King Kong Island of Terror
Archive: 3 posts
King Kong Island of Terrorcatseyez Finally produced my first level! You arrive at Skull Island to find that Sackgirl has been taken hostage by the natives. Swim to the dangerous volcanic island, navigating puzzles and tricky classic platforming challenges to face the mighty KONG. Will you save Sackgirl? This level has a couple of 2player challenges and a few prize goodies to collect. Notes: Persevere the basic early stages to encounter some moody fiery tribal villages to battle KONG head to head. There are many hidden points to find! Level has WATER with Scuba and paintinator Have FUN and email me if you like it etc Catseyez all | 2010-01-04 11:44:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
You know what i already like about this level? It has water but doesen't say in the name in CAPS THIS LEVEL HAS WATER just so people will play it. So for that reason i will play it. It would also be nice if you could put some pictures up. | 2010-01-04 12:44:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
You know what i already like about this level? It has water but doesen't say in the name in CAPS THIS LEVEL HAS WATER just so people will play it. So for that reason i will play it. It would also be nice if you could put some pictures up. Yeah it bugs me too when they have WATER splashed all over the descriptions too! Being a noob to this I will upload some screenshots later when I get home - work sux My wife god bless her and my 2 step-sons were the playtesters over the last 2 weeks have put up with me hogging the ps3 over xmas cos I wanted to get a proper level out. I have had the game a long while but only recently had the time to get to grips with the creation side. Pls any constructive criticism would be most welcome - I hope that as the level progresses it gets less " predictable ". I had a nightmare trying to make my KONG creation looking credible. The final boss is ok but does look a bit basic - I need a bit more experience of the dreaded wobble bolt and piston stuff! I did manage to max out the thermometer and stretch out the level across 1 and 3/4 back again to get all the stuff in I wanted - lol My next level is going to be based on my favorite movie star - already created a cool looking Chinook Helicopter. All the lessons/experience I gained will hopefully help me do a more structured and tidy level with a bit more cinematic appeal Thanks for your reply and I look forward to you completing my level. Add me on psn if you like so u can keep me posted on your levels All the best Catseyez | 2010-01-04 13:09:00 Author: Catseyez ![]() Posts: 68 |
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