The Structure by OIL_
Archive: 24 posts
OIL_ is back with a new level. It's a tricky puzzler. You may want to give it a try when you have about a half hour. http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/OIL_TheStructure1.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/OIL_TheStructure2.jpg And don't miss two other great publications: The Ancient Castle and The Score Bubblica. | 2010-01-16 22:26:00 Author: Kipmonlin ![]() Posts: 251 |
I love OIL, one of my fav. creators. I'll check this out later | 2010-01-16 22:32:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Nice, I think Ancient Castle was a well deserved Level of the Year nominee, I'll have to look (and later record) at it later | 2010-01-16 22:42:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
W00T! OIL_ is awesome! I'll be checking this out later | 2010-01-16 22:55:00 Author: iGotFancyPants ![]() Posts: 1355 |
I absolutely loved The Ancient Castle - it sits easily in my Top 50. I must be missing something about this latest one. I tried hard to like it, but it didn't grab me. Sorry. ![]() | 2010-01-16 23:52:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
Wow... I am totally frustrated that I'm stuck out in Vegas without my PS3! I'm a really big fan of The Ancient Castle. I'm dying to play this one! | 2010-01-17 00:06:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Wow its fun and it can be quite confusing at first there's also some clever secret areas. I've found 4 so far and I think there is a 5th. Definetly something is supposed to happen when you find them all cause all the secret areas are brains attached to the whole structure EDIT: Okay there is definetly a 5th but I just can't figure it out how to get there. Its this roomhttp://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/OIL_TheStructure2.jpg, something triggers that disoolve on a winched platform up there and causes it to fall allowing you to get to that little platform above the switch that triggers the explosives. Dang I wish someone could figure it out. And I also spied a huge bunch of point bubbles on the very top of the structure (you probably get it when you destroy all the brains) But anyway here are the 4 that I know of I just put it in white text since I can't get spoiler tags 1: Bottom left room where you flood the place, after you pull the water switch quickly use the little pillars to the left of the switch to jump to the far left before the water rises and so you can go behind the pillar underwater, keep going left and you can swim out the tiny gap to the secret area 2: Bottom right room, when you raise the water (where the block you have to move underwater is, there are 2 tiny pillars in the background, that appear when the huge platform is raised, sticker the left one with the sticker switch to reveal the secret area 3: Room where you press the switch to emit trigger bombs, blow up the white wall using the switch and you can use the fallen platform to go to the secret area, simple 4: In the room with the block on top of dissolvable materials in an # shape, push the bottom left one to the right and the top left part will hit the switch, go to the room on the left and the top spinning Circle will be lowered allowing you to get to the tiny gap to the left | 2010-01-17 07:03:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
Mmm it may be ok being by OIL_ but I'm disappointed by the screenshots showing he too has succumbed to using the layer glitch so may not bother playing it. It seems like everyone and his mother is using it now. It's ok in small doses for added effect in particular areas but people are using it throughout the level and it makes for some terrible camera angles which don't help gameplay one bit. For me it's just as annoying as all the bomb survivals. What a shame to see OIL_ use it. I thought he had more integrity than that. | 2010-01-17 13:07:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Mmm it may be ok being by OIL_ but I'm disappointed by the screenshots showing he too has succumbed to using the layer glitch so may not bother playing it. It seems like everyone and his mother is using it now. It's ok in small doses for added effect in particular areas but people are using it throughout the level and it makes for some terrible camera angles which don't help gameplay one bit. For me it's just as annoying as all the bomb survivals. What a shame to see OIL_ use it. I thought he had more integrity than that. It's not an integrity thing.... more an artistic choice.... and just like an other LBP feature, could be used well or poorly. Doesn't seem to draw any comparison to bomb survival levels at all. | 2010-01-18 18:36:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I'm with Lisa on this one. I booted up my PS3 just to play it, but found myself quitting out to my pod. It didn't suck me in, and I never felt like I was having fun. Too bad - a rare miss from oil_. | 2010-01-18 18:46:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
I gotta disagree that its a miss... I couldn't believe oil_ had done a loser level, so I sat down with this and played it quite a bit last night, and I came away thinking it was brilliant..... however, definately a niche audience. As I worked through the different rooms it started growing on me. Some of the puzzles are some of the best I've seen, and the interconnectedness of the entire level was really unique. I didn't finish it, but only because it was really late when I was playing it so I finally had to get to bed (work in the morning....), but I'll be going back to it. | 2010-01-21 13:17:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I have to agree with comphermc and MrsSpookyBuz, I really couldn't get into this one. I ended up returning to Pod before I finished.. | 2010-01-26 01:41:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
I played this level a couple nights ago and fell in love. Happy to see its getting some attention. The simplicity and mystery of the whole thing really captured me right from the start. I questioned the environment immediately and thought Oil did a good job introducing the player to one puzzle at a time in small doses then slowly expanding the environment to reveal even more complexities. However in reality the very first puzzle probably uses the most space save for the final one that uses the entirety of the "structure". For one the way to complete the level is to basically question absolutely everything and backtrack often to see if anything changed when you pulled this lever or pushed that button. He only introduces so much at a time and there is always a single way to complete each puzzle. If you're having trouble I say play it with a friend. It might help to have two minds going at it because sometimes it's easy to get stuck in one way of thinking and not notice the huge clue that might have been right there in front of you. In fact this level is very Ico'ish and that's why I fell in love. Besides that I thought the goal/motivation for the hero in this story was hilarious once you actually figured out what you were doing all these puzzles for. Anyway all in all it's my favorite puzzler in LBP. Truly remarkable stuff that had my mind working overtime during the short time I had with it. I find it sad that only about 66 people out of over 1000 were able to complete it at the time and due to pure frustration gave it only 3 stars. I pray that doesn't kill his motivation for giving the community more mind numbing levels like this because I found it to be an extremely rewarding and enjoyable experience. | 2010-01-26 09:10:00 Author: fusionboxer ![]() Posts: 37 |
I really really like the way the whole level is interconnected. | 2010-01-26 16:36:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
I agree... and it's really important with this level to stick with it... every little part of the puzzle you solve makes you appreciate it more when the additional parts open up. | 2010-01-26 20:05:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Yeah, I went back and actually completed the level. I still think it needs something to grab the player a bit more. Maybe I'm trying to speak for the general community, who would detest anything that doesn't have sharks in it. I just don't like the idea of the masses seeing a blank(ish) room - albeit in 3D - and quitting straight away. The first time I played, I perhaps didn't give ME the proper time to play it. It still took me over half an hour to finish the other day. It's clever, of course, and I suppose its mystery is the whole point. I dunno. | 2010-01-26 20:39:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
Awesome, I can't wait to see these new OIL_ levels down the line. Remember when no one knew who OIL_ was, and Ancient Castle had like 70 plays and 3 stars? | 2010-01-26 20:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I played this one the other day. Well by played I mean I stared at the first room for five mins, said "WTH is this?" and then left. Nothing about it appealed to me in the slightest as I found it bland, boring and far too frustrating to even think about giving it another go. | 2010-01-29 09:58:00 Author: cthulhu82 ![]() Posts: 211 |
Wow, that was a truly testing and totally absorbing level. After spending more time than I care to admit to in it this afternoon (when I was supposed to be working at home, oops) it is definitely one of my favourite LBP levels. I found that it did draw me in and the more I played it the more I felt part of the world of the Structure. It truly has its own atmosphere - strange, simple to the point of austerity and mysterious. The puzzles were just amazing . I loved the way the whole structure of the level is in fact itself a puzzle which you manipulate and that, as others have said, everything is interconnected. I don’t believe I have had to think this hard before in LBP (with the possible exception of one of Tasty-Cafe’s levels) but none of it is unfair, although access to a couple of the secret areas is a one off thing. If you get it wrong there is no second chance and you have to restart the level if you want end up on top of the Structure. I think it is clever that there are effectively two endings. In fact there may be more than two as even having found all 6 secret windows and the second scoreboard, I still need to work out how Kipmonlin (in 2 player) got some 27,000 plus points when the best single player scores are around 18,500-18,750! This level just has so much depth. I think though that, as this thread testifies, this level is a love/hate thing and a lot of people will see it as pointless somehow. That does not in any way detract from its brilliance and I’m sure LPB is a big enough place for there to be room for levels like this. | 2010-01-29 19:50:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
In fact there may be more than two as even having found all 6 secret windows and the second scoreboard, I still need to work out how Kipmonlin (in 2 player) got some 27,000 plus points when the best single player scores are around 18,500-18,750! This level just has so much depth. Alright I gotta ask where those 2 secret windows I couldn't find them:blush: I really wanted to record this, but I could never find them all ![]() | 2010-01-29 22:23:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
Alright I gotta ask where those 2 secret windows I couldn't find them:blush: I really wanted to record this, but I could never find them all ![]() You were almost there actually, as once you've accessed 5 of the areas (all of which you spotted) and popped the brains the last one is pretty much handed to you on a plate. As I say though, I still think there's something I'm missing. I'll PM you the details but probably tomorrow as it's late here now...unless Kipmonlin gets in first, lol! | 2010-01-30 00:32:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Ok I gave it another go and managed to find some apple...and then couldn't figure out where to go for 40 mins and quit to pod | 2010-01-30 14:17:00 Author: cthulhu82 ![]() Posts: 211 |
I guess the only way to get that other row of point bubbles at the secret ending is just to have a 2nd player go past the scoreboard (being careful no to hit the brain lol) | 2010-01-30 20:05:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
What a fantastic level, I was sucked in right away, great puzzles & overall structure, I'm ashamed to say I only found 2 of the secret windows but I'll definitely play it again soon. | 2010-07-27 09:40:00 Author: ApeCheese ![]() Posts: 369 |
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