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Help with Dangrous Paint

Archive: 8 posts

I want to make a paint shot have fire element to it but I don't want it the paint shot to turn all black and crispy. Any way to do this?2010-01-01 16:54:00

Posts: 210

No, there is no such way.2010-01-01 17:06:00

Posts: 342

Aw... 2010-01-01 17:11:00

Posts: 210

Actually, there might be a way, but it'll hinder the paint shot some.

Ever try adding a thin layer of glass in front of the paint shot? Fire doesn't show when it's behind glass, but I'm not sure if the same logic applies with paint. The glass also wouldn't break with the paint, and would fall. It wouldn't be a problem if the paint was on the very front layer and the glass could freely fall offscreen. That, or any materials you plan on making that are larger than one layer should be all one layer, and you line up three of them to make a three-layer object using one-layer materials. Ah well, you should at least give it a shot.
2010-01-01 17:47:00

Posts: 306

you could set it alight, then attach some of the fire decorations from the wedding candle object, you wouldnt see the black crispy stuff but it'd still be lethal.2010-01-01 18:03:00

Posts: 1027

make it electric instead, it will keep its original color2010-01-01 21:25:00

Posts: 62

put a decoration on it?2010-01-01 21:30:00

Posts: 1653

This may not work, but...:

1. In pause mode make 2 paintballs, and set fire to one.
2. With grid off, make the harmless one slightly larger than the ignited one.
3. Move the harmful one so it is inside the harmless one.

It may conceal the harmful one, but I can't guarantee it. However, paint placed in this way cannot be glued so it must be emitted, but I'm sure that's what you wanted it for anyway!
2010-01-01 23:47:00

Posts: 572

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