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Panther Tank

Archive: 12 posts

this is my newest and quite possibly by best tank ever. it is based off a WWII panther tank and it looks very much like the real one (i had to make small aesthetic changes for proper function). it also has many functions including forwards and backwards drive (obviously) ,cannon aim and fire with global lighting effects, the ability to toggle shell cam on and off (when its on the camera follow the shells to there target), a coaxial machine gun which you can fire whilst aiming, my newest and best control scheme (photo attached), and full suspension. it also has an mg-42 on top for taking out those pesky allied sacks. overall i think it is very good and i will soon publish it in a level along with my Wespe artillery. for now here are some pics:

UPDATE: i have updated the mg42 and uploaded a new pic, any better????
2010-01-03 23:09:00

Posts: 255

Looks great, especially the fact that you can't see into it. The control scheme looks very simple and I like the shell cam idea. It sounds very similar to Incinerator22's horwitzer shell cam. Anyways, very nice tank and I can't wait to drive it!2010-01-03 23:22:00

Posts: 88

Can't you give me credit for my global lighting explosion technque

Anyhoo, great tank, obviously. My only gripe is the mg42 you have so far, it's not very detailed and doesn't look very much like the real thing. But other than that, great job
2010-01-03 23:31:00

Posts: 3251

Can't you give me credit for my global lighting explosion technque

Anyhoo, great tank, obviously. My only gripe is the mg42 you have so far, it's not very detailed and doesn't look very much like the real thing. But other than that, great job

yes actually i forgot to mention that, you do get credit for the global lighting effects and the shell cam (although i wasn't aware that you made it when i did). and as for the mg-42 i find that detail is the price you pay for scale, it is very easy to make something detailed thats not to scale, but to scale is very difficult. personally i prefer scale to detail (i hate it when something is much larger than sackboy). but i will still try to improve it.
2010-01-04 00:03:00

Posts: 255

This looks seriously cool. Does it use the same tracks you've written about before that are powered by only two of the sprockets?

The only thing I'd say is from the pictures the tank looks a little flat and featureless because all the detailed bits seem to be on the frontmost thin layer if that makes sense.
2010-01-08 22:16:00

Posts: 2454

actually most of my tanks use just 2 wheels moving without sprockets (the 2 without suspension) as is for this tank. however when i do use sprockets there is only ONE wheel that moves (the one with the sprocket).2010-01-09 00:21:00

Posts: 255

nice tank man youve got a talent for creating vehicles2010-02-15 16:26:00

Posts: 338

OMG this is amazing great work2010-02-18 22:19:00

Sack Attack
Posts: 5

OMG this is amazing great work

thanks, but since my account was stolen i cannot publish this tank ever....

although i haven't played lbp in a while, i think i might start to build a BFBC2 inspired level..... hmmmm....
2010-02-18 22:58:00

Posts: 255

thanks, but since my account was stolen i cannot publish this tank ever....

although i haven't played lbp in a while, i think i might start to build a BFBC2 inspired level..... hmmmm....

Noooooo, we're gonna finish the leopard lol
2010-02-18 23:18:00

Posts: 3251

Who would do such a thing!! AWW im sickened that would be amazing in a level, A bfbc2 level would be cool with all the gadgets and building destruction it would fit into lbp well2010-02-19 13:43:00

Sack Attack
Posts: 5

Now i know people don't seem to like it when you bring up old topics so forgive me. But i thought this was worth saying. As some of you know i lost all of my objects due to a profile hack, fortunately i figured out a way to get all my stuff over to my other account. so to celebrate i thought it would give out my panther tank for free. i will make a level with it soon and post a reply to this thread with the level name in it for anyone who is interested (should be anyone). so anyhoo i just though i should say that. 2010-03-05 21:40:00

Posts: 255

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