The Thermo
Archive: 3 posts
Dont you just hate it when the Overheated message pops up? Well i got a theory about the thermo. 1) Sponge materials take a huge chunk of thermo - Use disolve instead. 2) Basic materials take 0.0001% of the thermo. 3) When your thermo hits 60% Full your thermo will maintain and only budge a little due to more stickers and corners. 4) When you build your lvl plan ideas in your head beforehand, so its quicker and more likely thermo friendly. 5) Use tiny dark matter to hold stuff up so ur shape isnt super complex. 6) dont use Mm objects unless you will use them all time- eg lights. 7)Some Mm objects take massive thermo. I hope you like these tips =) | 2010-01-28 21:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks for the tips cmh95, but we've already got a very detailed dedicated thread to the matter. The situation is actually a bit more complex than you describe, so I hope you don't mind my intervention to direct traffic here instead: Comprehensive Thermo Overview and Guide (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=16840-Comprehensive-Thermo-Overview-and-Guide) Welcome ![]() | 2010-01-28 21:33:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Very usefull | 2010-01-29 01:15:00 Author: Emogotsaone ![]() Posts: 1030 |
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