RADIO-ACTIVITY: WITH WATER!!! - Kraftwerk Tribute
Archive: 1 post
"Can you live in a post-atomic World"? Contain race, puzzle and real water. The level start with a little tribute to Kraftwerk(the band, pioneers of electric music), i insert the note of Radio-Activity and the name of the level is the same of the song. Aniway is not a music level, the world is contaminated and you start the level without any protection. For survive you have to enter in the A.A.R.C.(?). The level start outside, proceed in a cave, in a sort of lab and at the end... I hope you enjoy! ![]() This is my last level(anyway another is just ready ![]() http://www.acidone.it/lbp/una%20foto_11.jpg http://www.acidone.it/lbp/una%20foto_12.jpg http://www.acidone.it/lbp/una%20foto_16.jpg http://www.acidone.it/lbp/una%20foto_17.jpg http://www.acidone.it/lbp/una%20foto_19.jpg http://www.acidone.it/lbp/una%20foto_15.jpg http://www.acidone.it/lbp/una%20foto_14.jpg http://www.acidone.it/lbp/una%20foto_20.jpg http://www.acidone.it/lbp/una%20foto_2.jpg | 2010-01-15 09:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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