Depths of Zephyr Mine
Archive: 3 posts
My first post and my first level! So I'm a little nervous.. ^_^;. Depths of Zephyr Mine You are the legendary explorer 'Sackboy'! You have been given the task of exploring Zephyr mine, where it is rumoured there are ancient ruins laying undiscovered. This might be more than Sackboy can chew! Enter the mine and make you way into the ruins, find out what is there, figure out your next adventure (thinking about a Part 2), avoid deadly traps and escape back into the the mine and back to safety. Not to mention a couple of prize bubbles along the way! Slight WARNING: There are some flashing lights. I'm not too sure of the level difficulty. I can complete it fine, but I made it and so know the timing and areas of everything in there. Hopefully it's not too tricky, or too easy for that matter. Anyway, hopefully people have fun, and any feedback is appreciated! Thank you ![]() | 2010-01-20 21:27:00 Author: Narctiss ![]() Posts: 2 |
List of stuff to fix: 1) This one might take some effort... but I suggest you have the base of the level not on the ground of the level space/theme (just a personal thing, I think it's too flat and you can't be creative with it at all...) 2) You can get out of the downward staircase/ramps after dragging the hanging sponge attached to the car thing above, and I thought you were supposed to... I ended up pushing the button that dissolved something, and I don't know what I was supposed to do... Oh... it dissolved the thing where it says this is where they blocked off the mine... (it wasn't blocked when I got there) 3) You should make the button that spawns timed explosives one shot (I kept spawning 2 accidentally) 4) Where you ride up the red sponges you can barely see the second one... I'd put a light there where they meet. 5) When you lower the bridge the sound thing is visible, same with the sensor switch to spawn mine carts before that 6) It says "This path is open for your next adventure" but I don't see how you'd get back... and it wouldn't stay open if you restarted... This level was really good, especially for a first level! It was really long and while it was based off the canyons it had some good, original aspects! I really liked it and gave it 5 stars! Unfortunately I only heart survival challenges... But still, fix those things I listed and It'll be amazing! | 2010-01-21 04:48:00 Author: Devonushka ![]() Posts: 95 |
Thank you very much for the feedback! It's VERY helpful (especially pointing out things I slipped up on/forgot. The pressing of the button as soon as you go down the little ramps I forgot to fix. After I added in a 'random boulder', it made it possible to drop down there). 1. I thought the same about the ground, but by that time everything seemed set in place and a little late to change it. I'm not exactly sure on how to fix this without uprooting the whole level. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them! 2. Already mentioned, thanks again! 3. Ahhh, I wondered what to do about the bomb spawn. I don't know why I didn't think of that x__X. 4. I think I know the one's you mean, so I'll add a light in. 5. I moved that sound switch recently, so I must have forgotten to fix that. The sensor for the mine carts was intentional, so people know they should wait for it. 6. The point of that was to lead on to a Part 2 of the level (where you get to explore the inside). I might make a note of it in the speech to say (Look out for Part 2!), just so that confusion is cleared up. Once again, thank you so much for the feedback and stars, I really appreciate it and will get to doing the fixes now ![]() | 2010-01-21 16:58:00 Author: Narctiss ![]() Posts: 2 |
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