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Sheriff Sack 2 : On the trail of Texas Jack

Archive: 36 posts

Howdy folks !

Part 2 in the Sheriff Sack series is finally ready. It's taken 5 or 6 months of trial and tribulation but it's done at last. The last 2 or 3 days have been a nightmare. I had the last section built and ready to put in the level but when I did I immediately got the message "Your level HAS overheated. You can still undo bla bla" so I've been tearing my hair out trying to remove anything possible to fit it in.

This does mean I wasn't able to put a fancy finish at the scoreboard as I originally intended so you'll have to bear with me on that one. I figured it was more important to fit the gameplay in above anything else. I also had some trouble with some cactus flippers which I've altered about 6 times now. I've got them the best I can and at the last alteration I heard the ominous breaking sound but I've played through the level and couldn't find anything broken so 'fingers crossed'. Just incase the flippers do break I've put the option to skip them by popping to the next checkpoint as they would be a level breaker. See how it goes and let me know of any problems.

It's now published and ready for playing so without further ado here are a few pics, not great ones but you'll get the general idea.


I hope you enjoy it as it's been my hardest level to do since starting with LBP. I wish I could do all the clever logic and mechanisms stuff as it would make creating so much easier.
2010-01-19 21:00:00

Posts: 2210

Can't wait to play it mrv.2010-01-19 21:02:00

Posts: 755

I'll be sure to check it out later, it's going on my list

If you don't mind, can you try my F4F level Broken Dreams Part 1: Basic Training (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=21525-Broken-Dreams-Part-1-Basic-Training) at some point?
2010-01-19 21:11:00

Posts: 250

Cool! will play 2010-01-19 22:31:00

Posts: 3901

Crikey, MrV, that looks IMMENSE!

I'm gonna play it soon, and will feedback.
2010-01-19 22:43:00

Posts: 1492

Hi mistervista,

This was an excellent level. One of the most original levels that I've played. The story line was great, and I really liked the detail you put into it: the stickering to make the landscape (and use of the Verabee stickers in general), the original Western-themed music, and even the piano in the bar plays when you jump on it. The porcupines were also a neat touch; can't say I've seen a porcupine on LBP before! And, the cutouts of the mustangs were great.

The only place where I had some difficulty was in grabbing the ropes. They're a bit small and took a few tries to get across. Might be a deterrent to more impatient players. Also, on the cactuses (or cactii, i suppose?) it might help people to get through if they know they don't need to jump, just sit and wait. I got past them easy enough once I stopped trying to jump off them.

In conclusion, really loved this level. Gave it 5 stars, hearted, and rated "fun".

If you have some time, would appreciate some feedback on my level "Curse of the Golden Temple".
2010-01-20 02:09:00

Posts: 74

Thanks for the feedback so far everyone.

All points noted and I'll try to make changes for the better where possible asap.

I'll get on to your F4F asap too.
2010-01-20 02:19:00

Posts: 2210

Writing as i play this.

Drop in, read the text bubbles, see that you give away DLC from half a dozen packs i don't have Oh well not much you can do about it...

Nice theming so far though it could use more elemnts in a couple of places, it seemd... bland a bit. Liked the horses though if you can make them from something else that would be better!

It would be nice if the landslide trapping you was dropped more naturally, instead of in batches. I liked the part with the beam though!

The going up on the lift i liked as well. The part where you have to jump to get to the sherrif was nice though it was a royal pain to almost get there then get blown up by the last dynamite stick and have to go alll the way back up.

I really liked the piano music sequence with the slide, that was simply pure awesome! The fighting the sheriff thing was also pretty good, especially the terrain moving thing.

If you want help with those cacti, send me an invite a little later and i'll see what i can do. I don't do text chat though; sorry!

Overall, pretty good! Four stars and a Great tag. I also thought the ending was nice.

If you have time, can you drop by my level (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=21525-Broken-Dreams-Part-1-Basic-Training)?
2010-01-20 02:50:00

Posts: 250

Hi MrVista - checked this one out tonight and thought it was really cute.

+ The custom music made me laugh out loud!
+ Mustangs FTW!
+ Liked the shootout idea.
+ Jokes (especially the Sherrif in 3 states) were very funny
+ Liked the shootout on the horses. Nicely challenging.

Had a little trouble in the mine with the shootout. I know you say to go for the beams but for some reason that meant the vertical supports for me for the longest time then It clicked. Not sure if I was too tired to think clearly or what but it took me a while to actually hit the right beam. I liked the bridge with the mine shaking alot too great mechanic but there wasn't any sound in that area to make it seem like an actual mine collapse for me.

On the whole it's a very cute level that I enjoyed playing. I gave it 5 stars - don't worry about F4F
2010-01-20 05:30:00

Posts: 5983

Great level, lots of nice details and it was a great length (not to short, not too long). The custom soundtrack was great and the mustangs were very cool.
Here are some suggestions:

- The part where the rocks block the mine entrance doesn’t look that good. Instead I would have an explosive go off and a few big rocks fall into place, the sheriff could say a little "they had this planned all along" line. I think a few big rocks that fall out of the ceiling (like physically fall out of the ceiling and not emit) would look more natural and may save a good chunk of thermometer room too.
- The part where you shoot the beam confused me for a while. I tried shooting all the vertical beams for a long time before I hit the correct one by accident. Maybe have the cut scene camera from a word bubble zoom in closer on it and have a flashing light shine on it or something.
-and finally make the shootout at the end more random. For example put 5 magnetic keys on a spinning circle and have the one magnetic key switch glued to some dark matter close to the spinning circle. Set the magnetic key switch to "One Shot" and wire it to the emitter on the gun. Space the 5 keys in a somewhat random pattern around the circle that way the gun shoots like:

pow...... pow.... pow pow...........pow.

haha thats hard to describe without looking stupid. I think it would make the final shootout less repetetive and more fun (its still fun right now)
Anyway, just some ideas. It’s already a great level. 5 stars! For the F4F, check out my signature below.
2010-01-20 07:38:00

Posts: 32

WOW! Already out???
I will give it a shot this evening!
2010-01-20 12:25:00

Posts: 5112

I really enjoyed this rootin', tootin', gun-slingin' level.

It was full of great humour and atmosphere, and overall felt like a spagetti western. Some good touches, too. Loved the shaky-cams, the shoot-outs and the springy cacti, and the final shoot-out on horseback was fun.

The custom music is worth a mention, too. Very apt and very funny, as was your reference to mustangs.

Overall, I thought this was a thoroughly entertaining and fun level to play. You got a skilful knack of including humour that comes across very well, and your attention to detail is on show again (I loved the piano in the saloon.

Well done, great stuff.
2010-01-20 15:46:00

Posts: 1492

Pretty good. While I didn't play the previous Sheriff Sack it seems I could appreciate, wich is a good thing. I really like that your level feels "in parts" like there was multiple different scenes happening in succession. You also created some interesting new twists on old gameplay like that horses that run towards you as "layer change challenge" section.

The only thing that actually prevented me to feel this level is top of the line was in some details and sometimes the execution. I throw some examples I can remember from the top of my head:

- The bar at the beginning. The inside is cool (well, it's GREAT) and the characters are well done. But why is the bar on pillars? Also, the top of the building didn't help removingt the illusion the saloon is basically a box.

- The rock section felt a bit empty but what I felt could use some work before using the thermo for decorating is the earthquake. Right now it feels like the bridge is on spring or something and well, the shaking isn't all that convincing. I suggest you to make earthquakes with camera. And then you shake the camera. This way, sackboy's control isn't affected and you're also certain that everything on sight shakes well and equally -- like the real thing for that matter.

- Horse race/shoot. Excellent scene that I loved to play. However, the immersion was killed a bit because you can see the cave on top of the screen.

Anyhow, I liked the level but I wish there was a bit less stuff distracting my experience. This level is having the potential (or should I say YOU) to be a top of the line level if you refine it. Either way, keep up the good work buddy. Hey, I almost forgot to tell you that I loved your jump cactuses

:star::star::star: .5
(gave 4 in-game)
2010-01-20 16:44:00

Posts: 3901

VERY GOOD LEVEL much better then #1 I enjoyed it alot and loved the pines lol they almost got me and the ending was so origianl GREAT JOB 5 stars *****2010-01-20 17:11:00

Unknown User

I'm not sure I played Part 1, but I just finished Part 2 today and I have to say, that was a lot of fun!

- Funny dialogue
- Great platforming challenges
- loved the quirky design style
- The shootout on the horses was brilliant (is it just the background that moves?)
- I loved how this seemed like I was watching an old cartoon
- The cactus springs worked very well
- The beam that landed on the guys' head was classic
- Just really fun and I will definitely play this again! I need to try the first one too.

- this is small, but at the end it's impossible to see what place you got on the scoreboard.

5:star:'s and a heart - I believe I already have you hearted as a creator.

F4F: Check out my latest level, Celestia, when you get the chance. It's the complete opposite of your level (serious, realism to an extent, deep story, puzzles, etc) but I hope you enjoy it! Thanks!
2010-01-20 21:11:00

Posts: 668

Hi mrv, I have been looking forward to the release of your level since the first time I had the privilege of seeing it in it's early development. I knew we were in for a treat when I set eyes on the bar complete with piano and it's own resident floosie!

Beautifully staged with a wonderful atmosphere, stunning scenery, custom music and fun gameplay give this level the charm and character that is your signature. The mustangs and the bridge are fab-u-lous!

You have the most amazing ideas mrv, I don't knnow how you do it and I admire your work an awful lot!

Now I know my little Icey sackie isn't a real person, but when I play your levels mrv, somehow I forget about the controller in my hand and I experience the level as if she is real, as if she is me. If you can understand what I mean and if you can would you mind explaining it to me now please!

Five stars and which button do you press for unlimited hearts!

2010-01-20 22:06:00

Posts: 1057

Thanks for the suggestions and feedback so far everyone. It's very helpful. I can't believe the things I've missed even after playing it endless times.

Anyway I've altered the few things I can so far and am still working out how to fix the things I can't yet.

Fixed :

Moved the bars at the end so you can see the scoreboard better.

Altered the camera on the horse chase so the rock above isn't visible. ( 1 player is ok but don't know about multiplayer ).

Put a checkpoint half way up in the dynamite section.

Made the paint switch visible on the beam in the mine section so it's obvious what to shoot at now. I though it was obvious anyway with the magic mouth showing you but obviously not judging by the feedback. I preferred the switch to be invisible but HEY HO!

@RangerZero I'm not sure what the problem is with the saloon. A lot of buildings in the old west were raised off the ground with a crawl space underneath and I don't know what you mean about the top. That's the roof. What else would be there?
Also the mine section with the bridges is using shaky cameras throughout already. I had to make the bridges go up and down so players can reach the bubbles. If the cameras aren't giving the effect you want then I don't know how to fix that. I've done my best with them as I have never seen a 'shaky cam tutorial' anywhere.

As for the falling rocks in the mine entrance I can't change that. I had a go but everything is glued together there and I don't know how to change it without totallly breaking that entire section.
2010-01-21 17:07:00

Posts: 2210

All good buddy, don't worry. You're not under a contract that says you have to create according to what I say. lol

I'll go replay the level tonight to witness the changes!
2010-01-21 17:13:00

Posts: 3901

Also the mine section with the bridges is using shaky cameras throughout already. I had to make the bridges go up and down so players can reach the bubbles. If the cameras aren't giving the effect you want then I don't know how to fix that. I've done my best with them as I have never seen a 'shaky cam tutorial' anywhere.

When I read this I had one of those "why didn't I think of that?!" moments. Instead of shaking a few small cameras, I spent hours on figuring out how to shake a whole island lol

I replayed your level twice this morning. I'll have to replay it again because I don't think I noticed the scoreboard change. Maybe players need to have a certain sense of humor to 'get' this level .. but man, it brings me back to the days where I used to watch quickdraw mcgraw cartoons as a kid. It's a blast and I'll definitely be playing it again. By the way, the last time I played it I noticed the piano and thought, "it would be cool if he put piano sounds in," and then I jumped on the piano and laughed because great minds really do think alike

2010-01-21 17:53:00

Posts: 668

Wonderful level MrV!
I really loved it.
First of all it has a nice fresh original look even if it's based on American desert/canyon setting.
I love when creators try to look different from others and take a twist on a particular theme, so that's a major pro.
The Morricone music its are awesome, and so is the horse section, the one with the mustangs and the final one.
I also enjoyd really much the flow and the pace of the level, much more than Sheriff 1.
No particular problem, ut I still wait the dancer date
5 stars and a heart.
Please F4F on Miglioshin and mine level, you have played it, don't you?
2010-01-21 20:59:00

Posts: 5112

Just played this one. I really enjoyed it! The visuals are great, and I love the theme. I played the first one when it first released, and this is a good continuation of the series. I particularly liked the mustangs, jumping cactus', and the shootout at the end. The only thing I didn't like was some spots felt empty of challenge. Great level though! 4/5 stars.
Could you give feedback on my hot pepper hustle. Thanks
2010-01-22 00:49:00

Posts: 641

Thanks guys. I've done some F4F's and will get onto the rest asap.2010-01-22 02:45:00

Posts: 2210

Mistervista, you have a real talent for making levels that are just a whole heap of fun to play and this one is no exception! There were some excellent and original gameplay elements. I particularly enjoyed the mustangs, the dynamite wall and the shoot out at the end ? that was just awesome, required some real sharp shootin?! The cactus springs worked perfectly too and after all you really would bound up that high if you jumped on a cactus, lol!

The visuals were great - lovely use of stickers to create a unique Western atmosphere. As someone else said, you really made the look of the level your own and not a copy of the MM canyons theme. The characters were the visual highlight for me, though. I just loved the horses ; the porcupines were cute (sorry that?s probably not what you wanted to hear!) and Texas Jack himself was great!

The custom music was superb too ? particularly when it was part of the gameplay in the tunnel slide!

Last but not least there were some nice touches of humour in the speech bubbles. That sort of thing is harder to pull off than people think.

All in all, a really fun and original level! 5 stars and a heart!
2010-01-22 20:35:00

Posts: 1455

Played it few days ago, and just replayed it now,
and I saw that you made some changes, which makes it even better!

As others said, this a very good and enjoyable level!
Simple but nice and fresh visuals, great and fun gameplay elements (mustangs, horse run...) and a well balanced difficulty :
no need more to make a good level!

A little word on the horse :
I find it very good actually, but there's just a little detail that look weird to me : the front legs
They look inverted, like broken, as the "knee" is ahead... I think it should be the other way...
I'm not sure i'm explaining this right lol ... Anyway, it's just a little remark...

Great job!
2010-01-23 01:30:00

Posts: 1486

I find it very good actually, but there's just a little detail that look weird to me : the front legs
They look inverted, like broken, as the "knee" is ahead... I think it should be the other way...
I'm not sure i'm explaining this right lol ... Anyway, it's just a little remark...

I thought they didn't quite look right myself. I was too lazy to find a horsey picture to go from. I will find one and take a look at that. Thanks for pointing it out dajdaj. I do usually like to get all the details right. Shame on me LOL.
2010-01-23 02:45:00

Posts: 2210

Here's what I meant (it's easier with a visual)

The leg should be more straight, the knee more backward...
2010-01-23 03:00:00

Posts: 1486

I just altered the legs in an empty level and they looked better but unfortunately when I went into the level and took out the original horse it wouldn't let me put the new one in. The thermo started flashing and I got the 'level has overheated, undo or remove something' message so I had to leave it as it is.

I'll remember that for next time though dajdaj, thanks again.
2010-01-25 03:43:00

Posts: 2210

Well I played and very much enjoyed this one a few days ago. I think ou really took on board what you'd learnt from the first SS and made this one all the more fun with even better visuals. You can tell from just the opening few scenes (especially the bar, which I loved) that this was going to be a classic MrV level. They're always fun, they usually have a nice story to go along and they're gonna put a smile on your face - and this was no exception. Some nice paintinator action, my favourite being the chase at the end and some great platforming.
A special shoutout to those porcupines(?) with their spikes chanigng direction - genius! I never would have thought of something like that, but they're really well made and look just right.
I thought the visuals weren't perfect, but they had a certain charm to them you can't resist!

:star::star::star::star::star: and a heart
2010-01-26 20:26:00

Posts: 2645

Before I start, I'd like to say that I hope you don't get offended by anything I write. I'm simply providing you with constructive criticism that I think could really improve your level. Ultimately, it's your choice to take my advice or not.

To begin, I thought the jail was a bit plain. I thought it could have used some shackles or perhaps some black soot where the explosion took place. As others have mentioned I think the horses could use a touch up on the legs.

I thought the bar looked great. I loved the drinks on the counter. The candles fit nicely too. The only advise I'd give in this area is to give it a little more detail. The roof should extends to the front layer. The piano could play some music and the atmosphere could be moody. Perhaps show some guys playing poker and give it some fog to represent smoke. Think Clint Eastwood.

In the area with the tunnel I felt you could have played it up a bit by using jets to simulate dust and had falling rocks when the mine was supposedly collapsing. The Mid Boss was a good idea, but I would have preferred to see the dynamite leave his hand to make it more believable. You could have had him move from side to side as well, instead of having dynamite fall from set points.

The last thing that could really use fixing was the lava sticker you used on the background. I believe it was in the area of the cacti. I felt the area was over saturated with red, and as a result it aggravates the eyes a bit. Try using harmonious colors such as blues, greens, and purples to simulate a sunset instead.

Overall, I'd have to give this level 4/5 stars. The most important aspect I liked was the originality. The storyline was excellent and I could see where you were going with this. I wish more creators would follow in his footsteps.
2010-02-03 03:14:00

Posts: 161

Hey MrVista. Thanks again for your feedback on the odyssey. you found a couple of things I had completely missed, so thanks!

I decided to f4f your 1p level because no ones online at the moment! So by my lonesome, I braved the elements of the your 1p level!

I thought this level was very good! I found the character design exceedingly well done, and I really liked the boss chase at the end. The terrain moving past you was a great visual touch. The stickering was well done and the level itself was fun to play, especially while the mine was collapsing.

Constructive Criticism? not too much... I thought the camera should zoom out a little more during the lift in the mine sequence. That would also allow more detail to be added during that sequence (emit some explosions, maybe?) as I thought the lift went on for a while with nothing much happening. There should be a 'crash' too when the lift hits the ceiling and break, silence was sorta weird.

I would also try to avoid hinting at the player to pop him/herself if the level breaks, it throws off the atmosphere. Not really sure what you can do instead, If the cacti happen to break but I don't think that speech bubble is worth it .

Last thing, is during the boss fight you can see the whole land mass hovering above your head. I figured it was because you wanted to use the checkpoint at the end of the tunnel. Instead of that i would move the chase sequence down, and activate another checkpoint above the horse, maybe attached via invisible rod. It would make the scene seem much more natural

Anyhow overall I thought your level was great, and gave it 5 stars. I had a lot of fun with it, hope my feedback helped!
2010-03-10 03:58:00

Posts: 402

Thanks Duffluc.

Unfortunately I had a major setback with this level after the recent 'ApocalyPS3' issue.

I had previously fixed all those things you mention. After that problem on the 1st of March when I never turned on my PS3 just to be safe I turned it on the next day and reset the date on the XMB and everything seemed fine.

However I went into a couple of my levels, of which this was one, and just altered a sticker to do a quick republish as you do. Unfortunately what I hadn't realised until I played it again recently was that for some weird reason the level on my moon had 'reset' to a time before I made all those changes. I'd even made better cactus flippers that didn't break and put them in but they were no longer there and worse still they had disappeared from my objects too !

I remade the flippers again and went to put them in once more with a view to fixing everything but it wouldn't let me. I removed 1 old flipper but it wouldn't then let me put in the new one. I immediately got the message " Your level has overheated, you can still delete stuff or rewind" or something to that effect. So I'm now at a loss as to how to fix everything again.

Thanks for your feedback and I'm very sorry you didn't get to play the proper 'fixed' version.
2010-03-10 12:56:00

Posts: 2210

Oh wow, that's pretty lame. Sorry to hear that! I bet if you made the changes again it would take half the time cuz youv'e done them already, but it's never fun loosing work, especially to something as stupid as the apocolyPS3.

I'll try to take a look at your 2p level too later.
2010-03-10 15:17:00

Posts: 402

Hey mistervista, thanks for your feedback on my level and now for yours:

I really liked this level. Almost all of it was very good. My favorite parts were:

Inside of the bar- Great details.
Horseback shooting scene at the end- Best part of the level for sure and you finished it very strong.
The twiching feet of the dead guy in the mine. lol
The stampede section
The storyline
Your use of strings to construct ropes on the bridge and elevator sections. I can't tell you how much I've struggled with this.

The only criticisms I can give you are just to provide more detail. I think more detail on your mustangs and on your background/floors would put this level over the top. You might think of using a premade background like the canyons or islands but it's your call.

:star: :star: :star: :star: <3
2010-05-25 01:45:00

Unknown User

Thanks for the feedback DB. Glad you liked it and particularly glad you noticed the twitching feet. I loved that touch and I think you're the first person to notice it or mention it at least.

I can't actually add anything to the level now becasue it's totally overheated. It won't even let me put one level key at the scoreboard.

I did however manage to replace the bad flippers with new ones.

As for the background I would have liked to and did try it but unfortunately it's up in the air and on several levels so the background didn't work. I used it in Sheriff Sack 1 but that was at ground level.
2010-05-25 01:55:00

Posts: 2210

I liked this level it was quite fun. The story was nice and well incorporated. I loved the shootouts and also the way you used the score bubbles to make music - a nice touch. The main criticism I have is that the level feels underdecorated, with not much detail in some sections. What's there generally looks good, but it needs more stuff.

I gave your level :star::star::star::star:
2010-09-03 14:07:00

Posts: 388

Well since Thor bumped this thread, I'd thought I'd jump in and say this is one of my favourite levels.
You do great work mistervista.
2010-09-04 06:52:00

Posts: 2513

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