The Blade of Maahes
Archive: 9 posts
The Blade of Maahes is set in Egypt, as you join Sackboy on his mission to find the Blade of Maahes, A weapon of immense power. Make your way through Maahes' temple and traps to find the weapon. I really hope you enjoy it as it is my first proper level. I racked my brains for ideas and came up with a few. Hope you like it!![]() | 2010-01-15 12:59:00 Author: Sharklord ![]() Posts: 14 |
Hi Sharklod, first a tip: maybe you could call your PSN name in this topic, because if your search for Sharklord you don't get any results ![]() But, I like your level! It's not to easy, and not to hard. The music really fits in this level, good choice! And somewhere at the beginning, are 4 fire balls that you must evade. If you die there, you will start in the mouth of the lion. I think that's really cool! The small things make levels better! But, I think you could make the lions better. They look to "bricky". I hope you understand what I mean ![]() Well, just keep creating and I hope you come with more beatiful levels! Wouties. | 2010-01-15 14:09:00 Author: wouties ![]() Posts: 22 |
Sharklod, your level is well done and interesting. But it has one place that I don like - blind jump on two block high. Its simple but IMHO not right way to do obstacles on level. 3.5 rounded to 4 on level (because I did not find real interesting things and puzzles on level, just a good design). I will look for your new levels! | 2010-01-15 14:33:00 Author: Domik12 ![]() Posts: 838 |
Thanks so much I really appreciate it, Wouties I really liked your level too! I will keep the thing about "Too bricky" in mind I'm currently working on my next level, The Faceless Castle Pt 1: The Hall of Fire, I also hope I can make more mythological levels. I'd just like to let you know that Maahes was the Egyptian God of War(Pun!) Domik12, Thanks so much I'll remember to that! Thank you both for giving me some criticism! Sharklord | 2010-01-15 15:33:00 Author: Sharklord ![]() Posts: 14 |
This is a great level! It has nice pacing, good visuals, fun obstacles and challenges, and an interesting story. Everything is a bit simple all around, but that's not a bad thing. All of your mechanics work, your checkpoint placement is excellent, and you have nice little stashes of score bubbles hidden around the level to make it fun to explore. As others have metioned, your choice of music is perfect, and I like your use of stickers around the level as well. I give you a lot of credit for creating corner-edited lions. That sort of thing is hard to do, and although the look is "blocky" I actually liked it. I think it gives it all sort of an old school pixellated platformer vibe. Your challenges are varied and well-made, and they're fun without being frustrating. Aesthetically, you could try to incorporate more organic shapes into the level. The stonework is supposed to be square, yes, but add a broken corner here and there or maybe a spot where a brick fell out ages ago. Add some smudge/stain type stickers to help sell the look. For curvy things like landscapes and plants, don't agonize over making them picture perfect. Just add a corner every so often and drag the line up or down a tiny bit. This simple, uneven look really helps spice things up and shows the effort you have taken to create a believable atmosphere. You could use more sound effects around the level as well. I noticed some around the water sections, which is great, but be especially sure to add sounds whenever the player is involved in something. (Did that grab switch do anything? *clunk* Oh, yes it did - I'll go look around.) Great work here and a treat to play. I gave this a solid 4 stars and a heart. Keep it up! ![]() | 2010-01-15 17:53:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
Hey Sharklord, I'm so excited. There's so many new creators here on the forum that show a lot of promise, and you are certainly one of them. I really liked the inspiration behind this level: it was specific and you stuck with it. I also liked that you didn't give an explicit story, but that the quest of finding the sword of Maahes was subtle and implied through the gameplay like the electrified sword obstacle. I love it when creators narrate a story through means other than magic mouths, and I think you did it nicely with that section. As for suggestions, others have already mentioned some: But it has one place that I don like - blind jump on two block high. Its simple but IMHO not right way to do obstacles on level. I found this odd too when I hassled climbing up the second lion, and I also found it on the stairs that leads to the four fire balls. I could also see this as an attempt to deliberately make the stairs uneven for a ruined effect like Taffey mentioned, but all the other steps are so well aligned that I didn't buy the effect. I give you a lot of credit for creating corner-edited lions. That sort of thing is hard to do, and although the look is "blocky" I actually liked it. I also liked the blocky effect, except I didn't get the retro arcade vibe from it. Rather, I thought the blockiness gave the effect of brickwork, and the lion seemed to be part of the temple's architecture. That said, I think it would've been better had the lion been left with a bare stone material (perhaps with brick stickers) rather than the vibrant cartoony look. This would also make more sense in the second lion where water spews out of its mouth... Aesthetically, you could try to incorporate more organic shapes into the level. The stonework is supposed to be square, yes, but add a broken corner here and there or maybe a spot where a brick fell out ages ago. Add some smudge/stain type stickers to help sell the look. For curvy things like landscapes and plants, don't agonize over making them picture perfect. Just add a corner every so often and drag the line up or down a tiny bit. This simple, uneven look really helps spice things up and shows the effort you have taken to create a believable atmosphere. Taffey took the words right out of my mouth! Little details like those go a long way to giving an authentic aura about a level. Some other suggestions would be to make the sound speakers invisible in the second lion area (with the water fall/fountain), and maybe changing the green background as it through me a bit off. Its lushness gives more of a jungle vibe, and although the vines sticker looked great in the temple, the green background was a bit too much for me to believe in the egyptian theme. Anyways this was a promising first level, and I enjoyed playing it! Again, I really liked your inspiration, and you showcased it well with this level. Here's 4:star:'s for a job well done, and I'm excited about your next level already! Sharpening my new pimped out sword (shiny!), jeffcu28 | 2010-01-16 10:46:00 Author: jeffcu28 ![]() Posts: 648 |
Jeffcu and Taffey pretty much summed up my thoughts. A great effort for a first level. I liked the cartoonish look of the lions, although the approach of using stone materials instead of bright, colourful stickers might have been interesting too. Like Jeffcu said, the green background made it hard to believe that you are in Egypt, it felt more like a temple in the jungle. 4 stars. Keep up the good work! PS: I don't know if you have played my level "The Garden of Golden Apples", but it has a similar puzzle from your level, the one near the end about making two flowerpots go up & down and using them to cross from side to side. | 2010-01-16 19:58:00 Author: Lleonard Pler ![]() Posts: 277 |
Thanks so much, It means alot getting a post by Leonard! I did play The Garden of Golden Apples, a few days back, but I have really bad memory so I guess I might of subconciously remembered it sorry! ![]() | 2010-01-17 10:14:00 Author: Sharklord ![]() Posts: 14 |
Nice level, but on your next level I would try to shuffle the challenges a bit. For example, you had the dropping fireballs followed by the dropping pillars. Both challenges are about timing. If you would put a different challenge in between them, it makes the level less repetitive. | 2010-01-20 22:01:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
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