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Armoured vehicle-launched bridge (AVLB) - Bridge Layer

Archive: 16 posts

So I made a bridge layer basicly. Check it out by searching for Cykelpumpen and play the level: Bridge Layer SHOWCASE







Appreciate your feedback!
2010-01-19 22:58:00

Posts: 62

Eagerly awaiting pics2010-01-19 23:05:00

Posts: 57

Interesting! Have you entered this in the latest contraption challenege?2010-01-19 23:09:00

Posts: 3251

I should enter mine.. I modelled it on the British Army's bridge laying vehicle, works pretty well2010-01-19 23:15:00

Posts: 57

@Incinerator22 no, I dont believe I would have a chance :/2010-01-19 23:18:00

Posts: 62

That is fricken awesome dude!2010-01-19 23:23:00

Posts: 57

Very cool, just one question, do all of the wheels on the chassis move freely with the suspension (except the drive and idler wheels of course). Also just a tip, it looks like theres too much slack in the tracks. 2010-01-20 04:42:00

Posts: 255

Very cool, just one question, do all of the wheels on the chassis move freely with the suspension (except the drive and idler wheels of course). Also just a tip, it looks like theres too much slack in the tracks.

Yes all wheels are moving freely on their own suspension. I think you gave me the inspiration which I thank you for! The tracks are a bit loose actually, I have a hard time ajusting them since they break so easily when tempered with . I have tighetened the tracks a bit now though and gave the result of better speed & a smoother ride =)
2010-01-20 12:08:00

Posts: 62

Cool! Looks alot like one of the contraptions that was entered in the CC09..
Though yours look alot better and with a more believable mechanic system, which make it even more awesome!

Would be cool if it could pick up the bridge after you've passed it..

Jag m?ste bara fr?ga: Du m?ste ju vara svensk! Eller hur?
2010-01-20 12:18:00

Posts: 106

Cool! Looks alot like one of the contraptions that was entered in the CC09..
Though yours look alot better and with a more believable mechanic system, which make it even more awesome!

Would be cool if it could pick up the bridge after you've passed it..

Jag m?ste bara fr?ga: Du m?ste ju vara svensk! Eller hur?

Normally it's not meant for crossing, it lays the bridge and then it allows other vehicles to cross, commonly utilised for advance the frontline so only tanks and Personell would cross it, but i suppose he could do it just for the effect xD
2010-01-20 13:18:00

Posts: 57

Normally it's not meant for crossing, it lays the bridge and then it allows other vehicles to cross, commonly utilised for advance the frontline so only tanks and Personell would cross it, but i suppose he could do it just for the effect xD

Yeah i know that...
But i think he should make it just for the effect as you put it.. so its a little bit more eco
2010-01-20 13:50:00

Posts: 106

You should enter this into the challenge - it looks very well done from the pictures.2010-01-20 14:19:00

Posts: 1465

You should enter this into the challenge - it looks very well done from the pictures.

Thanks! I think its too late though. Isn't the competition closed now?

@Tamland: Japp
2010-01-21 00:03:00

Posts: 62

What kind of tracks are you using, because if your having trouble you should try this:


however i would use the grid, make a length of about 10 links, copy and rotate it WITH THE GRID ON and attach and end of first one, then copy that piece and finish the square WITH THE GRID STILL ON, make sure you detach and reattach both corner bolts from the last step before you un-pause. to attach it, have your chassis exposed on all sides, then put dark matter on the inside of the tracks you made, use the dark matter to stretch it and then copy the tracks and paste them withing your chassis, shrink it to the right side and un-pause (since you stretched it earlier it should conform to the shape).

hope this helped.
2010-01-21 04:38:00

Posts: 255

Thanks! I think its too late though. Isn't the competition closed now?

@Tamland: Japp

Yeah, it's over now. A very similar vehicle is one of the finalists though. You can see it here: http://tinyurl.com/CC09Vote
2010-01-21 12:51:00

Posts: 27

I have now improved the stability of the tank. The suspension is now less "bouncy" and you can enter the tank from the ground via a subtle swinging arm. If anyone want the AVLB, just ask me on PSN or here 2010-01-30 13:54:00

Posts: 62

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