moocowgal's levels.
Archive: 2 posts
moocowgal has got to be one of the top level makers in lbp for these reasons: 1. her levels are hallarious. 2. they are wel made and look fantastic. 3. you can just feel the work it took to make them. ------------------------------------------------------------- you should go check out her levels, and if you dont like them... then you can flame me. ![]() | 2010-01-15 19:30:00 Author: vergildmcking ![]() Posts: 190 |
Ah, i have her on my friends list, oddly, i never seem o get a chance to play ith her. But SRSLY! You gotta play her levels! they make me chuckle every once in ahwile. | 2010-01-17 21:18:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
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