Pod Editor
Archive: 3 posts
I have a feeling MM never made using solid objects in your level a feature for a really good reason so I am not here to talk about that. What the Pod Editor is is a camera you can control ad MAYBE even rotate. It's meant for helping decorating around the outside of the pod. This would be helpful for making decorations like the PotC hull cannon decoration. Most people probably don't really care for this idea but I just really want to put a gremlin hanging on the outside of my window. THIS IDEA HAS ALREADY BEEN POSTED BY VERGILDMCKING, SORRY! | 2010-01-25 15:11:00 Author: Figfewdisgewd ![]() Posts: 73 |
I have a feeling MM never made using solid objects in your level a feature for a really good reason so I am not here to talk about that. What the Pod Editor is is a camera you can control ad MAYBE even rotate. It's meant for helping decorating around the outside of the pod. This would be helpful for making decorations like the PotC hull cannon decoration. Most people probably don't really care for this idea but I just really want to put a gremlin hanging on the outside of my window. ummm.... i already made a thread on this called "personal items and better pods" dude. ![]() | 2010-01-26 19:08:00 Author: vergildmcking ![]() Posts: 190 |
Oh, sorry. ![]() | 2010-01-26 21:29:00 Author: Figfewdisgewd ![]() Posts: 73 |
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