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General Cat Discussion
Archive: 96 posts
So I searched for any threads about cats in general, didn't find any, so ended up just making this! Talk about cats, post pictures of yours, and that stuff. No lolcats, unless they are yours. Here's mine! http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs50/i/2009/330/d/9/My_Cat_by_IAmRyuu.jpg | 2010-01-26 02:52:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
AH! This is the thread for me! Your cat is adorable! Here are a few pictures of mine, Ghost and Shady! http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=8076 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4627 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=7450 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4628 | 2010-01-26 03:20:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
I used to hate cats with a passion. I seriously thought they were secretly planning to take over the world... until I my wife and I adopted two kittens, a brother and sister, last May. Now I'm a cat lover. Here are some pics: Zoe http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=7864 Dexter http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=7861 Dexter used to sleep on a paper plate when he was only a couple months old http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=7863 and Zoe and Dexter atop our fridge http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12029 They are pretty great cats. | 2010-01-26 04:43:00 Author: mrsupercomputer Posts: 1335 |
Erm, my sister and I watch our neighbors cats when they're gone. So far, only 1 ran away!!... ... and got eaten by coyotesOKmovin'on. | 2010-01-26 05:38:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
mrsupercomputer, I think you may win for "best cats evar". Your gray cat looks a lot like my Shady. My husband is terribly allergic to cats, so I was afraid I would have to give mine up, but instead we now have two. ^_^ He loves cats too! | 2010-01-26 13:05:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
Darn, this thread has to many cute cats in it to comment on. *runs* | 2010-01-26 13:47:00 Author: Mod5.0 Posts: 1576 |
Here's Motley :3 I couldn't find any cute pictures of him in kitten-mode, guess he was just ugly back then http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/8504/motley7.jpg Another old pic (i need a camera ), i think he's trying to control my thoughts on this one. http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7112/image010cn.jpg | 2010-01-26 14:34:00 Author: Dexiro Posts: 2100 |
i have a nice calico cat but i don't have a camera so i cant take a picture. shes sleeping, its so cute | 2010-01-26 14:45:00 Author: Charlemagne Posts: 513 |
Here's a video of ghost. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR0hoyX8GnE this is my cat Otis as a kitten back in 1990 (he passed away in late july of this year. he was 19): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f2o76cjjYM And here is my Shady as a kitten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0QxzYI9IyE | 2010-01-26 14:48:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
Ah yes, kitties! I love kitties. We have 3 cats. Trudy and Chelsea are fairly normal cats, however Julia owns an art studio out in Matlacha and also runs a finishing school teaching kitties how to become "proper" cats. She also does quite a bit of housecleaning for us and babysits my child when we're away. | 2010-01-26 15:01:00 Author: CCubbage Posts: 4430 |
I have a bad experience of cats, most cats I've known in my life act all cute and then when you touch them they give a swift swipe of their paw so I'm very wary of them! My dad's cat tigger is very nice though he's very gentle and is always investigating things, the poor boy had his head crushed when he was a kitten and the vet told my dad to put him down as he thought there was no chance and my dad basically told the guy to **** off! He was a real mess though and many would of given up hope for him but he slowly got better, and today there is almost no sign it ever happened, so the moral is trust your own judgement and don't just blindly go along with what the vet says, in my experience their far too quick to bring out the killer jag! | 2010-01-26 15:26:00 Author: Celticdoberman Posts: 26 |
The vet probably wanted to do the "humane" thing, but I'm glad your father didn't listen. My dad had our Otis put down, but he was 19 years old and REALLY REALLY sick. It was so sad. | 2010-01-26 15:32:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
what?so the cat group is chop liver! Mr.KittyCat won't like this... | 2010-01-26 15:37:00 Author: theswweet Posts: 2468 |
I have dog. He will eat your **** cats. That is all. | 2010-01-26 16:46:00 Author: Unknown User |
I have dog. He will eat your **** cats. That is all. My cat Zoe once ran, jump kicked Dexter (my other cat) in the face and then flipped, yes, flipped over him and tackled him from behind. She is a ninja warrior. Your dog doesn't stand a chance. | 2010-01-26 16:53:00 Author: mrsupercomputer Posts: 1335 |
My dog doesn't understand the concept of pain. He'll be fine | 2010-01-26 17:46:00 Author: Unknown User |
I saw these two adorable full grown tabbies at Petsmart. They were there with a humane organization. The sad part is they said it was difficult getting them adopted because they were just "gray tabbies." Aw, I would but I can really only afford my dog at the moment. | 2010-01-26 17:52:00 Author: pantspantspants Posts: 189 |
My dog doesn't understand the concept of pain. He'll be fine That's because he hasn't met our cat Tabitha yet! She would be only too willing to give him a very short, memorable lesson on the concept of pain and its consequences. | 2010-01-26 21:02:00 Author: IceMaiden Posts: 1057 |
all of your cats are so cool!! But now i want a cat | 2010-01-26 21:12:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
you can have Ghost. lol. | 2010-01-26 21:14:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
I think cats are ninjas. My cat attacks dogs. Nicky, a neighbors German shepherd (RIP), was looking in our door/window and the cat hissed and attacked the dog/window and scared him off. And we got ours from the Humane Society. And we never declawed him, but he rarely scratches people unless they mess with him. | 2010-01-26 21:26:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
I Love Cats ___________ | 2010-01-26 21:39:00 Author: Unknown User |
@ xkappax - LOLROFL! Many of you have seen them but for those of you that haven't here's my kitties. This is Zoey - she's the runt of a litter and very cute. Silly personality, likes to "talk" and snuggle. Loves chasing the laser pointer around the house and drowning her plush mice in her water dish. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5098 This is Abby. She's the alpha cat of the house and likes to boss around her sister (Zoey) and brother (Buffy). Also likes to steal Tag's food. Good lap cat when she chooses to be. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5096 This is Buffy (Buff) He's a big sweetie and loves to be scratched on the chin. Very mellow type B cat 99% of the time - all bets are off when there's dogs or low frequency noises on the TV) Loves to sleep on wooden chairs and lay in the windows. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5097 And finally.... this is Tag (Real name Tag-Along, answers mostly to Tag-Geek!) He's 15 years old and a Maine Coon. Very affectionate but neurotic. Hates thunderstorms, rooms with more than two people but loves to hang out next to whatever I'm doing. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=6829 | 2010-01-26 21:48:00 Author: Morgana25 Posts: 5983 |
My cat is really fat also and all he does is just really eats, sleeps, and lays on laps. The 30 minutes after eating is spent running around the house, spazzing after every single sound. Then he attacks his little orange lizard toy, then sleeps. It's a routine. | 2010-01-26 22:01:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
you can have Ghost. lol. I want Ghost back ehre too, but it won't happen Poor old Bob.... | 2010-01-26 22:31:00 Author: Unknown User |
ah i luv cats yeh.. | 2010-01-27 00:33:00 Author: Joey Posts: 758 |
Does anyone have any ugly cat pictures? I got my cat from the SPCA 15 years ago. She's a big fan of LBP and helps me create all my levels...and by helping I mean she shreds all my level sketches and then falls asleep in my lap immobilizing my left arm so it's difficult to use the controller! | 2010-01-27 00:37:00 Author: fullofwin Posts: 1214 |
The vet probably wanted to do the "humane" thing, but I'm glad your father didn't listen. My dad had our Otis put down, but he was 19 years old and REALLY REALLY sick. It was so sad. I totally understand and I'm sorry to hear about that, it's horrible losing a pet (or anyone for that matter). Euthanasia is the best thing to do in certain situations, my last cat Tibbs was put down as she went missing and got poisoned, we found her but it was too late to do anything. My dog Rex was amazing and super intelligent, he used to get out of the garden and go for miles, sometimes to my nan's which is a fair bit away and he kept an eye out on us when we were kids, used to nudge us away from the road and all sorts, but anyway one time he got caught on a deer fence up the woods and we didn't know where he was, my neighbour found him a day later hanging by his leg which he had resorted to chewing on to get away, but hadn't finished the job though! And so my dad took him to the vets and besides his leg he wasn't doing so bad, and what was the vet's opinion? Kill him, obviously he didn't and his leg was completely healthy in 3 months, you wouldn't of known it had ever happened, and he died of old age years later! So obviously make your own opinions before taking these "professionals" word as final is what I'd say. | 2010-01-27 02:15:00 Author: Celticdoberman Posts: 26 |
my family used to have cats...but when we got my dog tony(btw...where is the general dog discussion)my cat patty bit my dad in the chin so they became outside cats...they then proceeded to go missing,i thought i saw one in our bushes...but if i did,they're gone now! they probably just got eaten by coyotes | 2010-01-27 05:01:00 Author: theswweet Posts: 2468 |
Hi folks, here are mrv's and my babies. http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy222/sackyjones/Cats/16-1.jpg This is Socks, who is now about 14. Rather timid, but is definately more of a lap cat these days. http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy222/sackyjones/Cats/2-1.jpg Here is Casey, at 9 months, who is the bruiser of the family. He is about 6 now and has used quite a few of his lives up with his tom cat scrapping antics. | 2010-01-27 20:24:00 Author: mrsvista Posts: 755 |
Like 8 years ago, under the trailer we were then living in, my family found an entire litter of kittens that had actually been living there for quite some time. We decided to take them in, naming them Austin, Houstan, and Amarillo, raising them in our bathtub. We had Austin for a little bit and I forgot what happened to him, Houstan ran away years ago, and we still have Amarillo. She's eight years old now and a really great cat. She lives outside as she always has, hunting for herself but depending on us for pretty much everything else. | 2010-01-27 20:58:00 Author: Arkei Posts: 1432 |
Oh my... too many pics to choose from... This is my first kitty (we didn't grow up with them - my parents didn't like cats - I didn't find out till I was an adult was awesome creatures they are). His name is (was) Pine Technical Institute (or Pine): http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/med_Pine-02.jpg http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/med_Pine-01.jpg These two I adopted with my ex-GF. As far as I know they are still alive and well with her: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2002_0309_223931AA.jpg James is the big fella. http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2002_1113_183428AA.jpg James: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2002_0405_113821AA.jpg http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2002_0223_123506AA.jpg Jasmine: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2003_0118_120250AA.jpg http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2004_0226_150607AA.jpg http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2004_0226_150554AA.jpg Sheeba was also adopted during this time http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2003_1022_074752AA.jpg And these are my current housemates, that da Boyz and I adopted when I moved out of ex-GF's house: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2005_0305_122527AA.jpg http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/Kitties/DC-2006_0519_002414.jpg | 2010-01-27 21:38:00 Author: v0rtex Posts: 1878 |
All of your cats are lovely v0rtex. I love cats! In fact everyone's cats are lovely! | 2010-01-27 21:49:00 Author: mrsvista Posts: 755 |
@ Vortex - so cute! I love the coat on Cinnamon Girl but that pic of Cubby is awesome! No wonder you have the best avatar on the site | 2010-01-27 22:03:00 Author: Morgana25 Posts: 5983 |
I have a really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really Cute cat lol. But i can't be bothered to take a picture and then upload it | 2010-01-27 22:03:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
I want a cat.. >_> | 2010-01-27 22:08:00 Author: FreeFlyzz Posts: 265 |
I want a cat.. >_> You can get one at the humane society, and it's not hard to own one! Just train it for the first week, get it to know the litter box (Most teenage [in cat years] know how to already), and get it on a good diet, and then the love comes! Just change the litter, feed it, and let it lay next to the fire (not too close...). And Vortex, Cubby. That cat is on drugs. | 2010-02-22 22:48:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
My cat got eaten by Alf. | 2010-02-23 02:39:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
And Vortex, Cubby. That cat is on drugs. LOL - It seems like it sometimes. He is very laid back. He may have been into the catnip when I shot this. hehe | 2010-02-23 05:25:00 Author: v0rtex Posts: 1878 |
Heh...catnip...my friend's cat apparently went absolutely INSANE when it got fed catnip...it was almost literally bouncing off the walls...now it doesn't like catnip anymore. | 2010-02-23 05:33:00 Author: Ragfell Posts: 729 |
one of my frienas got a cat called rocky he is the cutest little cat ever | 2010-02-23 21:23:00 Author: Unknown User |
I thought you cat lovers might like this. I took this of my two cats about a week ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAwLOa_uNh8 | 2010-03-27 15:31:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
Does it count if me liking cats is just a concept (does that even make sense? ah who cares it's 1:00am) Anyway I like to think I could love cats and have them as pets but every cat I've ever come within 5m of decides to attack me. But if I were to have a cat i'd want one like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/Black_and_white_Norwegian_Forest_Cat.jpg | 2010-03-27 15:58:00 Author: SR20DETDOG Posts: 2431 |
I've had a dog for 5 years and a cat for 3. And holy crap I hate cats. They scratch, whine, walk everywhere, I woke up with the **** thing sitting on my chest, STARING AT MEEee. I've taken to barricading my door (it doesn't latch) so that little butthole can't get in and I can get a full night's rest.. I refuse to even dignify the thing with a name Cat people confuse me - why slave for a wretched cat when you can have a doggy best friend? Dogz reprezent http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs459.snc3/26248_406659001413_555236413_4982574_2964063_n.jpg Peace. My cat may not be representative of cats as a whole but I hate it all the same | 2010-03-27 16:22:00 Author: monstahr Posts: 1361 |
My cats are very much like dogs. I like dogs, too, but I can't have one because I don't have very much time to spend with the dog and that wouldn't be fair to the poor little guy. | 2010-03-27 16:29:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
I thought you cat lovers might like this. Loved the video ! I could see that coming! They are so cute, we were laughing with you Sara! Icey and Rhy | 2010-03-27 18:00:00 Author: IceMaiden Posts: 1057 |
Ok, my cat has been getting fatter and fatter... My mother thinks it's because we don't give him fresh water, (we have him on a diet and all) and is thinking about getting a cat fountain for that. He likes drinking running tap water, but what do you guys think? EDIT: something like this: http://www.gizmodiva.com/entry_images/0108/07/Cat_Fountain.jpg | 2010-04-11 17:53:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
http://i.imgur.com/OM0j0.gif .............. | 2010-04-11 17:56:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
Ok, my cat has been getting fatter and fatter... http://english.people.com.cn/200701/30/images/c3.jpg__________ | 2010-04-11 22:45:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
Oh my goodness! That is one fat cat! | 2010-04-11 22:55:00 Author: mrsvista Posts: 755 |
My dog and cat have fights; blood drawing fights; and my cat PUNCHES my dog in the face; but they love eachother really, and sometimes they have hugs... sometimes. | 2010-04-11 22:56:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
One of our cats, Casey, has blood drawing fights, with other cats, but the only thing is, it's usually his blood that is drawn! The other week he had a bad fight with a big ginger tom cat. There was black and white fur flying eveywhere, but we didn't see much ginger fuzz about!!! @ chezhead - that little cat fountain sounds like a good idea. Our cats never seem to want to drink fresh water though. They either leave it for ages or drink out of a puddle! Here is a picture of Casey, feeling sorry for himself, after a fight, with quite a nasty wound. (Not the above mentioned fight btw) http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy222/sackyjones/Cats/71.jpg Then about three weeks later, on the mend! http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy222/sackyjones/Cats/76.jpg | 2010-04-11 23:03:00 Author: mrsvista Posts: 755 |
Awwwwwww, mrsv, I nearly cried! Casey's so cute! Nice plant by the way! Some of these images are hilarious. Icey | 2010-04-11 23:33:00 Author: IceMaiden Posts: 1057 |
My cats will drink from the faucet/tap if you turn it on for them. Just a trickle and they're happy. If your cat is getting fat and you haven't changed how much or what kind of food they are getting you may want to have a vet check them out and run some blood tests. Could be something chemically going on with them that can be solved through a special diet. | 2010-04-12 00:16:00 Author: Morgana25 Posts: 5983 |
My cats will drink from the faucet/tap if you turn it on for them. Just a trickle and they're happy. If your cat is getting fat and you haven't changed how much or what kind of food they are getting you may want to have a vet check them out and run some blood tests. Could be something chemically going on with them that can be solved through a special diet. We have him on a can of food a day, 1/4 in the morning, afternoon, late afternoon, before bed. And I think we may get the fountain thing... I'll take a video or something when we do! | 2010-04-12 01:03:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
Kittys! Here's my special lil guy! http://midnightheist.deviantart.com/art/Chachi-portrait-47679488 http://midnightheist.deviantart.com/art/Chachi-1-45933811 Ninja version: http://midnightheist.deviantart.com/art/Stealth-ninja-kitty-in-trainin-33697891 So cute. | 2010-04-12 12:19:00 Author: midnight_heist Posts: 2513 |
I used to have an adorable fluffy ginger cat called Fudge ; but he ran away. I think that he got lifted by a buzzard. And mrsvista, Socks is an AMAZING name for a cat! My neighbour's cat was called Socks. I've seen you cats before Morgana, but they're still awesome. Everybodys cat is awesome! 15278 Sorry for the lolcat, it's not my cat, but that is EXACTLY what he looks like... Well. Except fluffier. | 2010-04-13 17:28:00 Author: BlackHairedGoon Posts: 160 |
Super Cat to the rescue! There was no ***** footing around when Maceo the cat sensed trouble in his New Zealand home. Maceo's owners were within a whisker of being engulfed by a "raging inferno" in their central Otago home, on the South Island, when the heroic cat came to their rescue, The Press reported. The grey cat woke up his owners, Kate Gatonyi and Bevan Garland, about 3am local time on Wednesday, by walking on their faces with wet paws. "The cat was putting his paws in the toilet bowl and then walking over our faces," Ms Gatonyi told reporters. "He did it about three times. "I was thinking, 'why is he doing that?'. "That is what woke me up." The couple awoke to a blaze about three metres from their bedroom window. A neighbour's shed had caught fire and the flames were approaching the couple's garage and gas bottles. "I looked out the side of my eye and thought, 'what is all that colour out there?'," Ms Gatonyi said. "I opened my blinds and there was a raging inferno." Ms Gatonyi dubbed Maceo "a hero". "He is going to get a lot of biscuits," she said. Source (http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/1037868/quick-thinking-cat-had-no-time-to-paws) | 2010-04-13 20:08:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
Aww... So many cute cats! (Wait. Did I just say that out loud?) Anyway my family currently owns 3 cats. This Jeri, the oldest cat. (shy and timid.) http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k294/thedoctorwho/Jeri.jpg Mog, our touch me and I'll claw you face off cat. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k294/thedoctorwho/Mog.jpg And Muggles. Our food obssesed cat. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k294/thedoctorwho/DSC00115.jpg Here's an awesome cat song for you guys too! Click Here! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49jKeGyUCJE) | 2010-04-13 20:40:00 Author: Fastbro Posts: 1277 |
i like cats, they stay crunchy in milk. | 2010-04-13 23:51:00 Author: Voodeedoo Posts: 724 |
http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy222/sackyjones/Miscellaneous/funny-pictures-cat-lost-mouse1.jpg Cute or what? | 2010-04-15 19:45:00 Author: mrsvista Posts: 755 |
Haha, some of these lolcats are just fantastic. | 2010-04-15 19:59:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy222/sackyjones/Miscellaneous/funny-pictures-cat-lost-mouse1.jpg Cute or what? Aww, lol. I want that cat. | 2010-04-15 20:10:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy222/sackyjones/Miscellaneous/funny-pictures-cat-lost-mouse1.jpg Cute or what? That is just the cutest kitten mrsv. I imagine that is just how our Tabitha must have looked when she was a kitten. We didn't know her then, we rescued her when she was about 18 months. That was 16 years ago! Icey | 2010-04-15 20:25:00 Author: IceMaiden Posts: 1057 |
Hope you all have come across http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ffwDYo00Q | 2010-04-17 08:48:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
http://incredimazing.com/static/media/2007/12/09/915d7ec0e067ac2/i_question.jpg all in good fun | 2010-04-18 15:32:00 Author: monstahr Posts: 1361 |
lol. Cats are only fun until they urinate on your shoes and bite the hair off your head. Wait.... only me? Oh.... :blush: | 2010-04-18 15:35:00 Author: piggabling Posts: 2979 |
no no you're not alone mine likes to take little poops in the potted plants so it blends in with the dirt and we can't find it. how cute! | 2010-04-18 19:33:00 Author: monstahr Posts: 1361 |
Mine hurled on the Dyson! | 2010-04-18 19:39:00 Author: IceMaiden Posts: 1057 |
Mine pees on stuff when it doesn't get fed, and on anything on its cat blanket. | 2010-04-18 20:06:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/funny-pictures-cat-has-a-coupon.jpg One of my fave lolcats images - so cute. | 2010-04-20 13:08:00 Author: v0rtex Posts: 1878 |
My dog doesn't understand the concept of pain. He'll be fine Lol that reminds me of the one time when my friends got hit by a car......... He got up like nothing happened, hes so stupid...lol | 2010-04-20 13:34:00 Author: agrx Posts: 192 |
oooohhhhh this cast are so cute lol | 2010-05-02 17:46:00 Author: Arnald23 Posts: 1843 |
http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/funny-pictures-cat-is-adorable.jpg everybody is trying to steal mah Job! | 2010-05-03 19:20:00 Author: Unknown User |
I once had a cat called Tita, but she jumped out a window and never came back Now I have a dog and my grandma has a really cute cat called Simon http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs525.ash1/30843_1452507956563_1349211807_1238239_7079702_n.j pg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs525.ash1/30843_1452508036565_1349211807_1238241_3229892_n.j pg That's him | 2010-05-03 21:00:00 Author: ExplosiveCheddar Posts: 978 |
I bet my cat could eat your dog...I have a 16 pound Norwegian Forest Cat who takes me down to the ground all the time. | 2010-05-03 21:08:00 Author: karebu72 Posts: 23 |
I bet my cat could eat your dog...I have a 16 pound Norwegian Forest Cat who takes me down to the ground all the time. It's a HUGE yellow lab | 2010-05-03 21:14:00 Author: ExplosiveCheddar Posts: 978 |
aw, norwegian forest cat!! my friend had one of those. it lived on the patio and you would seriously see giant tumbleweeds rolling across the patio and then realize they were all fur... That cat was a giant! I have 2 cats right now, but this is my newest! Her name is Pinky (she came with the name!): http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c3/mgshap/pets/479655502_1680786471_0.jpg She has the most outgoing personality for a cat! She'll bring you her toys when she wants to play and always wants to cuddle! Right now she's about 9 months old. | 2010-05-04 05:14:00 Author: koneko Posts: 95 |
aw, norwegian forest cat!! my friend had one of those. it lived on the patio and you would seriously see giant tumbleweeds rolling across the patio and then realize they were all fur... That cat was a giant! I have 2 cats right now, but this is my newest! Her name is Pinky (she came with the name!): http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c3/mgshap/pets/479655502_1680786471_0.jpg She has the most outgoing personality for a cat! She'll bring you her toys when she wants to play and always wants to cuddle! Right now she's about 9 months old. what a cute little fella | 2010-05-04 15:00:00 Author: Unknown User |
lol, so this is all about cats i myself got 3 of them, 1 girl who is really fat, no really really fat, my cat koko, who is just the sweetest cat ever. and fritz, who is a pretty big cat, its no Forest Cat but i bet he'd get in a fight with one. btw dus anyone know the cartoon, fritz the cat http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a284/shaktimaan/Fritz.jpg i seen it once by exident, but i've never been able to forget it. its got pretty adult themes | 2010-05-04 16:32:00 Author: ptwob Posts: 99 |
Our first litter of fur balls. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1430.jpg From top to bottom- Moo, Sparkles, Scrambles, Playdo, and Kat http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1415.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1577.jpg Moo has a stripe instead of a crest on his face, and a his left sleeve is black, wherein his twin's are both white. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1569.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1563.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1571.jpg More recent -v http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1712.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1713.jpg Perfectly good bedding and they prefer to snooze in a half empty box of tile. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1746.jpg And sometimes behind large objects against the wall. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/zanbatou-T-S/100_1674.jpg Kapow kapow, saw the thread and couldn't resist, so I had to stop lurking. | 2010-05-06 05:08:00 Author: Arion Posts: 17 |
She looks just like our newest kitty, Cinder! If you were located in Minnesota, I would have asked you if you got her in New Ulm...Cinder is 9mo. too and brings toys when she wants to play...she even brings toys to me when I'm sleeping at night. Did you know that black and white cats are suppose to be the smartest? Someone at Cat Fancy told me that. | 2010-05-06 05:32:00 Author: karebu72 Posts: 23 |
Courage has the neighbor's boxer terrified of him...she (the boxer) refuses to walk past our patio unless her owner's body is between her and our door. | 2010-05-06 05:33:00 Author: karebu72 Posts: 23 |
http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq238/couragethecat/pics/101009004.jpg Courage http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq238/couragethecat/pics/Cinder17.jpg Cinder http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq238/couragethecat/pics/100_0337.jpg Courage and Cinder http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq238/couragethecat/pics/couragePaw.jpg Courage's paw print next to a half-dollar http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq238/couragethecat/pics/Courage_karenratio.jpg Sorry the picture is crappy...my husband can't grasp the concept of pushing the shutter button AFTER the light turns green. That is me holding Courage. I am 5'10". No, my hands are NOT bloody, they are chapped from winter. | 2010-05-06 05:47:00 Author: karebu72 Posts: 23 |
http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq238/couragethecat/pics/Cinder17.jpg IS THAT BLOOD OH MAH GOD wait, it's a pattern... thank goodness... Anyway, something strange has been going on with my cat. One morning, we woke up and our cat was really quiet, and would only go into the living room with extreme caution. He would peek around corners before he went in rooms, and at a single little sound, bolt away. We think that a really loud noise might have scared him so much, be we didn't make any or hear one that we know of. | 2010-05-06 13:09:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
Cats are so weird sometimes arent they? Courage's favorite toy is a plush rattle ball in pastel colors. That is the only toy he will play with and he has had it since he was a kitten. Every so often, he acts like the ball wants to kill him and runs from it in terror. If I touch it or bump it, he runs and hides under the bed. So, I hide the ball for a couple weeks and when I bring it back out, he is thrilled to see it again. | 2010-05-07 02:46:00 Author: karebu72 Posts: 23 |
Ok, my cat is fine now. After being scared out of his wits for a bit, he's fine. I'm not obsessed with my cat... not at all... | 2010-05-08 03:38:00 Author: chezhead Posts: 1063 |
I haven't been here in a little while, but the cats that have been posted in this thread are adorable! I love them all! And Mr. Kittycat, your new picture in your signature is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my entire life. | 2010-05-08 05:29:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
I haven't been here in a little while, but the cats that have been posted in this thread are adorable! I love them all! And Mr. Kittycat, your new picture in your signature is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my entire life. Thanks ____________ | 2010-05-08 13:30:00 Author: Unknown User |
Couldn't resist this thread! I don't have a pic of my growing ball of orange fuzz, but I do love her. X) I read the Warrior Cats series, and laugh at klaatu42's cat translations XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxNg7ZP6E5E | 2010-09-18 03:24:00 Author: LWBear2 Posts: 332 |
My sis is getting a kitten in a couple days, will post some pics | 2011-04-05 18:48:00 Author: Doooomguy Posts: 68 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on9vqL4W6Hc | 2011-04-06 09:09:00 Author: Ayneh Posts: 2454 |
So I searched for any threads about cats in general, didn't find any, so ended up just making this! Talk about cats, post pictures of yours, and that stuff. No lolcats, unless they are yours. Here's mine! that cat looks just like mine!! his name is Cry baby lol. | 2011-04-07 02:44:00 Author: Unknown User |
My cat somehow knocked over my heavy dresser, which fell onto my laptop, and my water spilled into the screen. My F10 key is broken and my screen has funky water gradients and patterns. Thanks kitty! <3 | 2011-04-07 06:56:00 Author: midnight_heist Posts: 2513 |
Molly sticking her tongue out at you! :3- http://img861.imageshack.us/i/image1517.jpg/ For some reason, the image looks broken on both my browers, here's the direct link incase you can't see. (http://img576.imageshack.us/i/image1517.jpg/) | 2011-04-07 07:40:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt Posts: 1477 |
Double post, sorry, but i've just recorded my cat being silly whilst asleep. Lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChiuqGGO6gY | 2011-04-23 23:17:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt Posts: 1477 |
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