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I want to make a Boss like The Collector

Archive: 3 posts

The Collector Final Boss fascinates the outta me. All I do is just look at all those switches. It's beautiful, I'm glad they weren't hidden. I want to make somthing like that but wow it looks SO hard. I wish somone could break it down for me or somthing. 2010-01-01 02:39:00

Posts: 210

Search for "Collector Boss Dissection". It's my first level, so don't expect much in terms of visuals or gameplay, but it breaks down what each switch does on that big hunk o' metal that you fight at the end of the story mode. For more experienced logic-makers, the Collector Boss is pretty easy to understand, but I hope my level helps you 2010-01-01 04:39:00

Posts: 228

You should check out the logic pack and then think how you could use some of those switches to control the boss.2010-01-01 15:50:00

Posts: 1653

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