Teleporter 1.0 by KlingonScientist
Archive: 5 posts
Teleporter 1.0 by KlingonScientist It's an object, not a level. I'm pretty sure everyone will figure out how it works, but I could post a copyable version if people wanted. | 2010-01-31 19:21:00 Author: rimmonhouse ![]() Posts: 15 |
What's special about this teleporter? Is it more than an actevated checkpoint and something that kills sackboy? I also couldn't find it. Seems that there is no leveli could find... Have you published any levels? The author-search didn't work. | 2010-01-31 20:07:00 Author: Vanemiera ![]() Posts: 329 |
It's something less sophisticated then the activated checkpoint method, and uses more brute force, so to speak. I was pretty sure I had published it, but I'll check now to see if that's true ... also, my LBP username is KlingonScientist and not rimmonhouse (maybe that was the problem?). * Update: I did a text search of "Teleporter 1.0" and it came up...I think it's case sensitive, so you have to make sure the "T" is capitalized. | 2010-01-31 21:38:00 Author: rimmonhouse ![]() Posts: 15 |
I dont think he realised that this was the PSP version. I'll check this out this afternoon when i get home from school. | 2010-02-01 09:37:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
I dont think he realised that this was the PSP version. Totally hit the spot xD Sorry, i'm a morron sometimes ^^' | 2010-02-01 13:21:00 Author: Vanemiera ![]() Posts: 329 |
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