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Help!! I'm addicted to the grid!?

Archive: 34 posts

Well, there I am in my level, creating and I find myself using the grid for every darn, little thing I make!! There is no stop to it!

It gets on my nerves that I need every little thing to be made while in grid mode! I can't stand any piece in my level that is either not made with the grid or does not line up perfectly with the grid lines!

It seems that when I'm creating all I think of is unsuprisingly:



Am I the only one with this problem/addiction?! Or am I not alone?!
2010-01-02 00:36:00

Posts: 2979

I wouldn't call it an addiction, I use the small grid for everything I create, then I just carve out what I want with the Corner Editor. I find this method to save lots of time, it also ensures that my work is all clean which definitely helps with the thermometer. Also if you ever need to move parts of your level and you used the grid on everything within the level it's basically just putting everything into a puzzle.2010-01-02 00:47:00

Posts: 787

Yes that is exactly my way of creating you've just explained! Small grid + corner editor. It's so good yet seems so bad at the same time...2010-01-02 00:50:00

Posts: 2979

If it helps to wean you off, I've never used the grid to make anything, only occasionally to move things around. Not a big fan of it myself.2010-01-02 01:24:00

Posts: 1156

I only use it to make clean logic, otherwise when i build i like to just freely corner edit to make a nice natural effect, Idk about moving stuff around with grid, never tried it but it seems really slow to me.2010-01-02 01:34:00

Posts: 1924

Respect the grid! I tend to move freely between the different sized grids and no grid, depending on the situation. The grid definitely helps place things together neatly, though as the thermometer goes up I find that everything in my levels tend to shift slightly in glitchy ways no matter what I do.2010-01-02 02:08:00

Posts: 117

I do believe that you can corner edit in the grid just as well as you can without it, it just takes more time. It does line everything up better though...2010-01-02 02:42:00

Posts: 2979

I used to have the same problem. Chairs, tables, cars, everything I made was out of the grid. When I realized it was looking unnatural I knew I had to stop. lol. But then I got the grid glitch and the grid shifted entirely. It forced me to stop using the grid, which helped me a lot.2010-01-02 08:50:00

Posts: 3251

It's good to use the grid! Keep doing it...

I don't think I made a single object on Planet X without the grid.
2010-01-02 10:26:00

Posts: 836

I only ever use the grid to rotate stuff.2010-01-02 10:32:00

Posts: 4291

it seems really slow to me.

That's why there's a big grid.

It's actually interesting to see who uses the grid and who doesen't... i would say i use it most of the time but it really depends what i'm making so i wouldn't say all the time.
2010-01-02 10:48:00

Posts: 5592

Yeah, I use the Small Grid most of the time, its just easier to make more precise shapes. then I go in and use the CE with no grid to make it look all nice and pwetty. Sometimes I use the CE with the grid if I want something exact..2010-01-02 11:01:00

Posts: 1913

My litte brother Merijnwitje always uses the grid. I, on the other hand, basically use the grid the same way as ARD does.2010-01-02 11:02:00

Posts: 166

About 99% of all my published levels were made with the grid. There's loads of things that couldn't be done without it (moving staircases that have to be precise distnces from each other, or spinning mazes, for example). But I definately use it too much, so I've started making a level involving lots of characters and enemies and trees to try and force me out of the habit. 2010-01-02 11:04:00

Posts: 927

Now I know that I'm not alone! Thank you for support! It is really helping cure my addiction! 2010-01-02 16:54:00

Posts: 2979

Everything is done on the grid in my levels, for some kind of levels and mechanics you just have too.

2010-01-02 17:07:00

Posts: 574

I am also a big fan of the Grids, I always hated the fact that at times when I go back to my level to work on it I notice that the Grid is a little shifted away from the exact Square which REALLY irritated me.2010-01-02 17:50:00

Posts: 265

whatever you do, do not buy LBP PSP....2010-01-02 17:56:00

Posts: 2645

I say: Grid!

You say: Good!

2010-01-02 19:14:00

Posts: 836

I always use a grid when building environments. Most of the time I lay a rough shape down with the big grid and use the corner editor with big grid to make the rough shape less messy. After that I move onto the medium or small grid with the corner editor to add more detail. Next, I might go into no grid with the corner editor depending on what type of environment I am building, if it's a desert I would probably use the corner editor without a grid to make the dunes look a bit more natural. However, if it's a city I would only use the corner editor with no grid for cracks and parts where rock has worn away.

As for character and vehicle design, I only use the small grid and no grid. I think my problem is that I use the corner editor too much lol
2010-01-02 19:31:00

Posts: 1341

Hi, I'm napero and I'm a gridoholic.

"Hi napero!"
2010-01-02 20:05:00

Posts: 1653

The problem with the grid for me is that it always shifts just a tiny bit so that I have to go and line everything up again in like 5 minutes.2010-01-02 20:07:00

Posts: 1432

Hi, I'm napero and I'm a gridoholic.

"Hi napero!"

Lets create the C.H.O.O.G.A!!! Creators Helping Others Overcome Grid Addiction!

That may really help some of us! Lol
2010-01-02 20:25:00

Posts: 2979

I barely use the grid. I usually only use it if I'm drawing a very long surface or for logic. 2010-01-02 22:02:00

Posts: 588

Most of my stuff uses one or more of the Grids. When I have to make precise stuff, like stickering and partial object rotation, and also gluing on a slope, I turn it off.

My method for making something that's supposed to be jagged look good:
*Start with the Big Grid. Lay out a big block of whatever it is that you want to make. Carve out rough areas that you know you want gone. (Like, if you're making an underground tunnel level resembling of the Meerkat Kingdom, you'd carve out some tunnels.) At this stage, everything looks like [Data Expunged], Rubbish-class work.
*Now comes the fun part: Turn on the Small Grid, and go into Corner Editor on your object(s). If the thing looks like steps when you did Big Grid carving, delete a few intermediary corners to start adding slopes. After that, go to town with adding points, stretching out stuff and whatever. My rule of designing with this method: Do not have horizontal or vertical line segments unless absolutely necessary, or if it has to be flush with a neighboring object.
*If you have multiple objects (like a tunnel floor and roof for the Meerkat Kingdom example), edit the next object to look like it goes with the first one. If it's a big slope thing, have the corners of the two objects meet. If it's a tunnel floor and roof, have the shapes be similar, but not identical, and make sure you have a minimum of two Small Grid units of space for Sackboy to fit through.
*To finish off your rocky structure, glue the pieces together, or if it's a tunnel, glue them all to a thin background layer. Background layers can be just made from the Grid without corner editing, since the only part the Player will see is what isn't hidden by the walls themselves. If you don't want to mess up your perfectly angulated structure, insert bubbles and stuff into empty space before gluing them down with the Popit Cursor; otherwise you'll have ugly craters in your material, which not only looks bad (unless you're going for a lunar feel), but the Complex Shapes thermo is gonna hate you.
2010-01-04 02:37:00

Posts: 19

I've started using the grid rather recently. I certainly prefer it to using no grid, although all my published levels don't use the grid. I made them when I was even more impatient then I am now (hard to believe, huh?) so grid didn't appeal to me.2010-01-04 02:53:00

Posts: 1355

It's not a bad thing to use the grid, but at least use it with the corner editor somethings when doing terrain and stuff

I tend to use it when working with pistons or when making buildings and stuff, before i decide to attack it with the corner editor.
2010-01-04 03:07:00

Posts: 2100

Ah the grid, I used it exclusively on Buccaneers Booty, didn't use it on Spiky Stone of Doom (didn't know how to use is back then, would have saved a bloody lot of work) and now I think I'm finding a good middle road.

I use it for my big enviroments and the edges and exact square stuff and then I smooth it with the corner editor without grid (the tool to which I REALLY got addicted). I haven't used any other shapes than squares (because it's the default one) and circles for the entire level.
2010-01-04 09:42:00

Posts: 263

I say: Grid!

You say: Good!


2010-01-04 12:50:00

Posts: 265

I do believe that you can corner edit in the grid just as well as you can without it

No, you can't. You can corner edit geometric shapes better with the grid, but you will struggle to get anything looking natural. Try making a natural-looking tree, or cut around a photo of your sackboy with the grid on and without it on. Obviously you can make it huge so the grid has less of an impact, but then that just invalidates the purpose of the grid.

Most of my stuff gets built with the grid. But then most of what I do is logic... Scenery is a completely different matter and it completely depends what you are making.

In setbacks, the industrial areas were made with the grid, then detailed with the grid off - there is no way I could have made the detailed parts using the grid and it would have been a nightmare making the hard, geometric, man-made shapes without it. The caves had no grid work whatsoever. Every rock in every room was carved, free-form, from a default sized square, without the grid.

The scenery for technolegs was all done with the grid - that clean sci-fi look would never really work without the grid. I'm currently using that aesthetic for another project and I doubt anything will be made without the grid there.

On another project I'm working on, there is a mix of man-made, natural, and damaged scenery, so I'll use a mixture of grid and not grid.

Of course the grid is good, but it's just a tool. When used in the right circumstances it's great, but it's only going to hold you back if you insist on using it all the time. You can use a hammer to bang in a screw, but you're never gonna get the same results as if you use a screwdriver
2010-01-04 13:28:00

Posts: 6497

I barely use it.2010-01-04 13:30:00

Posts: 2391

I used to be a big grid user, but as I've matured as a creator, I realize that the grid is really only useful for some things. I still do most of my work freehand with the corner edit tool.

I use the grid when creating a lot of mechanics that require precise geometry. As far as architecture is concerned, it's not really needed though - although the big grid I like when drawing big shapes because it moves the corner tool more quickly.

My big annoyance with the grid is that it moves. In other words, something aligned to the grid might not be aligned to it later. Clearly this is problematic, not to mention ironic. Accordingly, when trying to stitch seams together the grid is more of a hindrance than a help, so I usually make my shapes interlock manually.
2010-01-04 18:43:00

Posts: 1465

The grid is my friend, but I don't use it all the time. It depends on the project. I do use the corner editor all the time regardless if on grid or not. If I am making terrain, grid is off and I go nutty with the corner editor. If I am doing techy sort of stuff.. grid is on, but some elements of that object are non grid. Just depends on what I doing. ..but again, most of everything I do is via the corner editor.

The grid is just a handy tool and I utilize it for when I need it. One handy tip, is when moving large object around, by having grid on they do not twist or shift in rotation.
2010-01-04 19:21:00

Posts: 11383

Yes the corner editor, in my opinion, the most useful tool in create mode!2010-01-06 23:03:00

Posts: 2979

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