Not Another Crane Game! (Revisited)
Archive: 1 post
Not Another Crane Game! (Revisited)Darkdedede http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3121/3233658328_9289330072_o.jpgA crane game filled with exclusive prizes, all made by me. Like most crane games, this one wasn't designed to be easy. Catch all the prizes for a special reward. Skill and patience recommended, but not required. (1-2 players) all Hi all. This is the first mini game that I designed in LBP. I've designed all of the prizes myself, and they're all made out of prize bubbles. I'm quite proud of it. The reason that I've decided to post this up again is that as of the most recent update, it would seem that the museum level is now accessible to everyone. It can be played with one player, but it is somewhat easier with two. If you catch all of the prizes in the crane game, you earn a key to my museum level as a reward. I'm in the process of redesigning the museum so please let me know if doesn't doesn't work right. Go check it out, and I hope you all enjoy it. ![]() | 2010-01-05 08:28:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
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