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- Beginer Level Designer Requesting Help! -

Archive: 8 posts

This is, xX_Holy_Arms_Xx (PSN) and I am requesting some help on incomming projects. I am new to level making and have not published any levels yet, and playing online (seeing other's work) is slightly intimidating! I have had several projects under work and ussualy abandonded them, (still stitting in My Moon.) I like to focus on art and style, as well as basic functionality. My latest project I am really excited about is going to be part survival.

- I would like some help understanding, and learning the ability to create basic logics, etc. to make my levels function and run smoothly.

- I would love lessons on how to, from other expirienced creators.

I have several levels that I would like to finish and to publish. (Haha Finaly!) having somone's help would be a great way to learn Simple Logics, Mechanics, and Switches.

Thank you in advance to anyone who is willing to help! (Will credit when levels are posted.)

I'm ussually online on weekends. Thanks! / xX_Holy_Arms_Xx (PSN)

(Contact through PSN Messaging!)
2009-12-31 20:52:00

Posts: 9

there are lot of tutorial level about logic on lbp, check them out, you can obtain lot of logic switches ready to use (and, or, xor,ecc.) their use is very simple, but if you are a beginner try to ask for something that you want to realize (begin with something simple), we'll try to help you with some examples on how to use switches2010-01-01 13:12:00

Posts: 47

Thanks! will try!2010-01-01 17:05:00

Posts: 9

If you want help with Logic, try the LBPC Logic Pack! There are many useful tutorials on Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced logic! They also have copyable 'warehouses' so you can capture the logic to use in your own levels. It's very helpful. Just search @LogicPack on LBP to find all the levels!

Hope this helps you!
2010-01-02 16:16:00

Posts: 1913

I will help you, if you'll have me.
I'm a very experienced creator with lot's of impressive work, constantly learning and creating innovative stuff for others to see. In the opinion of over 10 of my friends, there's not a thing that i have not been successful on while creating, and i burst with ideas each day.

Am i good enough for you?
2010-01-02 19:53:00

Posts: 302

I will help, I usually put levels of too that just sit in my moon. But everyone does it.2010-01-06 04:07:00

Unknown User

the best thing to do improve in my opinion is practice and experiment a lot

yeah....keep at it

i can help you btw just send me a friend request
2010-01-06 04:24:00

Posts: 2701

If you have specific questions I can answer them here, but I will not move to PSN for anything but actual demonstrations - it helps keep the forum active, it keeps information in the forum that other people will need in the future and it takes forever to type messages on there. (I have no keyboard).2010-01-06 11:32:00

Posts: 98

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