My first level, and dragons!
Archive: 5 posts
So I finally finished my level, then got a new PC started back playing WoW and kind of ignored LBP. Boo I know. But it's Tuesday again and WoW is down so I have some time to bring it up. Check out my level, I'd love any feedback on things I could improve and ways I could make my next level better. It's mostly a roller coaster level, but there is an interesting race at the top. The roller coaster is a bit rough, I wish I had decided to make it a different way but didn't. It still works pretty good and I think it's fun. look me up quess is baked, or cave of the thunder dragon. You may have played the original level, "trial" which didn't work all that well as the roller coaster almost never made it to the end and I think most of the people that played it didn't even know there was something else in the level besides the coaster. This level should work, let me know what you think. | 2010-01-26 16:35:00 Author: quess is baked ![]() Posts: 6 |
Hey Quess, tried looking for your level but couldnt find it. Is your psn the same as your username? quess_is_baked? | 2010-01-26 19:46:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
Hey Quess, tried looking for your level but couldnt find it. Is your psn the same as your username? quess_is_baked? Hey, thanks for trying to look. My mistake, the name of the level is Trial of the thunder dragon, I think I renamed it back when I decided to make a water level. If you look up Quess_is_Baked it should come up, it should also come up if you look up trial of the thunder dragon. I just checked and those two will bring up the level. Thanks again for checking out my level. | 2010-01-27 16:29:00 Author: quess is baked ![]() Posts: 6 |
Tried looking for your username but no luck so far, I just arrived home so I will give it another go. ![]() | 2010-01-27 17:22:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
Tried looking for your username but no luck so far, I just arrived home so I will give it another go. ![]() Hmm that's weird. I just tried and it worked for me. Try searching just Quess, that worked for me as well. Here are a couple of screen shots, they're blurry and I'm not sure why. They looked fine while in lbp but I guess it saved them as a small size. | 2010-01-27 17:26:00 Author: quess is baked ![]() Posts: 6 |
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