Levels you 'just don't get'..?
Archive: 63 posts
Well there's lots of threads about everyone's favourite levels...what about one's that other people love or that are just generally popular that you don't see the attraction in? Now, I understand this is a bit of dangerous topic, so please be respectful in your posts and consider that the creator may read it! There's no harm is saying you aren't a big fan of a level. Just outright saying it is terrible is not very nice! So let's have the levels, and why you aren't a big fan?! ![]() | 2010-01-16 02:58:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Very interesting thread, it's risky but I'm curious as to who actually tells the truth... | 2010-01-16 03:10:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
Little Dead Space. That's right folks, the level of the year. *stunned silence* Just kidding, the visuals are decent I guess, but like some people said in the thread announcing that it won, there is no gameplay. The big selling point to the level is it's atmosphere, and I really don't think it's possible to create an atmosphere that affects me in LBP. Also, I never thought Azure Palace was that special, but I played it many months after it came out, and I can appreciate how mind-blowing it was back then. Seriously, not trying to hurt any feelings, these levels blow my levels out of the water and into outer space, so don't be offended. | 2010-01-16 04:00:00 Author: thekevinexpress ![]() Posts: 256 |
Any bomb survival. Why take the stairs down instead of an elevator when the building is being BOMBED? | 2010-01-16 04:12:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
i agree. little dead space was an ok level in my oppinion, but its not the messiah of LBP | 2010-01-16 04:13:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
There's that Timberland something level by that guy, you know, ... ![]() | 2010-01-16 04:17:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
The logic pack. I don't see what all the fuss is about. (lol, bad joke.) But there are many. I agree, I didn't want to say it on the other thread but here I'm going to say it, I don't think little dead space deserved to win at all ![]() | 2010-01-16 04:17:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
There's that Timberland something level by that guy, you know, ... ![]() I guess I asked for that with starting the thread! ![]() Although anyone who isn't a fan...please don't hesitate to say so! ![]() | 2010-01-16 04:22:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Euphoric Physics. [LBP PSP] I DO get why it's impressive and do respect it as such, however for some reason it just didn't really catch my fancy when I played through it. Clambering Crawlway [LBP PSP] (sorry jack) I really like the level and it is really professionally done, just kind of basic I guess for some reason... I can't really explain it. I think I was just overly spoiled with Scorching Scamper. XD Garden of Golden Apples [LBP PSP](I'm gonna get beat up for this. ![]() Please don't take any of this as me saying those are bad levels or that I didn't like them because then I'd have to throw rabid puppies with razor sharp lasers mounted on their heads at you. I like those levels, it's just that they didn't really leave much of an impression on me like I thought they would. [EDIT] @ jack: Yeah, I know it's the PS3 section but technically it's "Everything Else LBP" ![]() | 2010-01-16 05:01:00 Author: SirPaper ![]() Posts: 150 |
Euphoric Physics. I DO get why it's impressive and do respect it as such, however for some reason it just didn't really catch my fancy when I played through it. Clambering Crawlway (sorry jack) I really like the level and it is really professionally done, just kind of basic I guess for some reason... I can't really explain it. I think I was just overly spoiled with Scorching Scamper. XD Garden of Golden Apples (I'm gonna get beat up for this. ![]() Please don't take any of this as me saying those are bad levels or that I didn't like them because then I'd have to throw rabid puppies with razor sharp lasers mounted on their heads at you. I like those levels, it's just that they didn't really leave much of an impression on me like I thought they would. This was posted in the PS3 section by the way! ![]() ![]() | 2010-01-16 05:13:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
levels that play themself ^^; its a game what fun about doing nothing | 2010-01-16 07:14:00 Author: jump_button ![]() Posts: 1014 |
Levels that try to remake the VR training-esque level. I get it, you enjoyed the VR training from the MGS pack, but it just looks so tacky! VR grid just doesn't look good for me... at all. Granted, Van just made that "Tied Down" level, which was incredible, but it didn't try to recreate the VR challenges. I would, however, have preferred he chosen different materials, but I suppose that's personal preference. /Grain of Salt | 2010-01-16 07:24:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
To be honest... MrsSpookyBuzz's Hyper sphere pandamonium. The Visuals were Absolutly awfull!(in my opineon) And the gameplay was dull and abit too hard.... i think it was an absolute wreak and a disaster.... Here comes the hate commnts my way! D= | 2010-01-16 07:55:00 Author: Tawarf ![]() Posts: 457 |
Swimming pool levels. bomb survivals. levels that play themselves. motorstorm levels. bike racing levels. any racing levels. And many more... | 2010-01-16 08:01:00 Author: TNSv ![]() Posts: 302 |
Now, I understand this is a bit of dangerous topic, so please be respectful in your posts and consider that the creator may read it! Tawarf... naughty, naughty Tawarf... | 2010-01-16 09:05:00 Author: FlipMeister ![]() Posts: 631 |
If I'm being honest, Teebonesy's latest levels. I think they look fantastic and the gameplay is pretty good, but they're a bit too 'messy' for my liking if you know what I mean. There always seems to be too much going on. | 2010-01-16 10:00:00 Author: Nuclearfish ![]() Posts: 927 |
I haven't played many community levels lately or community spotlight levels because I have been working on a contest entree, but those bomb survivals and swimming pools are really starting to annoy me. Especially the 1st Boat Bomb survival even though I am sure 100 were made the day water cam out. | 2010-01-16 13:12:00 Author: tanrockstan34 ![]() Posts: 1076 |
To be honest... MrsSpookyBuzz's Hyper sphere pandamonium. The Visuals were Absolutly awfull!(in my opineon) And the gameplay was dull and abit too hard.... i think it was an absolute wreak and a disaster.... Here comes the hate commnts my way! D= lol! Ooh, you cut me deep, Shrek! I'm guessing you didn't like it much? Thanks for being honest, I guess. Or is this you being antagonistic again, trying to play the bad boy of LBPC? You remember, like you told me that time when we played online, that you come on here with the intention of being 'naughty' and trying to cause upset? Ahem, anyway, I'm just thankful that there were people who did enjoy it. To those who didn't, I totally apologise for trying something different. [/sarcasm] | 2010-01-16 13:19:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
Euphoric Physics. [LBP PSP] I DO get why it's impressive and do respect it as such, however for some reason it just didn't really catch my fancy when I played through it. Clambering Crawlway [LBP PSP] (sorry jack) I really like the level and it is really professionally done, just kind of basic I guess for some reason... I can't really explain it. I think I was just overly spoiled with Scorching Scamper. XD Garden of Golden Apples [LBP PSP](I'm gonna get beat up for this. ![]() Please don't take any of this as me saying those are bad levels or that I didn't like them because then I'd have to throw rabid puppies with razor sharp lasers mounted on their heads at you. I like those levels, it's just that they didn't really leave much of an impression on me like I thought they would. [EDIT] @ jack: Yeah, I know it's the PS3 section but technically it's "Everything Else LBP" ![]() Wow I was surprised by this. I felt Euphoria physics was short yeah, but what it displayed was top notch and the physics system being pushed to the full! And Garden of the golden apples was one of my favourite PSP levels - the visuals are just stunning and it really feels new. But each to his own I guess. As for PS3 levels... I don't really like most of those one by that creator...Morgana something or other. Just don't quite have good enough lighting. Could use a few more LED's here and there if you know what I mean ![]() | 2010-01-16 13:27:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
In all fairness the levels i don't get are the ones that people publish after less than a couple of hours playing on the moon, yes you made a house it might be a very nice house but i wasted my time loading the level because your just showing me a house. Honestly make a bleeding level out of it for goodness sakes. if your so happy about this house then make something else your happy with, maybe a puzzle, some platforming, some action, actually make me happy a clicked on your level for goodness sakes. And then theres those dam bomb survival levels "Survive the bomb in the house" We can all make polystyrene houses !!!!!! i mean come on do these people think a polystyrene house with no back wall, and some furniture than just gets in the way and is made out of cardboard and is always on the front layer. Come on who the hell in real life has a couch right on against the front wall. Timed bombs impact bombs bombs that don't go off, I would prefer to paint a wall and lick it dry than to play a level like that. Calm down calm down calms down, i actually got very angry there and started breathing heavily. rant over. | 2010-01-16 13:35:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
lol! Ooh, you cut me deep, Shrek! I'm guessing you didn't like it much? Thanks for being honest, I guess. Or is this you being antagonistic again, trying to play the bad boy of LBPC? You remember, like you told me that time when we played online, that you come on here with the intention of being 'naughty' and trying to cause upset? Ahem, anyway, I'm just thankful that there were people who did enjoy it. To those who didn't, I totally apologise for trying something different. [/sarcasm] Lol. Its only that level of yours that truley dissapointed me. im sorry... no im actually trying to be nice... but i saw the opertunity to tell the hard truth with this thead. Anyways sorry for insulting it. it wasnt really that bad. its just i hated that 3D. | 2010-01-16 13:45:00 Author: Tawarf ![]() Posts: 457 |
Suprised no one has mentioned that metal gear sacklid level. I'm not sure about the exact name but it's very popular in the most hearted i think... yet it's not all to great. I'm trying to be as nice as i can about this... | 2010-01-16 13:56:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
I don't like levels that uses so many foggy lights and special effects that level is laggy. It takes much of enjoyment from level and makes think that creator is making ineffectively visuals of the level. | 2010-01-16 14:10:00 Author: waD_Delma ![]() Posts: 282 |
Scientific Island levels... Visuals were Eww, no gameplay, just loads of things being moved around. And number 4 was a blaitant rip off to Sci-Fi World. | 2010-01-16 14:20:00 Author: BlahYourHamster ![]() Posts: 177 |
wow this thread really shows how diffrent people's opinions are! I would disagree with most of what's been said... it just shows people like diffrent things. | 2010-01-16 14:22:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
The Bunker! I thought for a time that it should not be the highest rated. It's just an average level to me, but after looking at how bad many other levels are. (Bomb levels, etc.) I suppose it should stay there. It's not the best and it seems average to me, but it shines in contrast to other levels. | 2010-01-16 14:46:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
The Bunker by poms, the visuals were just really boring. I love his other levels though, I just don't think that one deserved as much praise as it got. | 2010-01-16 15:18:00 Author: olit123 ![]() Posts: 1341 |
Alright, I feel braver now because of all your comments ![]() The Bunker: Little variety, simple puzzles, stolen MM ideas but with simple twists, bad use of sound and music. The Unfair Platformers: Decent fun, but doesn't deserve half the praise it gets. Scientific Islands: Stolen ideas, little variety, no gameplay other than watching glitches and simple robots walk. The Pacific Islands: Considering if you respawn you get stuck in a tree I don't know hbow this hit highest rated. Little gamelpay either. | 2010-01-16 15:54:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
The Bunker seems to be coming up a lot! I suppose thats due to its massive play count. For me, the 'Kill Your Best Friend Levels' are massively over-rated. I just dont see the fun in killing someone in lots of different ways. | 2010-01-16 16:10:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
I have to say I dislike Chroma Stone Chronicles... The Gem ones. Abysia's Lair is in a different league though! That's one of thee best levels, but the rest of the series, I just didn't get the fuss.... Sorry Morgana.... The Movies by teebonesy... I thought it was... just very mediocre... Sorry bonesy... I have more buried in the back of my brain atm.... | 2010-01-16 16:29:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
Edit: Kiminiski's right. I can't do this. You can see what I said in Compher's post ... unless he edited it... but I think maybe this thread is a bad idea. I tried to be honest, but I can't do it. It's too mean. I would definitely have my feelings hurt if someone said they "don't get" the Crystal Cave level, so I withdraw my comments. | 2010-01-16 17:03:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
By 'didn't get', I thought you ment the story, in which case the PotC levels, I don't understand the story in that :blush: But more on-topic, I'd say any level which just has water, maybe a single boat, and that's it. Once you've done it once you've done it a thousand times, think of more orginal uses for water people! | 2010-01-16 17:06:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
No offence folks, but this thread's going to hurt a lot of people's feelings.. People put a whole lot of effort into their levels (Especially the creators already mentioned!) and while obviously their efforts aren't going to appeal to everyone, I think it's a bit harsh for creators to have to read about their failures (All personal opinion of course), on a public board. - No matter how nicely you word it, it's still being nasty. Maybe worth considering how you'd feel to see your creations slated for the sake of it. | 2010-01-16 17:13:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
...[Opinions on H.A.T.E. by Voltaire]... Ah, this one cuts me deep! ![]() I loved the H.A.T.E. series, but I suppose if you've never played the game Portal, the references might not make sense. Just curious, did you feel the same way about my Aperture Science Series (be honest!). I felt like H.A.T.E. and my series were in the same vein, so I'm curious. Edit: I removed some stuff. Good point Kiminski. I will be keeping an eye on this one. If anyone feels like this thread has personally attacked them in any way, send me a PM and I will close it down. | 2010-01-16 17:18:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
No offence folks, but this thread's going to hurt a lot of people's feelings.. People put a whole lot of effort into their levels (Especially the creators already mentioned!) and while obviously their efforts aren't going to appeal to everyone, I think it's a bit harsh for creators to have to read about their failures (All personal opinion of course), on a public board. - No matter how nicely you word it, it's still being nasty. Maybe worth considering how you'd feel to see your creations slated for the sake of it. I did consider this before starting the thread and it is the reason I emphasised being polite and noting that it is just your personal opinion. I see no harm in saying that you personally aren't a fan of a particular level as long as you give clear and constructive reasons as to why. After all, this is why people post their levels in the showcase area, to find out what people think of it! It is indeed a very interesting thread, and while it may be a little negative, as long as it is kept constructive I don't personally see a problem. It's all subjective, as long as the person isn't unnecessarily harsh then I see no reason why the creator should be upset or insulted by it. | 2010-01-16 17:21:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
The final boss in the Azure Palace was really cool, and I even spoofed it in 7 Days (sorta) because I thought it was pretty awesome. There was just something about it that I just... I don't know, like I said, I didn't get it. I feel terrible for even sayin' that, believe me!!!! And I watched my friends play through Portal, and I do like it and get the references. H.A.T.E., for some reason, just made me really mad the whole time I was playing it. I have no idea why. I know that sounds silly. Everyone was rating it high and obviously having a great time with it, but I just WAS NOT. I just wanted it to be over with. You guys have no idea how awful this makes me feel. I hate "being honest" sometimes. ![]() Edit: I will say this. I did like some of the puzzles in H.A.T.E. .. you don't see a whole lot of puzzles in lbp. And compher, I'll be honest, I have never played your Aperture Science levels, but I'll wager they won't make me as angry as H.A.T.E. did. I dunno, though ... as far as this thread goes, I tend to think Kiminski's right about this thread. I have deleted my first post. | 2010-01-16 17:22:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
To be honest, The Bunker really didn't feel like it deserved the amount of praise it got. Poms is an excellent creator however and his other levels show it more than this. For all that say Little Dead Space, I can definitely understand that. I mean, gameplay is pretty minimal but that's not at all why I loved it. It seriously blew my mind the first time I played it. I didn't even know making things like that were possible in LBP! I guess that level is what got me into creating. It came out rather early too, so I can see why people don't see it as awesome nowadays... ![]() | 2010-01-16 17:26:00 Author: iGotFancyPants ![]() Posts: 1355 |
I can understand a few of the levels chosen here. H.A.T.E, I am a fan of, as in a can recognise the quality that is there. However like a lot of others I too found it to be too long and frustrating in parts (mainly due to the length). The Bunker, when it was first posted in the recommendation with someone raving about it I was actually the first to say it wasn't that great. It is a good level no doubt, it just doesn't really deserve the position it managed to obtain, which is the main reason why it has been highlighted here. I think Poms would agree with this too. Azure Palace. I am yet to complete this level. I understand it was revolutionary for it's time but it's just too clunky from my experience. I have tried 6-7 times to complete it and every time something has broken on me or I've got trapped somewhere. | 2010-01-16 17:31:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
I did consider this before starting the thread and it is the reason I emphasised being polite and noting that it is just your personal opinion. I see no harm in saying that you personally aren't a fan of a particular level as long as you give clear and constructive reasons as to why. After all, this is why people post their levels in the showcase area, to find out what people think of it! It is indeed a very interesting thread, and while it may be a little negative, as long as it is kept constructive I don't personally see a problem. It's all subjective, as long as the person isn't unnecessarily harsh then I see no reason why the creator should be upset or insulted by it. How about everyone says things about the levels they don't like, then they have to post something good and positive about that level too? | 2010-01-16 17:35:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
That's a really good idea, warlord_evil. ^_^ | 2010-01-16 17:36:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
No offence folks, but this thread's going to hurt a lot of people's feelings.. People put a whole lot of effort into their levels (Especially the creators already mentioned!) and while obviously their efforts aren't going to appeal to everyone, I think it's a bit harsh for creators to have to read about their failures (All personal opinion of course), on a public board. - No matter how nicely you word it, it's still being nasty. Maybe worth considering how you'd feel to see your creations slated for the sake of it. I agree with this. In french we have a saying that goes "It's not like any truth is good to tell". I'm sure there is an equivalent in English but I don't know about it. Anyways, that's why I answered this thread like a joke. ----------------------- First off, this thread is wrong from the start because it seems like it steams directly from people thinking it's unfair LittleBigDeadSpace won the "best level of year". First of all, since when the Sackies are worth anything? I'm sorry to tell you this JackofCourse but it's like consciously (or unconsciously) started this thread to voice your discontent and frustration in a diguised and politically correct way ---- wich would still be wrong if we notice! Also, having a thread about negative opinions is always a sure firehit. People have problems voicing their simple and positive opinions, how do you expect people to come here and explain their negative one in a non-insulting way? lol As for those Sackies or the opinion of people on LittleBigDeadSpace or again Spookybuz's sphere, it needs to be understood under a certain context. LittleBigDeadSpace received many votes because IT DID left a mark when it came out. In the context back then(almost a full year ago), this level WAS the king of "impressive". People remember that and they probably voted it by memory, they didn't go and play all the levels nominated in order to refresh their opinion and see wich level is truly the best one. Lastly, there are also genres, styles and different approaches you can have with LittleBigPLanet. This is the interesting side of the game, the beauty of it. One can have a story level, the other a bomb survival. That other person can have a tight and hard level, the other one a short and easy visual festival. One a playground and the other one does a puzzle. Most people will fail to see what's a good level in all of those possible genres and category. And since this game doesn't classify your stuff for s***, everybody are playing levels they didn't expect or don't understand and this cultivate negavitivity and hate instead of anything more positive. The game is also having alot less legs than it should have been given the community would have been designed intelligently buuuuuut this is another story. Take it like you ask someone if he likes techno. The person that don't like it will probably tell you it's crap. No explanation or whys even thought when someone is having an opinion it's supposed to be well thought out and not something of randomness and pure judgement. The one that doesn't like techno is supposed to have listen to alot of artists doing good techno and understand why he doesn't like this genre. If people were that open and intelligent, this thread here would be awesome but you know it won't happen. People judge, most don't understand their own opinions much, they simply "react", "hate", "judge". That's how we are raised generally speaking in this world anyways. So yeah, if you need flame wars, leave this thread open. If you feel like voicing your discontent with a level, it's just like with a critique, we'd like to know why and under wich context otherwise your opinion looks like easy ditching for X reason. And lastly, my honest opinion: If a level is not worth a positive comment for you or whatever that you don't like it, it also means its not worth discussing. The reason why I will not post anymore in this thread since I did bring all I could to it already. | 2010-01-16 17:39:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
And compher, I'll be honest, I have never played your Aperture Science levels, but I'll wager they won't make me as angry as H.A.T.E. did. What!?! That was my claim to fame! Haha. What do you know me for, then? --- Great idea, Warlord! Here goes... --- So, I have never really understood the mechs/mechas (not even sure which is which or whatever) obsession by certain creators. You know who they are but I won't single them out. While I appreciate the complexities that go into making a flying mecha or a bipedal walker, those things do not interest me. I suppose I have never been into those things outside of LBP, so there is very little appeal. The summation of my experiences with them in LBP is frustration due to limitations of the LBP engine. Any fun you guys might have playing or making them is sadly lost on me. That said, I do understand how complicated it is to make them work, and I appreciate them for that. --- @Ranger - we just have "The truth hurts." Maybe there's another one, but I can't recall right off. I do, however, disagree with your point of "Not saying anything if you don't have anything nice to say." While that's all fine and good, what's the point of giving feedback if you aren't going to be honest? This is an interesting juxtaposition in that most of the feedback people give on levels is positive, and people who would leave negative [constructive] feedback instead choose to leave no feedback. Personally, I would like to know if someone didn't like my level, and more importantly why they didn't like it. Granted in the case of many of these creators, they would not even think about going back to change things, but you can't grow as a creator if someone just says, "OMG it was awesome!" That helps me a lot less than, "I felt it was too long... boring... not fun," while providing reasons that they felt that way. | 2010-01-16 17:41:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
I can honestly say this had nothign to do with LittleDeadSpace winning. It actually comes from the thread in the general area called something like 'What levels don't you like?' (Talking about all games in general) I obviously thought that wouldn't be a great title and is a bit harsh because this is far more persona, so I asked CaptainCowboyhat on MSN whether he thought it would be alright for a thread...he suggested title 'levels you don't get', and that is where it has come from. I understand some people's concerns and I agree that the thread should definitely be looked over, however I personally don't see a problem with the thread in general. I would welcome anyone to openly admit they didn't like a level of mine. As long as they provide decent and constructive reasons as to why, then all is good for me. We all place our levels online to be judged and critiqued. If someone can't handle constructive criticism I think they should reconsider publishing them in the first place. I didn't start this thread so people could openly slate levels. It was meant to be constructive and start debate. I realise that people put a lot into their levels (I am one of them!) and they may feel very attached to them. But as I said before, as far as I'm concerned, as long it's conducted in respectful manner it shouldn't be an issue. If the majority disagrees then I guess do what has to be done mods! | 2010-01-16 17:44:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
What!?! That was my claim to fame! Haha. What do you know me for, then? compher, I know you for some of your work in the beta and from the logic pack. All rather impressive, believe me. ^__^ | 2010-01-16 17:58:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I do, however, disagree with your point of "Not saying anything if you don't have anything nice to say." Well this is not the message I wanted to transmit. I meant that it's not any thing that you can say that is good to say. This thing being the truth or not. That's what the expression I share deeply means. If means we have to think before randomly voicing delicate opinions and truths. And to accept it's POSSIBLE that some truths shall not be said given it wouldn't bring any good. It's not at all about talking only if you have something nice to say. ![]() Oh and it doesn't mean to lie either. It just means to voice our opinions properly and at the right time or else maybe it's better to shut up. ![]() | 2010-01-16 17:59:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
I obviously thought that wouldn't be a great title and is a bit harsh because this is far more personal and asked CaptainCowboyhat on MSN whether he thought it would be alright for a thread...he suggested title 'levels you don't get', and that is where it has come from. I understand some people's concerns and I agree that the thread should definitely be looked over, however I personally don't see a problem with the thread in general. I would welcome anyone to openly admit they didn't like a level of mine. Indeed, I very much doubt jack created this thread in a hissyfit over the sackies - he's just not that kinda guy. And the thread itself shouldn't be a problem. Saying you can't understand why people enjoy a certain level is very different to slamming it down. Obviously some people like tawarf will use it as an excuse to do that, but you pretty much have to take everything he says with a pinch of salt as he clearly does love to ruffle people feathers. As long as it's carried out in a respectful way it can potentially be beneficial to both the creators and the people who "don't get" their levels. | 2010-01-16 18:03:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
I obviously thought that wouldn't be a great title and is a bit harsh because this is far more personal and asked CaptainCowboyhat on MSN whether he thought it would be alright for a thread...he suggested title 'levels you don't get', and that is where it has come from. That's right, folks, this thread is all my fault. You can direct your hate mail to my personal email address: jackofcourse@isajerk.org. As for levels I don't get, I think my levels speak to my bias: I don't like pretty stuff or good stories nearly as much as I like solid platformy gameplay. But that's hardly a criticism of creators who make gorgeous epic things. They're very talented! | 2010-01-16 18:04:00 Author: CaptainCowboyHat ![]() Posts: 153 |
That's right, folks, this thread is all my fault. You can direct your hate mail to my personal email address: jackofcourse@isajerk.org. Lol it would be funny if someone actually fell for that ![]() | 2010-01-16 18:07:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
You mean it's not a real email address!? ![]() | 2010-01-16 18:09:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I agree with what Kiminski said as well as along the lines of RangerZero's first post. While it has been pointed out by compher and jack that feedback and constructive criticism is very important and well received on the forum, I think that feedback is more appropriate in that particular creators Level Thread. That is the reason for the Level Showcase and why the F4F system exists. ![]() Maybe a nicer approach would be to simply state what we don't get towards some of the game play elements in LBP rather than pinpointing an entire level. Possibly using examples from this or that level may not be as badly received. However even if meant well, this sort of discourse can be a bit personal since it's not like any of us are actually paid for our efforts. ...well except for the lucky few in the GOTY edition. ![]() We do it for fun. ...at least I do. ![]() ![]() Best Regards! | 2010-01-16 18:20:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
So, I have never really understood the mechs/mechas (not even sure which is which or whatever) obsession by certain creators. You know who they are but I won't single them out. While I appreciate the complexities that go into making a flying mecha or a bipedal walker, those things do not interest me. I suppose I have never been into those things outside of LBP, so there is very little appeal. The summation of my experiences with them in LBP is frustration due to limitations of the LBP engine. Any fun you guys might have playing or making them is sadly lost on me. That said, I do understand how complicated it is to make them work, and I appreciate them for that. --- y. There's a guy named KCferrari who I really try to hide from everybody else. (because he makes me look bad, and all he ever makes is vehicles.) If you ever see his metal gear rex mech I guarantee you'll be blown away by something. Amazing and relatively realistic walk synchronization, good double-grab toggle logic, insane detail, insane sticker shading, and four completely different and useful weapons. It's also an almost perfect model of the metal gear rex from the game itself. (I'm not even sure if I'm agreeing with you or disagreeing with you, but I think someone like him can make a great mech that intrigues anyone.) I know people might say I'm obsessed with building vehicles on LBP. It's partly because there are a few vehicle makers like me who are better than me and it's always like a fun competition. I'm always trying to fit as much into every vehicle as I can without too much overkill, but it seems easier to just make a lot of vehicles. And I guess for some reason the concept of sackboy controlling something bigger and more advanced or powerful than himself is just awesome to me. Nonetheless, vehicles are what I love to do and I don't have any plans to stop making them. ![]() | 2010-01-16 18:31:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Just want to say that my feelings aren't hurt in the least if people don't care for the Chroma Stone series. It's not everyone's cup of tea and that's cool. We all have favorite genres or styles in LBP and I respect killzonequinn's opinion ![]() The one I don't get are the Unfair Platformer levels. They are well made and do exactly what they advertise so in that regard they are a success but I just don't enjoy that type of humor. It always felt a bit meanspirited to me but yet again, that's just how I see it. | 2010-01-16 18:33:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
@rtm223 - I'm very glad someone else has noticed that there are members of LBPC that are just here to 'ruffle feathers', rather than offer any sort of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Notice I said 'members' (plural). I'm not talking about tawarf particularly (even though his opinion was noted when he left less-than-positive comments on the level at the time - which is fine. This thread is up here to be negative. Doesn't matter how polite or constructive, it's asking what levels you don't get, so even the title is negative. As jwwphotos pointed out, we have F4F for members to receive constructive feedback. Why do we need a general thread? So people can criticise openly? On a personal note, I'm getting a bit sick of the negativity on here. Not just the Sackies, or threads like this, but people using opportunity or causing opportunity to have little digs at people they obviously care little about. Not everyone can get on with everyone, it will never be possible, but the less provocation the better. Please don't think this is an over-reaction to one person's comments. No offence, tawarf, but I never take anything you say seriously anyway, after you told me you here to simply cause controversy. You've got a right to your opinion, of course. There might be a lot of levels that people 'don't get', but perhaps exercising courtesy and consideration may be a better course of action, and maybe offering encouragement. | 2010-01-16 18:40:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
@rtm223 - I'm very glad someone else has noticed that there are members of LBPC that are just here to 'ruffle feathers', rather than offer any sort of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Notice I said 'members' (plural). I'm not talking about tawarf particularly (even though his opinion was noted when he left less-than-positive comments on the level at the time - which is fine. This thread is up here to be negative. Doesn't matter how polite or constructive, it's asking what levels you don't get, so even the title is negative. As jwwphotos pointed out, we have F4F for members to receive constructive feedback. Why do we need a general thread? So people can criticise openly? On a personal note, I'm getting a bit sick of the negativity on here. Not just the Sackies, or threads like this, but people using opportunity or causing opportunity to have little digs at people they obviously care little about. Not everyone can get on with everyone, it will never be possible, but the less provocation the better. Please don't think this is an over-reaction to one person's comments. No offence, tawarf, but I never take anything you say seriously anyway, after you told me you here to simply cause controversy. You've got a right to your opinion, of course. There might be a lot of levels that people 'don't get', but perhaps exercising courtesy and consideration may be a better course of action, and maybe offering encouragement. I do think that some people may have misinterpreted my intentions with this thread, and whilst it is negative in a way, I never meant it to be a thread just about slating levels. It was meant to be constructive and for this community to get a feel of the types of levels, and levels themselves, that we aren't as keen on as the rest of the LBP community. As rtm said, I don't believe that the thread itself is a problem, for example Morgana's post above is exactly the type of responses I was hoping for, both in terms of accepting criticism, and giving her opinion on a level. What may be a problem is certain posts from certain members who aren't as gracious and respectful with their words. But if we close threads and avoid reasonable and interesting discussions because we are afraid of what a couple of inconsiderate members may have to say, well I personally think that would be a shame | 2010-01-16 18:47:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Yeeeeeah, no. Aside from all the gimmicky levels like bomb, h4h etc. I like every level that made an honest effort to put a spin on an old idea, try something new, or any level that made an honest effort for my entertainment. Ill tell you one thing i dont get though, this thread. Its gonna discourage creators. | 2010-01-16 18:48:00 Author: Jrange378 ![]() Posts: 573 |
Definitely the LittleBigApocalypse series. No offense to the creator. Surely anti-color must have been new back then, and his style is original, but certainly it wasn't worth the hype I saw it receive. | 2010-01-16 18:50:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
For anyone who is offended by someone else not liking their levels, think about this. It should be a compliment. Having your levels mentioned is a nod that your level is considered good or even great by the LBP community, but that person in particular didn't think it lived up to the hype. You should be glad that your levels have hype in the first place, because it means that there were so many people talking about how awesome it is, it became known as an awesome level. Do you see any levels being named by pretty average creators (like myself ![]() | 2010-01-16 19:11:00 Author: thekevinexpress ![]() Posts: 256 |
The more I read and reread this thread, I think I tend to agree that it might be a bad idea, Jack. I know your intentions were good. I have a lot of hate and anger towards certain levels for various reasons, mostly because I get very frustrated with certain things. The people who made the levels that I hate are people, though, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I agree with MrsSpookyBuz, though. There really is a lot of negativity around here after those stupid-*** Sackies. There WERE a lot of hard feelings and it really seems to have manifested itself in this community in the form of anger and animosity towards others and their levels. | 2010-01-16 19:13:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
topic is "just dont get" as in you dont get why others like it so much, I think maybe one or two are geting into *********ing. | 2010-01-16 19:37:00 Author: jump_button ![]() Posts: 1014 |
topic is "just dont get" as in you dont get why others like it so much, I think maybe one or two are geting into *****ing. What? I don't understand what ur trying to say? As for this thread I've just read through it all and I agree it was a bad idea... its all very well having constructive feedback on ur level in the level showcase section but directly stating a level did not live up to ur expectations is disheartening and destructive. Ok, perhaps backing up ur statement with a constructive comment and perhaps highlighting some points in the level which u felt could improve it would be a better approach. As for singling out a level and just stating 'its not all that' is wrong. Especially if an obvious amount of time and effort has gone into it. | 2010-01-16 19:55:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
Well I think this thread has probably ran it's cause now. It's not really succeeded in it's true intention but I suppose on some levels it has sparked a good debate and got everyone involved so it hasn't been a complete waste of time! How about a lock? Thanks for your input everyone! ![]() | 2010-01-16 19:59:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
I can honestly say this had nothign to do with LittleDeadSpace winning. It actually comes from the thread in the general area called something like 'What levels don't you like?' (Talking about all games in general) Good. I would have been surprised regardless I admitted doubting. Let's say that someone that doesn't know you could easily take the thread wrong. Anyways... | 2010-01-16 20:01:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Locked at Jack's request. | 2010-01-16 21:16:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
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