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I made a hoverboard one time and then I was going to put it in a level. But it needs more testing.

P.S- Can't fly.
2010-01-16 19:23:00

Posts: 89

What hoverboard is it if it can't fly? It's only a board.2010-01-17 16:58:00

Posts: 504

whats the board made of? if it can't fly why not add some rockets or use TheSwweets tutorial on it Here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=17517-how-to-make-a-GOOD-hoverboard%21)2010-01-17 17:45:00

Posts: 5078

Maybe he means that it can't fly (AKA go wild and crazy and get blasted to the top of the level) but only hover..?2010-01-17 17:52:00

Posts: 342

I created something similar to a hover board a few months ago. I call it the Macro-jet. Its similar to a jet ski,but it haves a cockpit and it moves on ground. The macro-jet move quick and when it takes a ramp it catches some good air and you can control the air time. I've even made it hover from one side of a level to the other!2010-01-19 02:37:00

Unknown User

I think he means that it flys but it just flys around uncontrallabely.2010-02-04 20:31:00

Unknown User

What hoverboard is it if it can't fly? It's only a board.

Lol. Maybe you need to adjust the weight of the whole thing and tweak the rockets' thrust. I'm just saying.
2010-02-06 07:59:00

Posts: 56

What hoverboard is it if it can't fly? It's only a board.

LOL, No one has made a flying table, where you can stop you, and not have to hold on to anything and really fly sideways? Like the skateboardingfrom back to the future 2?? I really need help with this. I have seen some designs, but are very large.
2010-02-16 18:42:00

Posts: 198

We at Outlaw Flyers can create a rocket free hoverboard that flys, both sideways, and stays stable as well as not crushing the sackie during a crash.2010-02-16 18:47:00

Posts: 5078

We at Outlaw Flyers can create a rocket free hoverboard that flys, both sideways, and stays stable as well as not crushing the sackie during a crash.

Im working in something like that for one level, but not rocket free!!!!!! how you do that?
2010-02-16 18:54:00

Posts: 198

Soon there will be a showcase level, with places to test said hoverboards, the showcase should be ready in approximately 3 weeks.2010-02-16 18:58:00

Posts: 5078

I will check it later, but right now i will have to work with rockets, need this hoverboard now XD!!! i hope my method works fine!2010-02-16 19:04:00

Posts: 198

i think i know, but i dont think i should say.
i think makeing them is easy, just spend time tweeking.
what i like doing is putting a rocket that berly lifts the bord with you in it, so it acts like the peach floaty, but is wood/sponge/even metel
have fun
2010-02-16 20:45:00

Unknown User

Im working in something like that for one level, but not rocket free!!!!!! how you do that?
In the beginning, Jack made some Hovers without rockets, but they were too big, so i tried to make a very sensible board, half long. As Kernel said, soon there will be a showcase level to try them.
2010-02-17 12:20:00

Posts: 504

In the beginning, Jack made some Hovers without rockets, but they were too big, so i tried to make a very sensible board, half long. As Kernel said, soon there will be a showcase level to try them.

Thank you, sounds interesting. i think i got a perfect hoverboard (for now XD) but i will play your level later to see your tech
2010-02-17 17:31:00

Posts: 198

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