... 2010-05-14 19:09:00

Unknown User

It's the giant wheel near the end that always gets me. I'm never fast enough to catch up with the wheel to NOT die.

The whole technique to pulling that off, is to stay in the 'Centre' of the wheel.
By that, I don't mean the actual middle sector of the whole wheel; I'm guessing the part you and many others are stuck on, is that last outer layer of the wheel, the very last part where you come so close to leaving it.

You basically, keep an eye on your sack, the wheel, and the camera's position, people either move too fast towards the wheel so that when they attempt to jump and avoid the electric death traps, but end up jumping into them. Others slow down for the fear of dying and not aceing the level, which usually ends up in the wheel sliding them into a deathtrap. The best way to do it is to take it slow, but still keep moving, you shouldn't have to move back, just stay in the very middle, of the wheel, hovering exactly in the centre/ above the hole you need to jump into when you finish it, this evens out the physics so that you won't be jumping against or for gravity, it makes that tripple jump platform scene a whole lot easier.

((Just focus on that hole below you, and where YOU'RE positioned.))
2010-05-14 22:09:00

Unknown User

Just keep trying, and never give up! Think 'play', and 'trophy' all the way!2010-05-15 01:48:00

Posts: 387

It took me about 21 tries to ace it.
I went hard on it for a day (20 attempts), gave up, casually tried to beat it the next day and aced it!
The level is easy now, I aced it for my friend online the other day, first attempt. I enjoy the level now.

Don't give up! It just takes a bit of practice.
2010-05-15 02:14:00

Posts: 2513

I FINALLY got it about 1 hour ago. Thats a Play trophy for me

It's only taken...what...a year and a half?

Edit : and I personally found boom town and serpent shrine easy ...fire pits was an annoying level, second worst for me to the bunker but now it's DONE!!
2010-05-15 04:04:00

Posts: 1114

Holy cow, I HATE that level! For some reason I can never pass it. But that doesn't mean I won't stop trying!2010-05-15 06:19:00

Posts: 295

I FINALLY got it about 1 hour ago. Thats a Play trophy for me

It's only taken...what...a year and a half?

Edit : and I personally found boom town and serpent shrine easy ...fire pits was an annoying level, second worst for me to the bunker but now it's DONE!!

Nice One! It sure is a feeling isn't it, finally getting past the Wheel of Death. You just suddenly think, "YEAH!!! Okay past the hard part, now I need to get past these electrified spikes... please god dont let me get killed by these spikes..."
2010-05-15 09:43:00

Posts: 35

it was easier than acing the canyons temple 12010-05-16 01:40:00

Posts: 55

now that LBP2 is confirmed, im going for ace and 100% in all levels... bunker here i come (eventually)2010-05-16 03:15:00

Posts: 1806

now that LBP2 is confirmed, im going for ace and 100% in all levels... bunker here i come (eventually)

Definatly 100%. You'll only get those objects and materials in LBP2 if you have got them in LBP1
2010-05-16 03:29:00

Posts: 1114

The Bunker might be the hardest story level in LBP. I aced it but it took a long time. Spinning wheel's outer part is the hardest.2010-05-16 11:09:00

Posts: 2462

I still can not see how this is so hard for people, i ace this level almost every time i play it! My record is 4 times in a row

But yeah this level is as hard as pie!
2010-05-16 12:09:00

Posts: 2345

Took me so many tries (50+)to Ace this level, was the last one i needed as well. The wheel was the main problem but i could often ace that section, it was just stringing all the elements together. I grew to hate electricity because of that level.

Other than that it was the temples i believe that gave me the most trouble. The final boss was a relative sinch and only took me 5odd goes to ace as all the bosses have an obvious patten.

I maintain acing the bunker is one of my greatest gaming moments.
2010-05-18 17:33:00

Posts: 104

The Islands were much harder.2010-05-18 22:29:00

Posts: 1

Acing The Bunker was definitely hard but I did it. Lot's of tears and sweat, but believe me, if I can do it then anyone can do it. 2010-05-19 00:41:00

Posts: 537

The whole technique to pulling that off, is to stay in the 'Centre' of the wheel.
By that, I don't mean the actual middle sector of the whole wheel; I'm guessing the part you and many others are stuck on, is that last outer layer of the wheel, the very last part where you come so close to leaving it.

You basically, keep an eye on your sack, the wheel, and the camera's position, people either move too fast towards the wheel so that when they attempt to jump and avoid the electric death traps, but end up jumping into them. Others slow down for the fear of dying and not aceing the level, which usually ends up in the wheel sliding them into a deathtrap. The best way to do it is to take it slow, but still keep moving, you shouldn't have to move back, just stay in the very middle, of the wheel, hovering exactly in the centre/ above the hole you need to jump into when you finish it, this evens out the physics so that you won't be jumping against or for gravity, it makes that tripple jump platform scene a whole lot easier.

((Just focus on that hole below you, and where YOU'RE positioned.))

Thanks for that! SO, are you saying that you need to just basically jump on the spot, keeping yourself central, and you should land on the next platform? Or do you need to still jump to the right a tad? I never tried jumping on the spot.. too focused on what was coming and how stinking hard it was. It's the only part I haven't aced in the game. I hate that it's at the end, too and you have to go through all the rest of the madness to get there, only to die.

I will try what you suggest though... when I can. Cheers!
2010-05-19 01:58:00

Posts: 1567

I should have tried that, Mao Mao! I just jump hard to the right, skipping over everything, not stopping for anything, and screaming like a mad woman! I actually think the screaming got me through it. 2010-05-19 02:04:00

Posts: 537

Just remember that sponge parts of the wheel can be grabbed. You can dodge some hazards by holding on, going around, walking along the ceiling, then grabbing on to the next sponge section. I found that to be the best way to get the timing down near the end also.2010-05-19 02:11:00

Unknown User

I should have tried that, Mao Mao! I just jump hard to the right, skipping over everything, not stopping for anything, and screaming like a mad woman! I actually think the screaming got me through it.

I tried that - especially the screaming like a mad woman, but it didn't work and just really upset everybody in my house... yep, might have to go with Mao Mao's method
2010-05-19 04:42:00

Posts: 1567

Haven't aced it yet, i think the most trouble i have is with those first two wheels, i actually got through the last one pretty easily.2010-05-25 21:43:00

Posts: 296

Hmmm, although not the easiest I felt that The Mines was the hardest,I got so frustrated I took a hiatus from lbp, that and I had just bought Resident Evil 5... What I felt really helped me in the bunker was to take my sweet time and not rush, I got through in about 10 tries, the giant spinning wheel is what got me usually....

Anyway good luck to anyone trying to ace it, it was one of the last ones I aced so I'd say it's not that easy.
2010-05-26 03:03:00

Posts: 83

God that level was evil. I did fine with everything before and after the wheel, but good gravy. Took forever.

Still not as bad as ************************************************** ******** Serpent ************************************************* Shrine, though.
2010-06-01 03:17:00

Posts: 379

kinda hard but wel worth it 4 the costume2010-06-03 08:17:00

Posts: 9

Oh, I aced it yesterday. 'twas my first time getting past the "Wheel of Death" too!

A tip for people trying to ace this: Don't get annoyed over it, if you do, you'll lose concentration and make some silly actions that you wouldnt do if you were nice and calm. If you are getting agitated, just quit, play a few fun levels, then go back and try and ace the level you're stuck on.
I guarantee you'll get it eventually!
2010-06-06 14:58:00

Posts: 128

Why does everyone have trouble with this level? It wasn't easy, but it wasnt hard, either. For me, the most difficult level was The Construction Site. Ze Dude would ALWAYS kill me with his stoopid gun thing D:2010-06-06 18:49:00

Posts: 119

Why does everyone have trouble with this level? It wasn't easy, but it wasnt hard, either. For me, the most difficult level was The Construction Site. Ze Dude would ALWAYS kill me with his stoopid gun thing D:

Lol!, I agree.
Took me ages to beat Ze Dude but the hardest one to ace was "The Collectors Lair"
Because I always get squished by the Big piston thingeys around where you release the Meercats,
But overall that was the only hard part and it was simple to ace the rest
2010-06-06 22:11:00

Unknown User

Lol!, I agree.
Took me ages to beat Ze Dude but the hardest one to ace was "The Collectors Lair"
Because I always get squished by the Big piston thingeys around where you release the Meercats,
But overall that was the only hard part and it was simple to ace the rest

Ahh, I got ze dude on my second try. He's got a bit of a predictable pattern whereas the bunker is just looooonnnggg. Before I aced it the most annoying thing was getting past the wheel, then getting too paranoid about clearing the electric poles, so i'd jump too close and get fried :'(
2010-06-07 02:36:00

Posts: 1114

I had finally managed to get past the giant Wheel of Death and Destruction without dieing, just to get killed by that spinning light-thingy. First time that thing killed me too *annoyed*2010-06-08 15:04:00

Posts: 99

it was hard acing the bunker...

so i got my friend to do it for me xD
2010-06-08 15:57:00

Posts: 1274

I had finally managed to get past the giant Wheel of Death and Destruction without dieing, just to get killed by that spinning light-thingy. First time that thing killed me too *annoyed*

Haha, same here.
2010-06-09 10:01:00

Posts: 1114

it was hard acing the bunker...

so i got my friend to do it for me xD

This is a bug I really wish MM had fixed. Acing levels should be a matter of <i>your</i> skill, not someone else's while you do nothing more strenuous than holding down your PS button until you can turn the controller off. I earned every single one of my aces and attendant costumes and ace trophy. The fact that people can get the same achievement just by turning off their stupid controller cheapens it.
2010-06-13 09:55:00

Posts: 379

I aced the Collector boss easy peasy.
If you approach it with an "I'm Chuck Norris, you can't touch me" attitude it makes it even easier.
BUT the Bunker is a hella lot more difficult. Most annoying part is that I almost aced it, the scoreboard was in sight.....And i stepped in the wrong place and got crushed.
2010-06-13 13:50:00

Posts: 338

Acing the Bunker? That was easy! Took me 1 try The one that i kept getting mad at was Ze Dude >_>2010-06-14 02:48:00

Unknown User

it only took me countless restarts.

the bunker's by far the toughest.
2010-06-15 01:54:00

Posts: 291

I find that when acing a level its best to have an casual approach. as soon as i start failing-restarting-failing it all goes bad. when i aced the bunker for the second time (save got corrupt somehow) i had tried over 10 times and an hour later when tired again i got it on the first attempt. one teeny question; do you have to ace all the mini-games to
get the "play" trophy?
2010-06-15 15:46:00

Posts: 218

you noly need to ace the ones that can be aced. like you can't ace a survival2010-06-15 18:45:00

Posts: 291

I ace it in 2 tries.2010-06-18 21:58:00

Posts: 637

I need help with the Bunker because I am a noob. 2010-06-18 22:31:00

Posts: 619

The only way is to keep trying. You'll pick up stratagies as you go along.

And you can technically ace all survival challenges, or least.. you used to be able to...

And you can manually ace tie skipping!
2010-06-19 13:38:00

Posts: 335

Ze Dude i aced him but i had to have a friend help me beat the bunker.Not ace, beat LoI fail.2010-06-19 20:46:00

Posts: 117

I aced the Dancers court on the 3rd try, when I was acing story levels, I just got to ace two wilderness, the contruction site, Boom town, the mines, and that's it. I get fustrated on the spinning wheel of death, but I passed it only to get schocked by a electric orb, I was mad to no point. LOL but the temeples were easy to ace, just need a decent two player to get the items, so I can really build.2010-06-20 15:23:00

Posts: 50

Some tips I've learned,

Not a race, pace yourself kill the enemies tactically,
for the two spinning wheels, get on top, makes life much less fustrating
spinning wheel, pretend it's mario or something, focus on the Ace
leave the items for when you have freinds online or local playing
Timing is every thing.
2010-06-20 15:26:00

Posts: 50

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