Archive: 6 posts
First time on forums. One year of Little Big Planet Experience. Bored. And uhh... I made a few levels, but nobody freaking plays my levels so let's just forget abot those ![]() *rant grumble frown grumble rant* | 2009-12-31 20:45:00 Author: Fumo161 ![]() Posts: 210 |
Welcome! Glad ya made it! More than welcome to post your levels in the Level Showcase. Best way I know to get some plays and some great feedback. Let us know if you have any questions! Have fun! | 2009-12-31 21:13:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Fumo161, I'm in the same boat, I don't have ANY plays, no hearts, absolutely NOTHING! How can this be, my levels are clearly superior to 99% of what's out there. Oh wait, that's right, I have yet to even create any levels, they're all in my mind and they're all totally spectacular. (Yes, this is a weak attempt at humor, my apologies.) Anyways, welcome to LBPC! Follow the advice some of the truly great creators here, there really is some amazing stuff out there. Keep trying, you'll only get better. Just like the old saying goes... The three things that make a truly extraordinary creator. 1. Practice 2. Practice 3. Practice Hmm, maybe that's not true, but it sounded good in my head, just like my levels! Glad to have ya aboard, BoomerET | 2009-12-31 21:27:00 Author: BoomerET ![]() Posts: 41 |
Hi, Well I know that feeling...I don't have a lot of plays, I won't say my levels are amazingly amazing and freaking awesome, but I think they're good. Anyway, try posting them on the forum, and you may get more feedbacks with F4F threads. Try some other websites too. ...And welcome ! | 2010-01-01 00:13:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Welcome! :arg: Persistence is key. | 2010-01-01 08:39:00 Author: TripleTremelo ![]() Posts: 490 |
Hello Welcome To LBPC! | 2010-01-01 08:52:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
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