Cuts Scenes & teleports
Archive: 20 posts
Hi I want to start my level with a cut scene of sorts and also include cinema type cut scenes throughtout the flow of the level - I think it may involve "hiding" sackboy in the car,plane or whatever and when the scene is finished he has to be "killed" and then re spawned somewhere either back where he was before the cut scene started or in another location entirely... Has anyone achieved this successfully and if so what is the most thermometer friendly way of achieving it. Cheers PSN id: Catseyez Levels: KING KONG ISLAND OF TERROR | 2010-01-04 12:23:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
Ok there both fairly easy to do: If you make a little car with a magnetic key on it go along some dark matter with magnetic key switches that will activate each cutscene (magic mouth with cutscene ticked). And as for a teleport all you need to do is activate another checkpoint with a switch and kill the player making now appear at the checkpoint you activated with a switch. Hopefully someone could add more to that if you need more information my answer wasn't to detailed. | 2010-01-04 12:36:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
Ok there both fairly easy to do: If you make a little car with a magnetic key on it go along some dark matter with magnetic key switches that will activate each cutscene (magic mouth with cutscene ticked). And as for a teleport all you need to do is activate another checkpoint with a switch and kill the player making now appear at the checkpoint you activated with a switch. Hopefully someone could add more to that if you need more information my answer wasn't to detailed. So I attach a switch to a checkpoint somewhere on the level that when the vehicle reaches a magnetic key switch activates simultaneously say an emitter with plasma that kills the player and then he appears at the newly activated door? Will try it out tonight - cheers Will I have to destroy the very first gate you appear in at the beginning of the level at the same time? If so whats the easiest way, or does activating the new door with the switch overide this? Many thanks | 2010-01-04 12:58:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
When you activate the next checkpoint the old one will still be there but won't work unless you go near it and activate it again. For that reason it's probably best to put the entrance high in the air so when you appear you can't get back to it. | 2010-01-04 13:08:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
I don't know what kind of cutscenes your thinking of, but I'm guessing the most easy way would be having a sensor switch to the place you want the sackboy standing when starting the cutscene, and use the mouth camera thingy to watch something another place.. Kind of hard to explain ![]() | 2010-01-04 13:59:00 Author: Fredrik94 ![]() Posts: 342 |
I find it easier to make a box of material attached to a piston. If it is a start of level cutscene, make the box from dissolve. Once the player has reached the end of the scene, dissolve the box and make them slide down a glass track to the start of the level, this way the player can still ace it. If it's midway through the level theres a couple of ways. You attach a prox to a checkpoint and kill the player, but this prevents acing obviously. If the scene can be done in a few static scenes, use relay/timed switches to trigger magic mouths in sequence. If there's not much text, but you still want the camera to move across the scene, just stick a mouth on a piston. | 2010-01-04 14:22:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
I don't know what kind of cutscenes your thinking of, but I'm guessing the most easy way would be having a sensor switch to the place you want the sackboy standing when starting the cutscene, and use the mouth camera thingy to watch something another place.. Kind of hard to explain ![]() I am thinking of the sackboy reaching a switch which then may go anywhere on the level for a brief type of animated cutscene and then when its finished the player respawns near to where he was (before the cut scene was initiated) originally. I want to set up various parts of the level out of sight so I can create a more cinematic narrative that does not purely rely on the area that the player is currently in... cheers for all the helpful suggestions so far. | 2010-01-04 14:42:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
When you activate the next checkpoint the old one will still be there but won't work unless you go near it and activate it again. For that reason it's probably best to put the entrance high in the air so when you appear you can't get back to it. Thats a good idea. Perhaps the 1st checkpoint can be "hidden" and the player falls into the car or whatever out of sight into a place he cannot move and when the scene has finished he is destroyed and then emerges from the new checkpoint attached to the switch. It does prevent anyone ace-ing the level but I think worth it to create a more cinematic feel. Will post once I have successfully achieved it! Catseyez | 2010-01-04 14:47:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
so, you can make teleports a lot easier now? all i do is make an emitter that gives out smoke and the checkpoint moves, if you can activate them via switch, then YAY!!! | 2010-01-07 11:17:00 Author: jakew161 ![]() Posts: 29 |
so, you can make teleports a lot easier now? all i do is make an emitter that gives out smoke and the checkpoint moves, if you can activate them via switch, then YAY!!! Thats a cool idea - how do u emit smoke - do u shrink a rocket down to smallest size and then emit or is there another way? so when u emit smoke and the checkpoint moves it just means if the player dies he is at the new location - so still possibly means as the player may have to die there will be no ace-ing of the level but suppose thats a small price to pay - these days I would be surprised if most players just didnt give a new level a quick once over to move onto the next... Cheers for the tip Catseyez | 2010-01-07 11:25:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
Thats a cool idea - how do u emit smoke - do u shrink a rocket down to smallest size and then emit or is there another way? so when u emit smoke and the checkpoint moves it just means if the player dies he is at the new location - so still possibly means as the player may have to die there will be no ace-ing of the level but suppose thats a small price to pay - these days I would be surprised if most players just didnt give a new level a quick once over to move onto the next... Cheers for the tip Catseyez soz, i don't mean smoke, i men't emitting that gas stuff which would kill u and teleport | 2010-01-07 12:23:00 Author: jakew161 ![]() Posts: 29 |
I didn't know you could activate checkpoints with a switch! I'll have to give that a try. The 2 types of teleporters i've built would've been easier doing that. 1 way i've done it requires sackboy to activate a checkpoint attached to a piston and then moving that checkpoint to another location. So that when sackboy dies in the teleporter he respawns somewhere else. It's similar to the way you get spawned to the scoreboard in the bomb survival levels. The other uses an emitter that emits a preactivated checkpoint and a switch/brain to destroy the previously activated checkpoint. I have a demo of some I was working on already published. Ya can check that out to see what i mean. | 2010-01-07 17:42:00 Author: Chicago51 ![]() Posts: 258 |
I didn't know you could activate checkpoints with a switch! I'll have to give that a try. The 2 types of teleporters i've built would've been easier doing that. 1 way i've done it requires sackboy to activate a checkpoint attached to a piston and then moving that checkpoint to another location. So that when sackboy dies in the teleporter he respawns somewhere else. It's similar to the way you get spawned to the scoreboard in the bomb survival levels. The other uses an emitter that emits a preactivated checkpoint and a switch/brain to destroy the previously activated checkpoint. I have a demo of some I was working on already published. Ya can check that out to see what i mean. Cool - sounds like another really good method - how do u get a pre-activated checkpoint? So u can put a brain on a checkpoint??? How does that one work? cheers catseyez | 2010-01-08 09:41:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
For the checkpoint, it's a glitched object, but thanks to the leerdammer update you can pratically do it yourself: simply put an inverted grab switch (set it to one-shot) on a checkpoint and connect them About the brain, you can connect a brain to whatever you like, and when you activate the brain via a one-shot signal from a switch, the object will disappear, like the creatures in the story mode do when you jump on their brains - also, when you activate a brain, everything that is glued or connected with rods, pistons, ecc will disappear too. I don't like this method, since it increases the score by 50 without an apparent reason | 2010-01-08 13:06:00 Author: Shadowheaven ![]() Posts: 378 |
For the checkpoint, it's a glitched object, but thanks to the leerdammer update you can pratically do it yourself: simply put an inverted grab switch (set it to one-shot) on a checkpoint and connect them About the brain, you can connect a brain to whatever you like, and when you activate the brain via a one-shot signal from a switch, the object will disappear, like the creatures in the story mode do when you jump on their brains - also, when you activate a brain, everything that is glued or connected with rods, pistons, ecc will disappear too. I don't like this method, since it increases the score by 50 without an apparent reason Many thanks! Thats cleared up my confusion and really helped me understand how I can mess around with checkpoints. Will try it out this weekend... great idea for making stuff disappear. As for the 50 points thing I suppose it will be the same for everyone so all that will change is the total points will just be that much higher by the same value for all - I can live with that! Catseyez Level : King Kong Island of Terror | 2010-01-08 13:20:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
For the checkpoint, it's a glitched object, but thanks to the leerdammer update you can pratically do it yourself: simply put an inverted grab switch (set it to one-shot) on a checkpoint and connect them About the brain, you can connect a brain to whatever you like, and when you activate the brain via a one-shot signal from a switch, the object will disappear, like the creatures in the story mode do when you jump on their brains - also, when you activate a brain, everything that is glued or connected with rods, pistons, ecc will disappear too. I don't like this method, since it increases the score by 50 without an apparent reason I made the pre activated checkpoints differently. Open an empty level. Place a checkpoint type of your choice (normal, double or infinite). Delete the original Start checkpoint in the level. Leave, save changes and enter into play mode then return back into edit mode. Since the checkpoint you placed is the only 1 remaining in the level sackboy will enter into the level through it automatically activating it. Then all you have to do is capture it as an object. and you can use it whenever you want. 1 thing worth mentioning is that if you use 1, you must destroy the checkpoint that was activated before it (with a brain or by crushing it) or sackboy will just respawn there. | 2010-01-08 14:39:00 Author: Chicago51 ![]() Posts: 258 |
I made the pre activated checkpoints differently. Open an empty level. Place a checkpoint type of your choice (normal, double or infinite). Delete the original Start checkpoint in the level. Leave, save changes and enter into play mode then return back into edit mode. Since the checkpoint you placed is the only 1 remaining in the level sackboy will enter into the level through it automatically activating it. Then all you have to do is capture it as an object. and you can use it whenever you want. 1 thing worth mentioning is that if you use 1, you must destroy the checkpoint that was activated before it (with a brain or by crushing it) or sackboy will just respawn there. This weekend got it to work - The player spawns from the opening checkpoint inside a vehicle - then the player leaves and walks further to be "teleported" to the game proper - this will keep my "intro" piece totally seperate from my main level build. I need to do this because my intro is so **** complex - dunno if it is a known issue but sometimes if u select an object or material to "unstick" and its stuck to the main level it can upset the whole thing resulting in all sorts of calamity... Cos the start checkpoint is inside the vehicle when I destroy it with a creature brain ( attached to a 1 shot proximity switch) the whole vehicle disappears which in this case is perfect for me. I use an active checkpoint which is emitted at my new location using the same 1 shot prox switch so when the vehicle/checkpoint is destroyed the "active" checkpoint is spawned. So once the player is killed he appears there. Anyway it works great which means I can use cut scenes spread all over my level whenever by warping the player. Only downside is that points are generated on death/ no aceing but thats ok with me Thanks for your invaluable help in solving this problem.. cheers | 2010-01-11 09:15:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
I can use a switch with checkpoint? Wow, i have to try... ![]() | 2010-01-13 18:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
When you activate the next checkpoint the old one will still be there but won't work unless you go near it and activate it again. For that reason it's probably best to put the entrance high in the air so when you appear you can't get back to it. You could also emit a level entrance check point with life of 5 seconds or so right before saving the level. Then the level starts, sack boy enters, gate demits. see example on my level Bananarama. I just kept the emitter there hooked up to one shot button (out of play area)and stepped on it right before saving after each create session. | 2010-01-13 18:44:00 Author: IStwisted ![]() Posts: 428 |
You could also emit a level entrance check point with life of 5 seconds or so right before saving the level. Then the level starts, sack boy enters, gate demits. see example on my level Bananarama. I just kept the emitter there hooked up to one shot button (out of play area)and stepped on it right before saving after each create session. Thats a great idea. I just have my pre activated checkpoint emitted at the same time the original checkpoint is destroyed by a creature brain. Works great. | 2010-01-14 09:05:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
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