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Little Red Riding Sack and the Sneaky H4Her,Part 1!

Archive: 21 posts

Little Red Riding Sack and the Sneaky H4Her,Part 1!Mnniska
A very polished and hopefully awesome NEW Mnniska level!




LRRS and the Sneaky H4Her!

Yep! I am also entering the LBL Fairytale competition! For the past five weeks I have been creating this level. It's a Re-creation of the Classic Fairytale Little Red Riding Hood (LRRS stands for Little Red Riding Sack). So what you will see is Little Red Riding Sack walking into the woods..but what happens then? Will we meet Awesome Gameplay,will we meet Neat Scenery or will we meet a Wolf that Hungers for Hearts? ALL OF THE ABOVE!


Take a look,the beta-testers liked all of it and It's according to me my best level so far,if that says anything..Right! Enjoy!

PSN: Mnniska

Level Name: LBL:LRRS And the Sneaky H4Her! Part 1.
2010-01-04 00:10:00

Posts: 531

Holy...those pics look nice. You see me go online and don't even message me that you have a new level, now I'll have to wait till tomorrow to play .

2010-01-04 00:22:00

Posts: 1318

Excellent. I loved A Level In Create Mode and I'm sure this will be good.

Besides, I'm still thinking about joining the LBL fairy-tale competition. If this is too good I probably won't
2010-01-04 01:03:00

Posts: 1355

I hope you guys will enjoy the level! 2010-01-04 01:17:00

Posts: 531

This is such a brilliant level! It made my top 10 of all time.

The fairy looks really cool.
The gameplay is perfectly balanced.
Loved the puzzles.
Humor was quite nice.
Everything looks awesome.
Loved the slides :blush:
It's long
It's F.U.N!!!

I really enjoyed this level. Everybody here should give it a try.

:star::star::star::star::star: & heart!
2010-01-04 18:50:00

Posts: 752

100% awesome! I feel really bad for anyone else who enters this contest because I don't know how you can do much better than this. Awesome gameplay, visuals and humor as usual from Mnniska.2010-01-05 03:10:00

Posts: 1318

I'm competing in this too! I don't know if my level will stand up to yours, I just hope the judges give it a chance too.

One thing about this level I didn't get was the story. Do you have sackboy act as both LRRS and the wolf? I didn't really get it. You could probably do something like:
LRRS: blahblahblah
Wolf: I'll eat you!

I don't know, just something to make it more clear.

Also, I fell out of the level by the part with the spinning things you hold on to. I just fell into the water and drowned, but it was annoying to wait 30 seconds. I would put some gas down just along the entire bottom of the level.

Now, I probably shouldn't have given this much advice to my competition but I'm not sure if I'll even finish at this point!
2010-01-05 04:22:00

Posts: 256

I'm competing in this too! I don't know if my level will stand up to yours, I just hope the judges give it a chance too.

One thing about this level I didn't get was the story. Do you have sackboy act as both LRRS and the wolf? I didn't really get it. You could probably do something like:
LRRS: blahblahblah
Wolf: I'll eat you!

I don't know, just something to make it more clear.

Also, I fell out of the level by the part with the spinning things you hold on to. I just fell into the water and drowned, but it was annoying to wait 30 seconds. I would put some gas down just along the entire bottom of the level.

Now, I probably shouldn't have given this much advice to my competition but I'm not sure if I'll even finish at this point!

Argh! I'm very sorry you could not keep up with the story! I tryes to make it as clear as possible,but it seems like I didn't succeed

But yeah first you're LittleredridingSack and then you're the wolf,and in the end you're LittleredridingSackagain.

I wanted to show a diffrent angle,show what happened to the wolf while he took that "shortcut" to grandma. I'll try to do that better next time.

Also,thanks for the bug report,but could you feature a pic where you fell out or something so I could fix it rather than adding gas? I don't want any bugs in there :kz:

EDIT: ALRIGHT..AHEM..Turned out I had accidently left a checkpoint activated by a switch,so you started about half into the level!

Try it again and I think everythig will amke sence again. xD
2010-01-05 05:43:00

Posts: 531

Those screens don't do the level justice 2010-01-05 09:09:00

Posts: 752

5 stars. Id make your own trees and grass though, you have the skills. the puzzles where REALLY good like your other levels(loved the water one)2010-01-05 12:44:00

Unknown User

This level is brilliant! I loved it from beginning to end.
The puzzles were super interesting and in the last parts I think you pulled off some really original gameplay with the platform jump, layer change + grab, etc. That was awesome. It's been a couple of your levels that I play and not only the are great but you always have some gameplay i've never seen before.

The only thing that surprised me in your level and could be seen has some sort of a con is that I was playing the level and enjoying as a puzzle level. Then suddendly it completely shift styles and become some tale level for that contest... Well, I dunno if you made it for the contest but it could have been participating really

Anyhow, what a great experience mnniska, keep up your excellent work!

:star::star::star::star: .5

2010-01-06 05:12:00

Posts: 3901

This level is brilliant! I loved it from beginning to end.
The puzzles were super interesting and in the last parts I think you pulled off some really original gameplay with the platform jump, layer change + grab, etc. That was awesome. It's been a couple of your levels that I play and not only the are great but you always have some gameplay i've never seen before.

The only thing that surprised me in your level and could be seen has some sort of a con is that I was playing the level and enjoying as a puzzle level. Then suddendly it completely shift styles and become some tale level for that contest... Well, I dunno if you made it for the contest but it could have been participating really

Anyhow, what a great experience mnniska, keep up your excellent work!

:star::star::star::star: .5

Thank you for the neat feedback! My plan was it to amke for LBLs fairytale contest yes and it is now submitted.

The idea was to ahev the Little Red Riding Sack part filled with puzzling,while I had the Wolf part filled with gameplay.

Except for that the LRRS part is a tiny bit short in my opinion,I think I succeeded at that point.

Thanks for your feedback anyway! It's great to hear some has been able to enjoy it.
2010-01-06 12:38:00

Posts: 531

Argh! I'm very sorry you could not keep up with the story! I tryes to make it as clear as possible,but it seems like I didn't succeed

But yeah first you're LittleredridingSack and then you're the wolf,and in the end you're LittleredridingSackagain.

I wanted to show a diffrent angle,show what happened to the wolf while he took that "shortcut" to grandma. I'll try to do that better next time.

Also,thanks for the bug report,but could you feature a pic where you fell out or something so I could fix it rather than adding gas? I don't want any bugs in there :kz:

EDIT: ALRIGHT..AHEM..Turned out I had accidently left a checkpoint activated by a switch,so you started about half into the level!

Try it again and I think everythig will amke sence again. xD

I did try it again and I liked it even more! I do understand it know so don't worry about changing anything. Also, I managed to jump out again so if you want to add me I can show you how I did it.
2010-01-07 02:28:00

Posts: 256

Love the Level and especially the Story
its so humorous

You did a great job but you already heard that a thousand times from me
2010-01-07 14:14:00

Posts: 143

I did try it again and I liked it even more! I do understand it know so don't worry about changing anything. Also, I managed to jump out again so if you want to add me I can show you how I did it.

Will do! :star:

TOB: Thanks alot! Story is my biggest weapon,I tryed to use it wisely..
2010-01-07 15:13:00

Posts: 531

*have searched for a reason to bump for a week or two*

I have gotten some reviews and would like to share them with you guys!

Review by Arklon. (9/10)


Review by Rush_XII. (9/10)


Review by TOWERS_85_87. (4/5)


pretty good scores huh?

Go play it,I'm sure you'll enjot it.
2010-01-14 14:57:00

Posts: 531

Well, it's bad that threads aren't promoted "cool" like before (at least for now).
I wonder what people are smoking, this level is excellent and should be up there.
2010-01-14 20:14:00

Posts: 3901

This is still my favorite level for the competition 2010-01-14 20:34:00

Posts: 752

I just wanted to say what fun I had playing your level yesterday. The puzzles are excellent - most of them were both original and ingenious. The gameplay was fun, varied and challenging in places (I died so many times trying to jump from pillar to pillar with the paintinator, lol!).

The visuals were good too and the story was great fun. I laughed out loud when my Little Red Riding Sackgirl emerged stickered black as the wolf...great touch! The level was a nice length too with lots to do and see.

This fairytale competition has really brought out the best in a lot of creators and this is another excellent level. Best of luck with it. I?m just glad I?m not one of the judges!
2010-01-15 22:35:00

Posts: 1455

It's a fantastic level, no doubt about that, but man I just can't get past the jetpack section. (Maybe it's because I've never played any levels with water before? I dunno.) I really wish the checkpoint before that was infinite. The entire level before that section was incredible with great atmosphere, fun humor, and I loved the costume changing and everything for the storytelling. I just wish I could finish it. 2010-01-15 23:36:00

Posts: 150

This fairytale competition has really brought out the best in a lot of creators and this is another excellent level. Best of luck with it. I’m just glad I’m not one of the judges!

haha yeah,there are 3 guys who's going to have to go trough around 80(!) levels and judge one winner! xD

It's a fantastic level, no doubt about that, but man I just can't get past the jetpack section. (Maybe it's because I've never played any levels with water before? I dunno.) I really wish the checkpoint before that was infinite. The entire level before that section was incredible with great atmosphere, fun humor, and I loved the costume changing and everything for the storytelling. I just wish I could finish it.

Ah,I didn't realise people would find that part hard as I know exactly hopw to do it.

I will add a infinite checkpoint as soon as I am allowed to!
2010-01-16 21:59:00

Posts: 531

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