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Outlaw-Jack presents: The Grand Ol' Miss

Archive: 13 posts

Okie-dokie... storytime!!:

"A'ight, WAAAY down south near Mississ', or... um, Missouruh, I was walkin' down 'dem riverbank when an ol' steamer rolled on over to my side. She was purty bad, wit her hull all crackin' n' warin' n' stuff. Why, she wasn't nowhere near fine at ALL. Eerily enuf, ain't no-one was on board. But a note was near the wheelhouse:

Dear Anonymous,

This here's what's left of the ol' Confed fleet. She ain't much, but she handles mighty-fine, indeed. Her name is the C.S.S. Annabelle, a passengur vessel fer farryin' 'cross from Orleans tah St. Louie n' back. I can't do no more fer her, but here's an offer I KNOW y'all can't refuse: Fix'r up fine, and she's all yers. I reckon y'all can handle'r fine.

Wit all due respects,

So I reckon'd, "Shure, why not?", and wit sum determnations (and TONS of spair time), I restirred her back to'r prime. I stripped her ol' Confed colors and put'n sum Ol' Glory. Wit sum thinkin' I named her, well, The Grand O'l Miss. And now, she's paddlin' up n' down the ol' Mississ', chuggin' on undr Ol' Stars N' Stripes."

Ok, now enough of the cheese; let's see what the hype's about:

The Grand Ol' Miss is perhaps the BIGGEST thing I've ever created. Stretchin' farther than most bomb levels and packed with as much gadgets as a Swiss-Army knife, she chugs along at a smooth pace down any flat surface of water . Packin' a periscope, cargo crane, automated gangplanks, a hitched swampboat AND a sniper rifle, The Grand Ol' Miss is stuffed with goodies and surprises. With a simple grab n' go system, steering is a breeze. Using the Music, Metal Gear, Watchmen, Killzone, Monster & PoTC packs, this is also one of the most content-exclusive things I've made as well. I plan on makin' a display level of it, but first I wanna hear what you guys think. Close-ups will be up shortly.
2010-01-21 04:41:00

Posts: 5757

Wow.... Impressive! cool story too

I look forward to the closeups and display level (especially the display level)
2010-01-21 07:29:00

Posts: 250

Is the wheel the only source of propulsion?

2010-01-21 19:50:00

Posts: 428

I love your "narration" of your boat. It's very clever!

I made a boat too, but it's not as detailed as this! Nice job!
2010-01-21 22:53:00

Posts: 106

Looks cool! Reminds me of Teeb's Banana Peeler boat! 2010-01-23 14:03:00

Posts: 2979

Purty cool ! Can't wait to check it out in game!

Great story too!
2010-01-23 14:28:00

Posts: 11383

Looks great and I loved the 'back story'.

Can't wait to see the close-ups and see it working.
2010-01-23 14:47:00

Posts: 2210

These close-ups have been WAAAY overdue. :S

Hunting Boat
We start off with this little thing. Nothing much (abit stern-heavy), but it packs enough punch to get you where you need to. But the special thing about this boat is that mounted on the front is a .500 EZ-Varmit Regatta hunting rifle, a popular firearm courtesy of Regatta & Cuyamaca Ltd. The convenience of shooting and floating all packed in one.

Engine Room
Sure, it's a bit small, but this meager "steam" room powers the whole boat. With a dual-set of boilers and an industrial-sized steam converting chamber, the boat chugs around effortlessly and at a slow, calming pace. You ought to see the room in action.

Limited on time, I'll update this as soon as I get back to the keyboard.
2010-04-02 18:07:00

Posts: 5757

Cool, can't wait to see it in-game. 2010-04-04 15:05:00

Posts: 341

Do you have anything to hunt for in the hunting boat? I want to kill stuff. 2010-04-07 15:48:00

Posts: 428

Do you have anything to hunt for in the hunting boat? I want to kill stuff.

yea i like what you said i want to kill stuff too, but it looks great i want to have a go
2010-04-08 23:16:00

Posts: 376

genius, how long did it take2010-04-18 01:38:00

Posts: 155

Are we ever going to see this in a level. It's been nearly 3 months now. When I eventually see it I'll expect it to put on the tv for me and bring me a cup of tea and some toast and marmalade lol.2010-04-18 02:23:00

Posts: 2210

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