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If zombies attacked, who would prevail?

Archive: 54 posts

If zombies attacked, would civilization perish? Professor Robert Smith? says it very likely would:


An old story, but if you haven't read it before this is quite funny.
2010-01-26 04:06:00

Posts: 74

Meh. My philosophy's unchanged: headshot, headshot headsho-/sniped2010-01-26 04:40:00

Posts: 5757

i would win, theres a gun store across the street. lock and load!2010-01-26 08:32:00

Posts: 513

lol thats pretty random

humans would
2010-01-26 08:53:00

Posts: 2701

Wait, which citys infected, im guessing boston? *calls in tactical nuke* goodbye celtics. oh wait this is just an estimation, too late now!2010-01-26 08:59:00

Posts: 513

what means prevail? XD i realy dont know.2010-01-26 08:59:00

Posts: 668

to triumph over something....not a really good explanation XD2010-01-26 09:09:00

Posts: 2701

Oh in that case i would if i could find a chainsaw ;P2010-01-26 09:14:00

Posts: 668

Mr Rogers in a bloodstained sweater.2010-01-26 16:19:00

Posts: 4291

if zombies were to take over cities; Go where the fat people are. its safer.2010-01-26 18:12:00

Posts: 5078

if zombies were to take over cities; Go where the fat people are. its safer.


2010-01-26 18:41:00

Unknown User

I actually posted this a while back and no-one cared


Meh. My philosophy's unchanged: headshot, headshot headsho-/sniped

That is actually the advice given in the paper:

Only sufficiently frequent attacks, with increasing force, will result in eradication, assuming the available resources can be mustered in time.

When Zombies Attack!: Mathematical Modelling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection (http://www.mathstat.uottawa.ca/~rsmith/Zombies.pdf)
2010-01-26 18:44:00

Posts: 6497


That or Wolverhampton
2010-01-26 18:44:00

Posts: 5078

Yes, please read the article, which rtm223 reposted, to get a real feel for the question.

Also, please note that the guys' name "Professor Robert Smith?", really does have a question mark in it. I can't think of anyone better to do mathematical modeling of zombies taking over the world.

I thought given the thread on "I like pi" that some more nerdy news like this might be appreciated.
2010-01-26 19:13:00

Posts: 74

Mr Rogers in a bloodstained sweater.

2010-01-26 19:14:00

Posts: 74

Humans got shotguns and chainsaws
Zombies got teeth
i think the humans wil win
2010-01-26 19:38:00

Unknown User

But teeth don't need ammo, humans are about 4x easier to kill, and many humans suffer from a condition called fear.... Plus, and most importantly:

If we kill a zombie then that is one less zombie (score +1 in our favour)
If the zombies kill one of us, that is one less human and one more zombie (score +2 in their favour).

All in all though, you have to be glad that research money is being spent on answering the Big Questions, especially in the current financial climate
2010-01-26 19:46:00

Posts: 6497

But teeth don't need ammo, humans are about 4x easier to kill, and many humans suffer from a condition called fear.... Plus, and most importantly:

If we kill a zombie then that is one less zombie (score +1 in our favour)
If the zombies kill one of us, that is one less human and one more zombie (score +2 in their favour).

All in all though, you have to be glad that research money is being spent on answering the Big Questions, especially in the current financial climate

Huamns are still smarther and faster and can build things
2010-01-26 21:41:00

Unknown User

It depends. If I was immune and the zombies where mostly slow, I would win.2010-01-26 21:41:00

Posts: 1063

Humans would own are you kidding me XD
Shoot em to pieces
2010-01-26 21:45:00

Posts: 6419

Kittykat, Humans as RTM has pointed out are affected by fear, Compassion, what happens when the ammo runs out? Take it this way, 1 zombie could bite 100 civilians, they all bite 100 that's 1100 zombies keeps on increasing before it is noticed, then so many people wouldve been bit, they keep on infecting others; Could you kill a young one could you kill your wife or husband...2010-01-26 21:50:00

Posts: 5078

Depends how poerful th zombies are. Are they the clumsy two-mile-an hour zombies or smash-through-window-and-wall zombies?

Remember how aggressive Mexico was with the swine flu? Governments would most likey order the people to stay indoors or crowd public shelters until the outbreak would be eliminated.
2010-01-26 22:00:00

Posts: 3251

Or from a military point of view...

Human soldiers could easily wear chainmail suits to protect from bites .
2010-01-26 22:02:00

Posts: 3251

i think we also need to consider if animals can be zombies. what if there were zombie rats? a lot harder to kill before they bite you cuz you may not see them coming. model that, Robert Smith?2010-01-27 03:11:00

Posts: 74

Does it mean everyone who ever died comes back to life? Then the majority would certainly be doomed.2010-01-27 03:55:00

Posts: 3251

Kittykat, Humans as RTM has pointed out are affected by fear, Compassion, what happens when the ammo runs out? Take it this way, 1 zombie could bite 100 civilians, they all bite 100 that's 1100 zombies keeps on increasing before it is noticed, then so many people wouldve been bit, they keep on infecting others; Could you kill a young one could you kill your wife or husband...

Your maths is a little off. 100 biting 100 each would be 10000 new zombies (10101 total with the first and the 100 it bit.)
2010-01-27 09:27:00

Posts: 6728

Kittykat, Humans as RTM has pointed out are affected by fear, Compassion, what happens when the ammo runs out? Take it this way, 1 zombie could bite 100 civilians, they all bite 100 that's 1100 zombies keeps on increasing before it is noticed, then so many people wouldve been bit, they keep on infecting others; Could you kill a young one could you kill your wife or husband...

the most humans are controlled with fear i agree
but there are some humans that are strong enough to fight the fear of killing there own dead family
2010-01-27 15:41:00

Unknown User

Thanks Coot, that was just a typo...

For the topic there are many variables we would have to consider, Do animals get infected? is it a basic infection or is it all dead people rising from the ground? How fast are the zombies, How strong are the zombies? Are there variants?

IMHO humans would lose, imagine if a elephant was bitten, How would you take something like that down?
2010-01-27 17:19:00

Posts: 5078

Thanks Coot, that was just a typo...

For the topic there are many variables we would have to consider, Do animals get infected? is it a basic infection or is it all dead people rising from the ground? How fast are the zombies, How strong are the zombies? Are there variants?

IMHO humans would lose, imagine if a elephant was bitten, How would you take something like that down?

lol RPG!!!! FIRRREE! *KAWWOOOSH* HIT! *BOOM* Elephants guts everywhere.

Don't forget the average flamethrower.

The military will be strong enough to take a country of mindless zombies down! Unlike humans. They don't know how to take cover. They'll just walk infront of the bullets.

But yes. Ammo would be a worry.
2010-01-28 18:02:00

Posts: 652

But the guts would surely infect anyone that they touched so then that military would be screwed2010-01-28 18:04:00

Posts: 5078

if we lose then we most nuke the world so they are dead and we are dead 2010-01-29 14:23:00

Unknown User

Zombies won't be affected by nukes.2010-01-29 15:42:00

Posts: 5078

Hmmm... I think the one that would most easily be prepared for the invasion would be Keith Richards.

First off, nothing has seemed to kill him yet. Second, the zombies would think he was simply one of them.
2010-01-29 15:46:00

Posts: 11383

Me, my dad has a closet full of guns and a chainsaw in the garage with plenty of fuel! After I clear the cost I get a a garbage truck, fill the hull with propane tanks, and when I release the hatch I got a explosive trail! Out of ammo? Just go to the pro shop and get some more! Food? Grocery store, but they probably gonna be full of Boomers. I hate Boomers.2010-01-29 15:47:00

Posts: 268


Me, my dad has a closet full of guns and a chainsaw in the garage with plenty of fuel!
How will you get to the Garage?

After I clear the cost I get a a garbage truck, fill the hull with propane tanks, and when I release the hatch I got a explosive trail!
But you are in the Garbage truck and if you set it off it'll explode in your face

Out of ammo? Just go to the pro shop and get some more!
1. How will you get to the pro shop?
2. What happens when the Pro shop runs out?

Food? Grocery store Sell by dates? Massive Crowds clearing the shops?

I think the one that would most easily be prepared for the invasion would be Keith Richards.

haha yeah
2010-01-29 15:52:00

Posts: 5078

Mr.Kittycat just calls in the LolCats.

'Nuff said.
2010-04-07 18:23:00

Posts: 338

Dude, HELL YES the zombies would win.

Few reasons :

If we nuke them, they'll just make radio-active zombies with mutant powers
If we shoot them, well then.. they probally will have guns too.
If one of the humans die, and become a zombie all of the information about where the humans are hiding and ****, the zombies will know

I'm not evil, I'm just pessimistic person who doesn't like to lose.
2010-04-07 18:52:00

Posts: 36

i have read many zombie books and things.
my favorite being world war z and the zombie survival guide. world war z is so good. it was the best summer reading everrrrr
after careful study i have determined that i would get my *** whooped
2010-04-07 20:29:00

Posts: 1361

C'mon in MOST of the Zombie movies, when the zombies come it's a new thing and nobody has ever dealt with them, that's why most of the time,Cops actually ask the zombie to "stop" and "get down in the ground now"
if an actual Zombie invasion happened, we would be ready, everyone knows about them and the governments all over the world would be quick and desicive, i know in games like Resident evil and stuff, the cops still die, but i mean c'mon most of those cops are stupid
Real life cops and armies would deal everything properly, HEAVILY barricading towns(or the Town on whichever the outbreak started) and getting people to safety.
the whole Stupid, impotent army from the zombie stories are just there to make it more scarier
2010-04-07 20:41:00

Posts: 406

I guess the big questions in regards to this are how contagious would the "zombie virus" be (would being bitten infect you? would it be flat-out airborne?) and how genre savy people in general are towards a zombie outbreak?
Like Racroz said, people in zombie flicks generally don't catch on fast, but if they're found and recognized early by people genre savy enough the problem could be nipped in the bud. But if the infection is really contagious then it could be rough.
2010-04-07 20:51:00

Dapiek Absaroka
Posts: 512

IMHO humans would lose, imagine if a elephant was bitten, How would you take something like that down?

Well how many elephants is there first thing? 6 billion+ humans vs I'd say max 100 thousand elephants globally. I have no clue on elephant numbers so please clue me in if my estimates are way off. Secondly, way back in the day we took down mammoths so I don't think elephants are going to pose that huge a threat. We would just have to go back to being hunters except the prey would be hunting us at the same time. I personally don't think it would take long to revert back to such a state if it's a case of life or death. Of course the human count would be constantly dropping and zombies going up. But if it was the slow versions I think it would be relatively simple to wipe them out. Rage style zombies would be a lot trickier and I think the fear factor would go way higher. Number of humans vs this would probably be significantly lower. I don't think guns is the answer. Blades and spears should work at decapitating zombies. If they have no legs and arms sure they could technically be alive..dead but they would not be able to move all that well. Then we could hack their heads off and whatnot. All in all team work and I think we could own. That's our strength so may as well utilize it. Plus what exactly does a zombie sense? I doubt they would suddenly become super powered so essentially we would know it's weaknesses. Also, why not blast sounds and smells that lead to explosives or something? They would probably be stupid enough to be attracted to it. I'd say if it did spread to all species then it's the smaller ones we would need to worry about.
2010-04-07 20:59:00

Posts: 1370

humans wil win we got weapons and stuff and we do everything to survive
i wil put armot on so they cant bite me and get some sharp blades and then i can beat them all but it takes long for that
2010-04-07 21:16:00

Unknown User

Humans would win, well medival reenactors to be moere presise. Think about it, what does everybody do wrong in zombie movies and games? They reach for the nearest shotgun but then what happens? The run out of ammo and die. Medival reenactors on the other hand though have steel armour all over, I'd like to see a zombie bite through that and the weapon of choice, maybe a long sword or a claymore. So they can't be bitten and they'll never run out of ammo, problem solved2010-04-08 03:06:00

Posts: 2431

Myep. Philosohpy's still unchanged: Headshot, headshot headshot.

Oh, and C4. Lots, and lots, of C4.

Oh wait... I'm a zombie... hah! Good luck killing us all!!
2010-04-08 03:32:00

Posts: 5757

What about a good old Boom Stick against the zombies
they got NO Change
2010-04-08 15:00:00

Unknown User

Humans would not survive! End of story!2010-04-08 15:09:00

Posts: 5078

Dude, HELL YES the zombies would win.

Few reasons :

If we nuke them, they'll just make radio-active zombies with mutant powers
If we shoot them, well then.. they probally will have guns too.
If one of the humans die, and become a zombie all of the information about where the humans are hiding and ****, the zombies will know

I'm not evil, I'm just pessimistic person who doesn't like to lose.

you know your stuff and watched the Romero films
we wont nuke the world (be a gd wat to end it all), like everything we debate and talk and talk while normal people would be preaired and just start to take eh numbers down :kz:
2010-04-09 11:25:00

Posts: 71

if you have an x-box you'll know who will kill zombies
frank west is the man to call (dead rising)
2010-04-09 21:56:00

Posts: 376

The guy has a question mark as part of his surname....wut.2010-04-10 04:50:00

Posts: 2080

Chuck Norris is among the ones who shall survive.2010-04-10 04:55:00

Posts: 3607

If chuck norris wanted, he could just return all the zombies to normal people just by snapping his fingers2010-04-10 07:00:00

Posts: 406

chuck norris wouldnt have to kil them they know how awesome chuck norris is and they dont watnt to exploud2010-04-10 14:07:00

Posts: 376

In all honesty, if Bruce Lee were a zombie then Chuck Norris would surely die.2010-04-10 20:16:00

Posts: 5757

If Jackie Chan was a zombie it would be hilarious!2010-04-10 21:27:00

Posts: 5078

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