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Wall Climber

Archive: 4 posts

My beautiful new device allows you to jump from wall to wall as Spider-Man would swing from building to building. i built a level for the device called "Wall Climber". Check it out! it's really cool. The only bugs it has are that you can sometimes fall out of it; or it spins out of control and you die. but luckily there is a checkpoint inside of it so if you do lose control or fall out, you'll respawn right back into it.


2010-01-05 00:24:00

Posts: 139

This is really cool. You really have improved it quite a bit since you first showed me this.

One thing might be helpful it to add some custom icons or something for the two different types of rotation as well as arrows. ...the arrows are sorta implied since it is at the end, but after you get turned around a bit like in the upper passage of your level, it might help.

However, at the scoreboard you should make the bottom non-electrified as I died a few times attempting to get out to the back layer to safety like that.

I gave it 5 stars and hearted as it is really a cool idea and fun being in control so to speak.

Great job!!
2010-01-07 01:27:00

Posts: 11383

Thanks. i'll try to fix some stuff up. i just wish people would see what it is before assuming it's something else or something less cool2010-01-07 16:14:00

Posts: 139

ill check this out when i get on lbp *writes down on list*2010-01-11 23:00:00

Posts: 376

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