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DraggyZ's "Brain-Powered" Vehicle

Archive: 12 posts

My internet connection on my PS3 is messing around very often, so I have a lot of time to be alone in peace in create mode. One of the things I came up with is a vehicle that uses creature brains with wheels to move. It uses some magnetic keys/switches and emitters, nothing too complex, when my internet comes back I'll publish the demo level, where the vehicle is also as a reward. Also, has anybody else come up with using creature brains to toggle directions on something? I don't want to make an idiot out of myself if this is old lol.2010-01-27 12:18:00

Posts: 51

Isn't this in a Mm story level where you have to get that little rat or what it is to follow you around?2010-01-27 12:35:00

Posts: 106

Isn't this in a Mm story level where you have to get that little rat or what it is to follow you around?

He's a dog, thank you very much.
2010-01-28 05:09:00

Posts: 425

The dog is just a creature with a brain. I'm using emitters and brains to create more "creatures" that are really wheels with brains with a bit of material to hold them in without being glued to something. If you grab the seat, one of them is emitted on the back side. If you grab the front part on the car, then the other creature is destroyed by emitting a mag key that activates the mag switch wired to the brain. That means that only one of them can be in the car at the same time so the car won't go crazy from having two parts moving in different directions. Again, I can not publish it yet, I will publish it whenever my interent on my PS3 comes back. I can assure you it's not just some "creature".2010-01-28 11:02:00

Posts: 51

Sounds interesting. But would it work any better than a normal car with motor bolts? Probably not, but still its always good to introduce new ideas.2010-01-29 17:56:00

Posts: 559

Donkey Show has created a "brain powered vehicle" by attaching it to two buttons so the fella presses a button2010-01-29 18:41:00

Posts: 5078

I do not exactly know what Donkey Show made, but I'll try to learn more about that, I just published the demo level not too long ago, if you happen to try it before I find anything about Donkey Show's vehicle, please tell me if it's the same so I could take the level down.2010-01-30 00:12:00

Posts: 51

Heh, this reminds me of a little catapult device I have.

It follows you around so you don't have to move it.

Which means all you have to do is grab to decimate anything in it's path.
2010-02-03 19:24:00

Posts: 1578

I don't think I have seen that catapult you are speaking of, but the vehicle I made is just about emitting small creatures that move the vehicle, while remaining a vehicle not some kind of freaky creature car thingy. Anyway, it's just a concept, of course rockets or motor bolts would make better and easier vehicles. Anyway, as I said before, the level is published, IIRC it has around 11 plays at the moment.2010-02-04 10:38:00

Posts: 51

I had the idea of using brains as a player tracker on the PSP, because there are no angle settings on sensors there, but I haven't actually tried it. Is that the idea behind this vehicle, or are they set to ignore?2010-02-04 11:17:00

Posts: 2284

He means that there are creatures with key switches on them inside darkmatter boxes that you can manipulate to switch the direction of the vehicle itself.2010-02-05 02:44:00

Unknown User

I don't think I have seen that catapult you are speaking of.

Oh. Well that is because it's not published.
2010-02-06 18:16:00

Posts: 1578

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