Archive: 5 posts
PTD Boss- COPYABLEladylyn1 After much debate... I've finally made my PTD Boss copyable and a brand new level of it has been published! I've done this because I've had many requests asking how I've disengaged and engaged the PTD effectively. Please only copy this level to look at the logic. However, I have installed a fail-safe: My name on the level cannot be edited, nor can material be placed in front of my name without ruining the PTD itself... So if anyone wants to publish the level, Im afraid you'll have to do it with my name included! Anyway hope its helpful for the people who wanted extra help with the PTD. all | 2010-01-07 14:30:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
This is definitely a great demonstration. I've played this tons of times and I still manage to die at least twice - argh ![]() 5 stars, a heart, and a thanks for sharing this monstrosity! | 2010-01-07 20:47:00 Author: Powershifter ![]() Posts: 668 |
This is definitely a great demonstration. I've played this tons of times and I still manage to die at least twice - argh ![]() 5 stars, a heart, and a thanks for sharing this monstrosity! Thanks lol, it is a bit of a monstrosity! I hope people can work out the logic. I left quite a few speech bubbles describing the process. | 2010-01-11 09:47:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
I copyed it to my moon but I can't open the create mode because of the monster pack. Is it possible to remove monster items? | 2010-01-11 11:54:00 Author: POLLOePILLA ![]() Posts: 47 |
I copyed it to my moon but I can't open the create mode because of the monster pack. Is it possible to remove monster items? I tried to remove all packs except MGS, but apparently its still got the monster and festive ones in!!! So annoying, sorry. You could try again I suppose, I found extra things in the monster pack that I've recently removed. | 2010-01-11 13:51:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
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