Vehicle Suspension
Archive: 7 posts
would anybody care to share their methods of creating suspension for vehicles, from cars to trucks to tanks? at the moment i'm pretty much a vehicle amateur but i managed to create a three wheeled truck with passable suspension using a springs and weak, stiff pistons. If there are better or simpler methods, then that'd be cool to hear. | 2010-01-08 00:08:00 Author: aquamygdala ![]() Posts: 11 |
I use a weak stiff spring for a little bounce. Just make a 1 thick hub and attach a spring to it. Put the car body over it and attach the spring. Reduce the length of the spring, set to stiff and adjust the strength down a bit. Attach a thin wheel. I like to make the spring invisible then. I wouldn't use a piston for this. | 2010-01-08 04:12:00 Author: thanatos989 ![]() Posts: 248 |
Same here, I use the springs also. | 2010-01-08 04:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I wouldn't use a piston for this. Unless you wanna make it jump. ![]() | 2010-01-08 04:33:00 Author: IStwisted ![]() Posts: 428 |
i use pistons because i like my vehicles to be able to drive over rough terrain, and when i use springs alone, the eventually get pulled out of alignment even with stiff on, so it leads to, say, the back tire behind the back of the car and the front tire in front of the car, which is not exactly secure, but the complete opposite of what i want. the stiffness of the piston reinforces the wheel base to remain unaffected by the bouncing over the test track, and the weakness keeps it from moving up and down of its own accord, instead working in tandem with the springs. and i've never thought of using them to jump lol you can use a one shot grab switch with the pistons set to flipper out for that. | 2010-01-08 12:28:00 Author: aquamygdala ![]() Posts: 11 |
He's right, pistons help. You seem to have a good way going, so I don't think you can do it better. | 2010-01-08 20:40:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
lol ok, thank you. i've seen on a certain monster truck level of which i cant remember, that both of the wheels were attatched to a completely seperate body part that was then attached to the chassis of the monster truck by springs, which was pretty unique i suppose, but i dont think any of my vehicles are that class of car that i could experiment with that. meanwhile, im virtually stumped at how to make tank suspension using sprung bolts. the one time i tried was a miserable experience, and right now the sole tank ive created uses very similar suspension to rz22g's earlier Mightymites. the tank can pass over practically any terrain i throw at it provided the chassis isnt caught in a nook, but the sprung bolt method looks much more superior and realistic which is why i think his newer ones use that type of suspension, along with many of the better tanks made. | 2010-01-08 22:26:00 Author: aquamygdala ![]() Posts: 11 |
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