Sewer Survival Challenge With Video
Archive: 1 post
Right another survival Challenge now its not a bomb one its not even a run away one its more a dodge one, the idea is to dodge the acid dripping out of the pipes, bubbles will psan either side so you have to run back and forth to get them, as the level progresses it gets harder and harder, if you can get higher than 10'000 points then you either cheated or are very good lol. I have a video which is uploading to youtube will post link here once it is done. Go play it. To play it search @ShakeMeUpJudy Stats: Rating 5 stars 18 plays 1 heart 15 plays within first 5 mins. Here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZAVHk_G7gY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZAVHk_G7gY | 2010-01-23 16:54:00 Author: lbpholic ![]() Posts: 1304 |
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