Fully functional mini submarine!
Archive: 8 posts
I was messing around with the recent water feature when I suddenly got this idea of making a mini submarine. It took me only 20 minutes to make, so I thought it wouldn't really work. When I threw it to the water... it was perfect! The submarine stays afloat and centered while is not being used. It haves an upper hatch that stays sealed as long as you don't grab it. The submarine can dive, move left and right and even surface. I also added a torpedo launcher, but it doesn't convince me yet. It moves smoothly underwater and it wont surface by itself unless you don't operate it for a looong time. The mini submarine looks really cute and its really fun to operate it with a friend. I will post some pics when I take the proper snapshots. ![]() | 2010-01-19 02:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
can you publish a level with it? and how does it work? pistons? | 2010-01-19 03:30:00 Author: applepod124 ![]() Posts: 163 |
nah, submarines turned out to be extremely easy to make, just need the right balance rockets and the player does the rest | 2010-01-19 05:28:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 ![]() Posts: 1924 |
Well I was interested on making a level with it. The submarine was not that easy to make, ya know. it is really tiny, so making space for the rockets and controls had to be well organized. | 2010-01-19 15:05:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
could use it as a part of a level but i wouldn't make it a gimmick | 2010-01-20 01:03:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 ![]() Posts: 1924 |
Hey, I have created a cool mini sub check it out. It is neutrally buoyant and fires underwater missiles (can’t use the word torpedo) moves up, down, left and right. You can give it a try “ best real working submarine in a treasure hunt race” or just look up my psn “pete007d” you also can win the sub if you finish the race. | 2010-01-21 03:27:00 Author: pete007d ![]() Posts: 58 |
Hey, I have created a cool mini sub check it out. It is neutrally buoyant and fires underwater missiles (can’t use the word torpedo) moves up, down, left and right. You can give it a try “ best real working submarine in a treasure hunt race” or just look up my psn “pete007d” you also can win the sub if you finish the race. Sure thing. I will go check it out. I also made one of those sack eating sharks, but mine stays passive while is not smelling any sackboys, hehe. Its really fun to see how the shark tries to attack while inside the mini submarine! | 2010-01-22 22:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
that could be a level idea? submarine verus shark? | 2010-01-23 00:18:00 Author: yeknom09 ![]() Posts: 4 |
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