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Bipedal Tank: Type 4

Archive: 8 posts

As the name implies this is the forth biped I've tried making.



There's no tricks or anything fancy going on, just wobble bolts and a lot of patience.
2010-01-07 14:18:00

Posts: 2454


Do you have a demo-level out where we can test it?
2010-01-07 14:33:00

Posts: 106

I love your style Ayneh, with everything you create. 'Simple cardboard complexity' 2010-01-07 19:43:00

Posts: 485

Great styling! I'm impressed. Bipedals are truly one of the more difficult machinery to build in LBP as they really extend beyond the realm of LBP physics.

I'd be interested in checking out your earlier prototypes. Have you experimented with knee/foot joints at all?
2010-01-07 20:22:00

Posts: 1465

@Thegide : Just look at the related videos, types 1, 2 and 3 have their own videos. Also, there might be a few old threads floating around on LBPC about them.

It's great to see the evolution of this mech. The attention to detail is incredible, and it really "feels" like a giant walking tank. I imagine this new version doesn't fall down anymore the way the others sometimes did.
2010-01-07 20:44:00

Posts: 2536

@Thegide : Just look at the related videos, types 1, 2 and 3 have their own videos. Also, there might be a few old threads floating around on LBPC about them.

It's great to see the evolution of this mech. The attention to detail is incredible, and it really "feels" like a giant walking tank. I imagine this new version doesn't fall down anymore the way the others sometimes did.

Oh yeah, I must have been blind not to see those already!
2010-01-07 21:00:00

Posts: 1465

Never underestimate the person with Hello kitty as their avatar. O.O2010-01-07 21:37:00

Posts: 265


Do you have a demo-level out where we can test it?
Yes, I published a level where you can mess around with it today. It's called Bipedal Tank: TYPE 4. There are towers of cardboard boxes which are fun to shoot along with a rival mech.

I added some more detail to the vehicle so there are moving parts and stuff.

I love your style Ayneh, with everything you create. 'Simple cardboard complexity'
Cardboard. <3

It's great to see the evolution of this mech. The attention to detail is incredible, and it really "feels" like a giant walking tank. I imagine this new version doesn't fall down anymore the way the others sometimes did.
It'll still fall over if you pause mid-step, but yeah it's far more stable than its pervious incarnations.

Knowing you I'm sure you'll find some way to break it!

Never underestimate the person with Hello kitty as their avatar. O.O
2010-01-08 22:33:00

Posts: 2454

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