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( >_< ) Annoying Things

Archive: 47 posts

What is the most annoying thing you have ever heard or experienced?

Mine has to be when you are talking to someone on the street a emergency vehicle sirens right past you or if you are in a restraunt with a bunch of screaming kids.
2010-01-29 15:36:00

Posts: 268

My most annoying thing would be homework DX ARGGHHH just hate it!2010-01-29 16:00:00

Posts: 5592

Freight trains while waiting at a level crossing.2010-01-29 16:53:00

Posts: 4291

people who believe in labels [emo people?] and think that metal rock music is the most hardcore thing. THEY HAVE NO IDEA!!! >:O

look, im open minded, possibly the most open minded person ever to exist. but if you go under a label, you're awful and i hate you.
2010-01-30 08:05:00

Posts: 724

The Kardashians
Heidi and Spencer
Paris Hilton
In general, annoying people who have become famous without possessing any actual talent whatsoever
2010-01-30 18:08:00

Posts: 74

People listening to their music. On a mobile phone. Not using headphones. I don't want to listen to your music, nor does anyone else on this street/train/bus!
Socially inept imbeciles!!!
2010-01-30 18:29:00

Posts: 3193

What annoys me..what annoys me...plenty of things! XD

One random one though would have to be the differences between content on the PSN between regions...come on Sony, where is our cool content that the US and Japan get that we don't! >:O
The US store has Crash 2, we don't...their Crash Bandicoot is about 500MB...ours is nearly 1GB... ._.
2010-01-30 18:43:00

Posts: 217

Noisy or Nosy little kids, loud music, HEAVY SCEAMO METAL, people who think they are "cool" for liking something (Modern Warfare 2, Metal, Singers, etc.), and really almost everything noisy.2010-01-30 18:47:00

Posts: 1063

look, im open minded, possibly the most open minded person ever to exist
Are you sure you're not mistaking open-mindedness for ego?
2010-01-30 19:18:00

Posts: 1432

People that won't give you a chance to explain your side of the 'story' or just won't listen to you at all.2010-01-30 19:41:00

Posts: 85

The online of Modern warfare 2 2010-01-30 19:45:00

Posts: 1355

The online of Modern warfare 2

100% Right
2010-01-30 19:47:00

Unknown User

As well as some stuff already mentioned:

When you're in a public area, and you're happily playing a portable console, when some little kid comes other and starts staring at what you're doing. That really annoys me.

Now in public I play games I know the little kids 'won't get' or 'find boring', or do something really repetitive in said game, until they go away. Works like a charm.
2010-02-03 03:25:00

Posts: 1893

When people take the literal text of the Bible as truth.

When missile spammers bombard my boats with bombs in LBP.

Oh! And that people still ridicule the PS3 as a "big black piece of s*** (it gets old, **********!).
2010-02-03 04:58:00

Posts: 5757

People who talk about a subject they don't know much about or generalise.
Any authority or restrictions.
Fame without talent and talent without fame.
When someone on youtube creates an account just to get at another youtube account/ band/ type of music etc.
People who brag about nukes/ prestiges on MW2.

Edit: Also, not having enough free time.
2010-02-03 21:19:00

Posts: 1606

people who brag about prestiges on any COD game
people who use modded game pads
people who jump queues or rush through the door you just opened for yourself
the sound of vacuum cleaners
reality tv shows
2010-02-03 22:32:00

Posts: 211

its when im changing in the locker room at school and this kid always grabs my rib cage when im changing shirts, i think he might be a tad homosexual cause he does that to alot of people :eek:
well lets try it worked so let me edit my main sentence
2010-02-03 22:57:00

Posts: 6419

lady ga ga. seriously, what's she about?2010-02-05 21:32:00

Posts: 1562

people who say "you have a zit on your face" or "you have a lot of freckels" or things like that...

because...realy....you think i haven't noticed that?
2010-02-06 00:45:00

Posts: 139

Four words: Modern Warfare 2 addicts.2010-02-06 01:36:00

Posts: 5551

^^^ And 6 syllables!!

MJ worshippers (the white one).
Tiger Woods and his 6 virgins.
Avatar still making box-office records.
The economy.
And basically everything that sucks.
2010-02-06 06:50:00

Posts: 5757

^^^ And 6 syllables!!

I think there's 7 if you count the "2". And 13 letters and one number 16 if the "2" is turned to "two").

And ya, terrorist are annoying... and so are MJ worshippers (they get so annoying when they go "TeeHee!" for no apperent reason).
2010-02-06 18:36:00

Posts: 5551


2010-02-06 18:51:00

Posts: 3251

Gordon Brown and his disturbing impression of a fish gulping for air.

2010-02-07 18:39:00

Posts: 2130

console wars! Every console has its pro's and con's I don't see why everyone has to make out that theres is the ultimate console!2010-02-07 18:52:00

Posts: 141

A nything
N ot
N ice
O r
Funn Y
r I ght
N ow
G osh

I don't know why i did this hahahaha i just wanting to put something random but on topic(sorta) :blush:

We were learning about poems in english and these are a easy to do then the others.
2010-02-07 19:17:00

Posts: 262

Life. It's hard, eh?2010-02-07 22:53:00

Posts: 189

That hot dogs come in packages of 10 and hot dog buns come in packages of 8,

how the pizzaman gets to your house faster than an ambulance,

how handicap parking is in front of roller skating rinks,

how the sick have to walk to the back of the store to get their prescriptions and the healthy can buy cigarettes at the front,

people that peel off the sides of their poptarts.

and and... i dont know what arkei meant but i was joking when i wrote that :O
2010-02-08 07:04:00

Posts: 724

Homework! Drives me crazy and wastes my valuable time.2010-02-10 07:27:00

Posts: 478

Ok I have way too many to list here so here's some of the more interesting ones, and some that REALLY annoy me.

URL's that are sentences, e.g. www.wherewillimeetyou.com (yes this is a real site, i think it's a coffee shop)
The spit that forms in the corners of some peoples mouths when they talk.
Cars with HUGE spoilers or MASSIVE body kits.
When people say PIN number. Have you not realised your actually saying Personal Identification Number number!!
When a pens runs out of ink mid sentence.
When you've just put a spoonful of cereal in your mouth and you suddenly need to sneeze.
Pushing a door that says 'Pull' or vise versa.
Getting a rock in your shoe.
People using 'your ***' as an insult. Use your imagination to think of the word it's no that hard.
Flybuys (I think these might only be in Australia)
Chewing gum on the ground, seats, under desks etc. GROSS!!!

And people who complain about all the things that annoys them, man I hate those people.
2010-02-10 10:31:00

Posts: 2431

Ooooh, the annoying things thread. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, this is perfect!!

Twitter & Facebook
Jay Leno still on tv
No Conan on tv
The overload of manga on Deviantart making everyone think they can draw even though they can only draw 3 expressions and all the characters are exactly the same.
(emo face, shy face, normal face)
Jeffrey Katzenberg.
Play.com not shipping gadgets outside of the UK.
Being busy.
George Lucas slowly ruining movie franchises as he goes.
John K. losing his frickin mind as the years go by, leaving Ren & Stimpy but a faded memory of the good times.
Me being very visually oriented and freaking out when people change their avatars making it seem like I never met them before
The Saw movies aren't going anywhere soon
Dishes don't wash themselves

Meh, so many more but those random ones came up in the first 10 seconds.
2010-02-10 10:54:00

Posts: 2173

(Some) Most annoying things:
-Someone talking away to you when your busy and dont wanna talk
-Someone getting something wrong and saying their right
-Bus/Train being late and work doesnt believe thats the reason you are late
-People who think their bigger and better then someone else and look down at them
-People barging past you in the street and not saying sorry
-Wind AND rain at the same time
-Hair not going right in the morning
-People who ignore you when you type/speak to them
I have more but i wont bore everyone with me moaning LOL!
2010-02-10 11:28:00

Posts: 1969

I hate homework and any other school stuff you do at home. :/2010-02-10 11:33:00

Posts: 341

Me being very visually oriented and freaking out when people change their avatars making it seem like I never met them before

That happens to me, why can't everyone keep their avatars the same
2010-02-10 17:35:00

Posts: 1893

Ooooh, the annoying things thread. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, this is perfect!!

Jay Leno still on tv
No Conan on tv

I totally agree. Leno is NOT FUNNY no matter what time he is on. And what's is even worse is the thought that Jimmy Fallon is now "next in line" to take over the Tonight Show. I find Jimmy Fallon, and the way he laughs at his own non-funny jokes, extremely annoying.

In additon, I am extremely annoyed by the entire cast and concept of the movie Valentine's Day. Just because I am chick does not mean I have to like chick flicks!
2010-02-11 18:31:00

Posts: 74

VEVO on YouTube. Now that's really annoying.2010-02-12 02:58:00

Posts: 5551

Many, many things.

-Annoying girls that chat with you EVERY SECOND THEY CAN ON FACEBOOK. (No, I don't want you to add me as a brother...)
-People who are all like "Yeah, I love that heavy metal. That makes me totally PWN. Music is my life... *Turns on Slipknot*"
-The fact that NO ONE at my school knows the phrase "The cake is a lie" and where it is from, as well as the clever "internet jokes" I incorporate into stories and the like.
-Things that take much time to do, but not much skill to actually do.
-Youtube ads
-People that, after a single snide remark or any critisizum, die inside and get all quiet/hateful/angry/freaked out.
-People quoting sound lyrics on facebook
-People who post stupid pictures of random "funny" things (i.e.Monkeys with glasses) on facebook and TAG EVERYONE THEY KNOW.
-When people act stupid for attention or on that note,
-People who just plain always want attention and will stop at NOTHING to do that.
-OCD. I think I has it, but I will go through these spurts of needing to straighten anything in reach.
-Surveys. No, I don't care about what fruit I am.
-Gmod will never load. EVER.
-The fact that I am treated like garbage for simply BEING YOUNG
-Old people talking way too much
-People not liking Valve
-Beds that collapse
-Snow storms WITHOUT SCHOOL CLOSINGS. ADShfds;jgn;szgsa'fsadsg;zlfk
-A family computer
-The absence of Conan O' Brian

Yeah, I am a grouchy man.
-Grouchy as always,
2010-02-12 03:31:00

Posts: 1063

• TV in general. But more specifically:

• Constant commercials, advertisements, loud noisy crap seeping out of tv and into everything else, everywhere.

• 99% of TV shows, especially dramatic tv shows with stories that fizzle out and dry into pathetic husks, that ask their viewers to put up with possibly hundreds of hours of programming all for crap payoff.

• 24 Hour News Networks - CNN with its absurd wastes of time and useless technology that doesn't help tell or analyze any news whatsoever; Fox News with its confederacy of dunces and rampant parades of mindless lunatics.

• The fact that the above THINGS actually seem to have some effect on politicians and the ongoing mood on Capitol Hill - the fact that representatives and senators actually pay attention to this crap and think it means something.

• That global warming/climate change is still considered to be an issue that you're expected have some "stance" on - even though there's no question anymore - and yet somehow politically, there's still some attempt at "debate" by "conservatives" (can we please take that word away from them?), like a desperate person puppeteering a dead thing and pretending it's alive and healthy. Speaking of which:

• The new Republican "movement" in the states, represented by creationists, teabaggers, and Sarah Palin.

• Walking down the street and getting a brief whiff of some noxious sewer smell, what my friend calls "poop particles".

• glass high-rise condos.

• my hairs sneaking into my mouth when I eat. Yeah, I need a haircut. Oh yeah!

• getting haircuts.
2010-02-12 07:30:00

Posts: 1937

-The fact that NO ONE at my school knows the phrase "The cake is a lie" and where it is from, as well as the clever "internet jokes" I incorporate into stories and the like.

The cake isn't a lie, I saw it at the end. I saw it I tell you, I SAW IT!!!
*Sits in fetal position rocking*
2010-02-12 07:50:00

Posts: 2431

People who whisper about you to their friend while you can still see them.2010-02-12 12:31:00

Posts: 265

The Kardashians
Heidi and Spencer
Paris Hilton
In general, annoying people who have become famous without possessing any actual talent whatsoever

amen to that!
2010-02-14 00:12:00

Posts: 624

? 24 Hour News Networks - CNN with its absurd wastes of time and useless technology that doesn't help tell or analyze any news whatsoever; Fox News with its confederacy of dunces and rampant parades of mindless lunatics.

? The fact that the above THINGS actually seem to have some effect on politicians and the ongoing mood on Capitol Hill - the fact that representatives and senators actually pay attention to this crap and think it means something.

? That global warming/climate change is still considered to be an issue that you're expected have some "stance" on - even though there's no question anymore - and yet somehow politically, there's still some attempt at "debate" by "conservatives" (can we please take that word away from them?), like a desperate person puppeteering a dead thing and pretending it's alive and healthy. Speaking of which:

? The new Republican "movement" in the states, represented by creationists, teabaggers, and Sarah Palin.

Thank you for this awesome rant, especially the above points. I could not agree more. My blood pressure spikes several points if someone so much as mentions Sarah Palin.
2010-02-14 00:15:00

Posts: 74

Sombody in my class, lies about everything. Before the 10th book in a series comes out, he says he has it and when I ask him the main charecters, he gets them all wrong and says the 10th book has nothing to do with the rest.2010-02-14 21:36:00

Posts: 255

Sombody in my class, lies about everything. Before the 10th book in a series comes out, he says he has it and when I ask him the main charecters, he gets them all wrong and says the 10th book has nothing to do with the rest.

Yeah I know someone like that, he says he's been shot with a pistol before. Yeah right, and I went to the moon.
2010-02-15 06:21:00

Posts: 2431

People who park their cars over the footpath.
People who drive unbearably slow in front of you but speed up when you get to a passing lane.
People who hold up queues by stopping to have a conversation with the store clerk.
People in general.
2010-02-15 06:52:00

Unknown User

will if your a skateboarder
the most annoying thing is not landing a easy trick
2010-02-15 13:09:00

Posts: 745

when someone fake the laughing and stupidity that's annoying2010-02-17 00:06:00

Posts: 110

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