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Make Anything you want wightless only when you are grabing it

Archive: 10 posts

Well been ask how I made the torch in my The Nostalgia of the Infinite level a number of times, so here you go its nothing much really.

its Pistons on some glass and a grab switch ^^, pistons set to the right wickness and speed so it wightless when you grab it, grab switch set so when you let go it pull it down.


ps you can make it so you can do a super jump with it
2010-01-24 07:48:00

Posts: 1014

oh cool, i may use this or something similar but in a sword fight scene later in my project2010-01-24 08:07:00

Posts: 1924

Very slick, i could have sworn that was made out of some form of floaty material!2010-01-24 10:33:00

Posts: 250

too unstable =/ everything gets all jumpy2010-01-27 04:28:00

Posts: 1924

Thanks for sharing that info jump_button. Ive been wondering how you did that ever since playing it.

I'm still a bit confused though. What is "right wickness" ? and is the grab switch set to on/off. I assume it must be for the piston to go down while you are still grabbing it. Also I still can't work out how you restrict the movement and set it to start in a certain position. What I mean is at some points the torch is at platform level but when you grab it and jump up, if you miss the next platform it goes below it and drops you in gas or other danger but when you respawn the torch is back at the original position. I can't see how that can work if the grab is set to on'off and can't figure out how to start a piston in a mid position. Or am I just imagining it does that and missing something obvious?
2010-01-27 14:07:00

Posts: 2210

i think he made the strength of the piston strong enough to lift the torch but not enough to really bother sackboy's movement.2010-01-28 22:07:00

Posts: 225

So thats how it works. heh, I thought you used glitched materials like the one I used for my sword in my HUD 2.0 level.2010-01-29 17:47:00

Posts: 559

Wouldn't a winch work as well? Suspended? Oh but then you could swing on it2010-01-30 13:04:00

Posts: 5078

i am just guessing, but is it set to .01, and a very low weekness. and it might not be on/off.
do you mind shereing the stats of the piston and switch?
2010-01-31 23:15:00

Unknown User

its never the same you have to play with it to get it right, so the things not flowing off on it it but when you grab it lift of the floor. best to do that with out the grab switch or have it pushing up2010-01-31 23:24:00

Posts: 1014

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