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PS3 YLOD problem :S

Archive: 7 posts

Okay, before you say it, I know there are a lot of threads about the Yellow Light Of Death BUT
I never saw an answer to my question:
It's official, I had the YLOD... :'( but while it happened, I was playing a game(Modern Warfare 2 to be exact)
I was wondering if I could still get my game back, because for the moment, the CD is stuck in my system D:
I hope you guys have an answer for me.

Have a nice day!

EDIT: I got an answer, Sony will simply ship me the game with the console
2010-01-14 22:33:00

Posts: 1712

You may have to break it open D:2010-01-14 22:34:00

Posts: 5592

haha... SURE! no thanks I want to return it to Sony to get a new one. I'm not sure if they'll want to return me another PS3 by the way i gave mine back, all beat up... 2010-01-14 22:49:00

Posts: 1712

o.o noooo so many PS3 with YLOD! Y.Y firs idk, then Purple, now you..

chuck well i know you cant turn the ps3 on.. but did you try pressing the eject button? if no well i guess you will have to breake it hehe. or just send it to sony and they may take out the disc.
2010-01-15 18:48:00

Posts: 758

you can get it out yourself (not opening it) if it ain't a 60GB.2010-01-15 20:11:00

Unknown User

I warned you about this a few days ago.
When you said your PS3 turned off randomly, I hate to say this but TOLD YOU SO!!
(oh and sorry about the the PS3 )
@Joey I did to lately......
2010-01-15 20:25:00

Posts: 1576

hey thanks guys for replying,

To Oldage: It is a 60Gb :S

To Joey: Sony will ship me the disc with the other PS3

To Mod5.0: ... at least i did a back up on my main files.
2010-01-16 15:05:00

Posts: 1712

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