Survive Or Explode II
Archive: 4 posts
Survive Or Explode IIRICK8404 Survive or Explode II is a fast paced level, where every move, jump, and shot counts! And any mistake will lead to certain explosion! For 1-4 players! all Survive Or Explode II PSN: RICK8404 Difficulty: 10/10 (to Ace) Players: 1-4 Description: Let me get this out of the way; Survive or Explode II is a bomb survival level... (Gasp!) Before everyone flames me all the way to the moon, let me explain that this is no ordinary bomb survival level! The object of the level is to strategically detonate the bombs (by shooting them with the paintanator) in order to progess downward wntil you reach the exit. PS: A special thank you goes out to the LBPC Logic Pack! I borrowed your randomizer to improve the bomb generation. (I gave credit in the level description) Thanks! RICK8404 Note: I have another thread for this level, but it was non F4F and I could not figure out how to switch it. Could a mod please delete the old thread? Thanks! Sorry If This inconveniences anyone. | 2010-01-03 01:22:00 Author: Helix123 ![]() Posts: 8 |
This level has a great concept, and personally, I love good bomb survivals. The major problems I had were: the looks and some parts of the game play. Looks: 1. It looks really sloppy, almost everything about it does really. 2. More specifically, I'd make the walls all straight lines, no little indents 3. I'd make the beginning completely dissapear when you grab the start sponge Game play: 1. It would be good to make the bombs not have downwards velocity 2. Whenever I fell into a pit I ended up dead, no matter what, maybe you could make the ground solid... 3. I feel that the timed explosives are a bit too hard for a paintinator themed bomb survival... See how it plays without them I would be more than happy to help you with this, if you want. Just add me on your PS3 friends list and tell me who you are in the friend add message | 2010-01-09 06:48:00 Author: Devonushka ![]() Posts: 95 |
Oh, thanks for the input Devo! I will try and fix some of the things you pointed out! I will add you today, and if you could help that would be great! | 2010-01-17 13:13:00 Author: Helix123 ![]() Posts: 8 |
I played this one today. First let me say that I'm just returning to lbp after a long vacation. I left just after all the bomb survival levels hit. I never played any back then, so I'm not really biased. I thought this level was put together pretty good, and has a good concept. The only problem I have is most of the time when I die there is absolutely nothing I could do about it. Most of the time I got trapped in a hole with bombs so close that there's no way I could dodge them, or I would get crushed by falling debris. I don't have any suggestions because I don't think your level is bad at all. I just don't think it's my cup of tea. Good work! | 2010-01-18 00:15:00 Author: smasher ![]() Posts: 641 |
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