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YLOD Thread

Archive: 33 posts

Yup, I got the dreaded YLOD.

Back when I was still able to play Modern Warfare 2, I looked a these threads, and I didn't think much... until now. This is a serious pain in the butt! After all my years of loyalty and gameplay on my 3 year old PS3, Sony's warranty will not cover for it, because it only last 1 year.

Seriously, 3 years would be more reasonable, due to the fact that I'm seeing a pattern of "2009: Year of the YLOD". So now, right when the MAG Beta began, I got a "Just Like XBox360" death. So while I wait for Sony to respond to my Customer Service question:

Dear PlayStation,
I bought a 60GB PS3 when it first launched in 2007 (March to be exact). It has been working flawlessly until yestersay, January 3, 2009. For some reason, after I turn the system on, it shuts off, and the power indicator flashes red. I followed the troubleshooting section of the manual, quote:
"The power indicator on the system front is flashing red and the system does not operate.
-The temperature inside the system has risen too high. Check wether the system is being used in a hot location or wether the vents are blocked. Touch the power button on the system front to stop the flashing, and then leave the system unused until it cools down. After it cools down, turn on the system again."
Well I cleaned the vents, and I let the system cool overnight, but it didn't work. I believe it's the dreaded "Yellow Light of Death". So the question:
"What should I do?"

I decided to create this thread to help people prevent this death. So those who had YLOD before, you can post tips and such. Others can read or chat I guess.

So before I go, I have to give you this advise I regret not following:


I found out that if you don't do this, you'll lose everything you worked hard for, and no, you cannot just take out your hard disk and put it in another system, because the other system will format the hard disk.

So there, knowing my PS3 died a playing it's favorite game, Modern Warfare 2, I bid you a due.


__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

I got a respose. Here it is:

"Response (Andrew D.) 01/05/2010 10:45 PM
Hello [Edited Out My Name]

We apologize for any inconvenience you are experiencing with the PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment system powering on correctly.

The following Knowledge Center article may help resolve your problem:

Article Title: Power problem troubleshooting
Article Link: http://playstation.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/playstation.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=526&p_created=1198100939

Article Title: System feels hot or power light blinks
Article Link: http://playstation.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/playstation.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=1578&p_created=1241464156

The following Knowledge Center article will help resolve your problem, if your unit needs service:

Article Title: How to get service
Article Link: http://playstation.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/playstation.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=106&p_created=1159817624

If you have a game stuck inside the unit please be sure to state the game title on the paperwork you receive for your service. Please also be sure to remove the upgraded HDD or state that you have an upgraded HDD with your service information. Any information not backed up on an external HDD will be lost since the Backup Utility is not accessible at this point.

If the unit needs to be deactivated that we can deactivate it for video content afterwards. Keep in mind that PlayStation(R)Network account information is only stored on the PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment system as long as the account login is still active on the PS3. Keep in mind that we usually format the system, thereby deleting all information including your login.

Andrew D.

Are you a member of the PlayStation?Network yet? Play games online, chat with friends, access exclusive titles, downloadable games, PS one?Classics, free demos, movies, TV shows and more! Highly connected and endlessly entertaining.
Welcome to the PlayStation?Network. Join now

Yup, that's about it. I know they didn't mean this, but why do they taunt me so with the "Join PS(R)N Now!" thing? I don't know. Hope you guys do better then me.

2010-01-04 21:04:00

Posts: 5551

Stop posting these. You're scaring me.2010-01-04 21:08:00

Posts: 4291

I know what you mean. I now have the eerie feeling that I'm gonna go next 2010-01-04 21:20:00

Posts: 1424

If you have the tools you can fix it.2010-01-04 21:58:00

Posts: 6728

omgz like seriously i feel like im next :O2010-01-04 22:14:00

Posts: 2701

I fear that you just told Sony your console died earlier last year...

Dear PlayStation,
I bought a 60GB PS3 when it first launched in 2007 (March to be exact). It has been working flawlessly until yestersay, January 3, 2009. For some reason, after I turn the system on, it shuts off, and the power indicator flashes red. I followed the troubleshooting section of the manual, quote:
"The power indicator on the system front is flashing red and the system does not operate.
-The temperature inside the system has risen too high. Check wether the system is being used in a hot location or wether the vents are blocked. Touch the power button on the system front to stop the flashing, and then leave the system unused until it cools down. After it cools down, turn on the system again."
Well I cleaned the vents, and I let the system cool overnight, but it didn't work. I believe it's the dreaded "Yellow Light of Death". So the question:
"What should I do?"

Either way, I'm sure they'll figure it out.

My PS3 died in April 2009 and I purchased it in August 2007. They'll never last long enough in our eyes...
2010-01-04 22:49:00

Posts: 1366

Happened to me. I'm surprised it took so long actually with the way I was treating it. I went online to find out how it happened and found a bunch of guides to prevent.

Clean it out every now and then, keep it away from other electronics in a cool location, don't use the back power switch to turn it off.

I basically did all the wrong things

Also, I completely agree about the 1 year warranty thing. I mean one year? Have some faith in your product Sony.
2010-01-05 04:52:00

Posts: 256

keep it away from other electronic

Oh dear...
2010-01-05 17:30:00

Posts: 4291

Oh dear...

I was thinking the same thing...

Clean it out every now and then, keep it away from other electronics in a cool location, don't use the back power switch to turn it off.

I basically did all the wrong things

Did you not read the message that comes up when you turn it off at the back switch?
2010-01-05 18:37:00

Posts: 5592

Cowering in my bunker, hoping this YLOD sniper doesn't take me next.

So far I've been lucky enough to get away with the occasional system freeze but with all these reports I feel my turn is just around the corner.
2010-01-05 19:24:00

Posts: 2575

Yup, I never knew this would happen. Noticing the patterns, I realize an XBox360 last a year, and the PS3 last three years.

I guess PS3 is 3 times better.

Seriously, I think Sony knew about this. Suddenly, you can know back up data? Right in "The Year of YLOD"? Hmmm... maybe that 3 Year Warranty rumor has something to do with this.
2010-01-05 23:14:00

Posts: 5551

Seriously, I think Sony knew about this. Suddenly, you can know back up data?

Think about that in realistic situations, if you've bought a new ps3 to replace a YLOD system you will be unable to transfer files from the old system without paying to have it fixed first or if you have the tools doing it yourself.
2010-01-05 23:57:00

Posts: 6728

In other words, I'm screwed, correct?2010-01-06 02:31:00

Posts: 5551

Well, I got a response from Sony (Andrew), and it's actually... somewhat useless to be honest. They just sent me back to the manual, and they said that if it doesn't work, I need to repair (which is something I already knew). So from besides the obvious situations, they did tell me something that might interest you. Straight up from the big company themselves, they have comfirmed that you cannot just take out your HDD and stick it in a new PS3. But then they told me something I did not know... if you did not back up your data, you just lost everything you had. Even if your PS3 is fixed, the PS3 will erase everything you had. Movies, games, add-ons, etc.. Everything has to be re-downloaded. Ya, didn't see that coming, so BACK UP YOUR DATA NOW (if you haven't)!

Check the first post to see the e-mail yourself.

P.S. And if your game disk was in the PS3 when it recieved the YLOD, it will be trapped in the PS3 if it is not fixed... sadly, my Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was in there at the time.

2010-01-07 00:11:00

Posts: 5551

I found this thread today and guess what? My PS3 died today and I didn't made a back up of my data and yes, my PS3 was 3 years old


Requiescat in Pace (In honor to Assassins Creed 2, last game I played )
2010-01-07 04:12:00

Posts: 12

Even if your PS3 is fixed, the PS3 will erase everything you had. Movies, games, add-ons, etc.. Everything has to be re-downloaded.

Complete and utter bollocks, I don't care if it is the official word from Sony me and my dad fixed my ylod system and everything was exactly as it was before the ylod.
2010-01-07 13:09:00

Posts: 6728

Complete and utter bollocks, I don't care if it is the official word from Sony me and my dad fixed my ylod system and everything was exactly as it was before the ylod.
indeed but I think he was referring to putting your old HDD in your new PS3. (which won't work). I dunno.
2010-01-07 13:15:00

Unknown User

indeed but I think he was referring to putting your old HDD in your new PS3. (which won't work). I dunno.

That was the previous sentence.
2010-01-07 13:18:00

Posts: 6728

ah sorry. yes everything will be still on there as you said.2010-01-07 13:29:00

Unknown User

Well I don't want to believe them. I don't know, this is my first YLOD. Maybe they said that to trick me into buying new games or something. Either that... or they also don't know what to do. :/2010-01-08 00:04:00

Posts: 5551

Well if you send your PS3 into sony from what i've heard they send you someone elses fixed console to speed up turnaround so thats probably the reason for data loss from them.2010-01-08 00:16:00

Posts: 6728

Wait, but isn't that illegal for them to do that? It's like deseption (false advertisement) and/or theivery.2010-01-08 22:29:00

Posts: 5551

Might be an optional thing, think its x weeks before they fix your system or you can have a refurb faster.2010-01-08 22:38:00

Posts: 6728

with "these reports" do you guys are refering to my YLOD thread?
i bought a new one yay!
2010-01-11 04:46:00

Posts: 406

Umm... no. I just posted my "report". I pretty much stated the story what I did and how Sony responded. And I asked other people to post their tips and "reports" for that reason. Other than that, good for you and your new PS3. 2010-01-12 02:57:00

Posts: 5551

I was thinking the same thing...

Did you not read the message that comes up when you turn it off at the back switch?

I'm pretty sure that was part of a pretty recent patch.
2010-01-12 03:17:00

Posts: 3664

Wow, that's a drag man.
I usually back up my gamesaves once in a while, and I have no photos,music, or videos on my PS3.

The YLOD is the result of the processor's paste, losing connection with the CPU/GPU on the motherboard. That is why the older PS3 models tend to have YLOD, because they used older processing technology, which causes more heat and inefficient.

How much do you trust yourself?
There is the option to fix it yourself, requiring thermal paste and a heat gun.
2010-01-12 04:00:00

Posts: 56

I remember when it happened to my PS3, it was the week of the Pumpkin Head costume being re-released

It started breaking down when I was playing LBP, and then properly broke down whilst my brother was watching Heroes.

We ripped that broken PS3 open and got the Blu-Ray out
2010-01-12 07:27:00

Posts: 1027

question has anyone had YLOD on any console other than the 60 GB launch model, I ask because i haven't heard it happen to any other models.2010-01-12 09:47:00

Posts: 2662

Wow, that's a drag man.
I usually back up my gamesaves once in a while, and I have no photos,music, or videos on my PS3.

The YLOD is the result of the processor's paste, losing connection with the CPU/GPU on the motherboard. That is why the older PS3 models tend to have YLOD, because they used older processing technology, which causes more heat and inefficient.

How much do you trust yourself?
There is the option to fix it yourself, requiring thermal paste and a heat gun.

Don't forget the screwdrivers, It's likely that most will have the different sizes of cross headed needed for dismantleing but the screwdriver that fits the first screw under the warenty sticker isn't the sort that most will have in their toolbox.

question has anyone had YLOD on any console other than the 60 GB launch model, I ask because i haven't heard it happen to any other models.


Break down:

120GB = 3

80GB = 101

60GB = 632

40GB = 78

20GB = 27
2010-01-12 12:11:00

Posts: 6728

60 GB went down faster, due to being the most popular of the PS3 models. So with backwards compatability already built in and the largest memory at the time of the PS3's launch, a large number of breakdowns was bound to happen.2010-01-12 22:57:00

Posts: 5551

Dangit now I read this thread.... (just had YLOD xD)2010-01-12 23:00:00

Posts: 1576

dangit now i read this thread.... (just had ylod xd)

oh noooo!!!!
2010-01-12 23:01:00

Posts: 5592

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