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Complex Logic Showcase

Archive: 34 posts

This is a group of switches I puplished in a level called complex logic examples by Incinerator22. It has things more advanced and rare than the logic pack, all low-thermo and easy to use. I gathered a few examples from the lbp community and gave credit but most of it is by me.

Featured in it is:

Double Drab Switch
Triple Grab Switch
Double Grab Toggle Logic Gate
Directional Toggle Logic Gate
Permanent Release Switch
Resettable Release Switch
XOR Switch
Tap/Grab Sensor
Complex OR Switch
Speed Selector
Global Lighting Relay Switch
Points Switch

EDIT: Many of these are inefficient, outdated, and glitchy, and I'm working on making a new level with a similar concept as this.
2010-01-03 01:25:00

Posts: 3251

Very usefull; hearted.2010-01-03 13:40:00

Posts: 48

Excellent indeed. I remember you showing me some of this! Twas excellent!

I just took a look and love all the switches. Excellent work!
2010-01-03 14:01:00

Posts: 1355

Yesh! finally! Ive been looking for a tap switch for so long! And those other switches are probably useful as well...2010-01-03 14:52:00

Posts: 302

That points switch was the brains thing, wasn't it?

Anyway, listen up everybody, this level sure showcases amazing, rare & thermo friendly switches, so give it a go!

Just looking and playing with some of those helped me to get some ideas for my personal level, so I've got to thank youfor that, Inc!
2010-01-03 15:48:00

Posts: 628

Very nice and usefull level. The tap stuff is great and completely different to the stuff i use.. and probably more thermo friendly too. Although, i cant believe the toggle you showed me was more thermo friendly than the one i use 2010-01-03 19:13:00

Posts: 118

Sorry R0UGE, but cha better believe it! Although yours is more useful in certain situations, they're both completely different.2010-01-03 21:32:00

Posts: 3251

Release switch? Wassat?

Some of those others sound mighty familiar. I hope you've given due credit throughout. I'm about 6 hours from home, so I'll have to check it out then. I'm back, baby!

2010-01-03 21:43:00

Posts: 5338

Release switch? Wassat?

Some of those others sound mighty familiar. I hope you've given due credit throughout. I'm about 6 hours from home, so I'll have to check it out then. I'm back, baby!

A release switch; I knew someone would bust me for not giving it a fancy mathematical name. lol. Basically it's an inverted switch that only activates under better conditions. If you hook it up to a grab switch, it will only activate if you let go after grabbing it.

And as for credit, I know you'd think the directional toggle and tap/press sensor are from you and Kernel but I've seen others make it before you two like horwitzer and crossiantbuncake, and I have no idea who made them first. But I gave credit to rtm for the strenth-based OR switch and rouge for the resettable "release" switch.
2010-01-03 22:49:00

Posts: 3251

So this is what you were showing me when I hastily left? Whoops..:blush:

It all looked simple to use thermo-friendly. Sorry I didn't give any suggestions or contributions when asked, but I'm pretty sure there's only a few people that would use a 3-channel multiplexer or a bit-shifted AND grid other than me
2010-01-03 23:35:00

Posts: 203

Sounds promising, I'll have to check it out once I get home XD2010-01-04 00:23:00

Unknown User

I was very intrigued by the way the complex OR switch worked so I decided to take a look at rtm's blog entries and make some for myself. They certainly were excellent and helpful.

This is definitely a great showcase and I hope you get more requests for switches.

2010-01-04 02:19:00

Posts: 1355

I checked it out. Very cool. Some of them weren't exactly how I'd do it, but they were clever none-the-less.

I was too quick to assume these were my work, and for that I apologize. Everything was completely different!

2010-01-04 08:42:00

Posts: 5338

can you please remove my version as a prize? thank you 2010-01-04 08:45:00

Posts: 5078

For the speed toggley thing try emitted dark matter blockers as per my ordered inputs tool. You should be able to strip the thermo right down if you implement it that way.

It's easier to change to more settings as well
2010-01-04 11:15:00

Posts: 6497

My 4/3/2-way randomiser is bascially done. I'm just gunna make it more thermo friendly and nicer to look at then you can have it if you want . If you still dont get what its for, just ask and i'll try to explain .

Oh, and its R0GUE, not rouge ... Isn't that 'red' in french?
2010-01-04 14:34:00

Posts: 118

Great collection of logic here!! I haven't actually seen it since I hopped in while you were editing it. At the moment I dont think I'll be using anything here but I did try retrofitting my barracuda to take your tap/grab switch... with disasterous results (something along the lines of falling out of the sky mid-flight, crash-landing onto one of it's own missiles and then self destructing! ). Incidently it was actually johnee who made me realise such a switch could be made, but I did build it myself (since he didn't have it in a prise bubble and I didn't know him at the time).

Although being rarer logic, I'm sure someone will find these to be of use! Nonetheless great job!
2010-01-04 15:40:00

Posts: 572

did try retrofitting my barracuda to take your tap/grab switch... with disasterous results (something along the lines of falling out of the sky mid-flight, crash-landing onto one of it's own missiles and then self destructing! ).

Thats why i didnt want you remaking it Mine would work perfectly fine, you changed it to make it low thermo, but ruined it!
2010-01-04 17:06:00

Posts: 5078

KernelM, what is with you shooting down any idea that isn't your own? It seems to have become a habit.

Although 22's tap/grab may be a tad glitchy due to his low thermo design, the one showcased in your level has such appalling latency that it's nigh unresponsive so stop being so self-conceited.
2010-01-04 19:41:00

Unknown User

I checked it out. Very cool. Some of them weren't exactly how I'd do it, but they were clever none-the-less.

I was too quick to assume these were my work, and for that I apologize. Everything was completely different!

No problem, Thanks! But could you be more specific on any ways to improve them?

For the speed toggley thing try emitted dark matter blockers as per my ordered inputs tool. You should be able to strip the thermo right down if you implement it that way.

It's easier to change to more settings as well

Thanks, I'll try that too.

But if anyone has ideas, please post! I got a lot but I really want to put in as much logic as possible. I'll update over the weekend hopefully.

Also, this is a historic post. I've finally been able to multiquote, lol.
2010-01-04 23:10:00

Posts: 3251

KernelM, what is with you shooting down any idea that isn't your own? It seems to have become a habit.

Although 22's tap/grab may be a tad glitchy due to his low thermo design, the one showcased in your level has such appalling latency that it's nigh unresponsive so stop being so self-conceited

I've fixed the latency and i don't shoot down ideas. I thought your idea was good.
2010-01-05 08:11:00

Posts: 5078

I've fixed the latency and i don't shoot down ideas. I thought your idea was good.

Errr... At ease soldier, carry on.
2010-01-05 18:06:00

Unknown User

Hmm... why not make a bunch of other examples of how to use the logic?

I understood that some of the switches (particularly the double-grab ones) had examples of what they can accomplish. I don't mean a presentation of what they do, I mean an actual example of something people would make.

Sorry if I sound like an idiot, it's just that I want you to make this is awesome as possible, because it has potential. (and I want to bother Incinerator22 a bit xD)

Sorry if I forgot if there were other examples, haven't played this and my memory is a tad terrible.

2010-01-06 20:38:00

Posts: 1355

I added incremental bolt setups with the consent of Tamland 2010-01-10 06:05:00

Posts: 3251

dude, you know the logic that detects wether its a tap or a hold. can u make a version for me that lets it so that the grab and hold activates when the piston reaches the end, not when you let go and the piston retracts.so that way i can hold the thing as long as i wasnt without having to let go. also , can you add a tap grab switch, one that only activates when you tap. now hen you grab and hold. Would really help with my new creation, thx! (hint:gundam) 2010-05-05 02:10:00

Posts: 176

Instead of having an emitter change it to a mag key and that should work.2010-05-06 07:09:00

Posts: 5078

Thank you so much! I needed these for soo long now!2010-05-07 13:27:00

Posts: 1030

I was wondering if you could make the level copyable? it is a possibility of people stealing it, but you could fix that with a key lock.2010-05-14 19:32:00

Posts: 386

I'm remaking it. I made a lot of the switches embarrasingly more thermo-heavy than necessary. What specific switch(es) to you want to be able to edit? I'll make a separate copyable level for you.2010-05-14 20:32:00

Posts: 3251

Am I imagining things or did you show me a tap/grab / single/double/triple tap switch? If so I'd love to have another look, could be useful for something I have in mind.2010-05-14 21:54:00

Posts: 572

I'm remaking it. I made a lot of the switches embarrasingly more thermo-heavy than necessary. What specific switch(es) to you want to be able to edit? I'll make a separate copyable level for you.

It's easier for people for all of them to be in a copyable level.
2010-05-14 22:18:00

Posts: 386

Am I imagining things or did you show me a tap/grab / single/double/triple tap switch? If so I'd love to have another look, could be useful for something I have in mind.

tap/double-tap/hold sensor. I'll send you it.
2010-05-14 23:24:00

Posts: 3251

Ah, there's the thing. Tap /doub-tap / hold SENSOR... I noticed that with your previous iteration too. I thought it was a switch as is tap gives one output, grab gives another and double tap gives another again, as opposed to your logic which detects the specific input based on the duration from press to release.
No harm though, shouldn't be too hard to incorporate multiple taps into my latest tap/grab switch.
2010-05-14 23:39:00

Posts: 572

Double-Tap Grab switch.
Wow, I've been trying to find one of these for ages!
Just what I needed for my level.

Thanks incinerator!

2010-05-18 21:51:00

Posts: 195

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