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Water Height Switch (Tutorial + Switch Prize + Real Water)

Archive: 5 posts

A short, interactive tutorial of how to use my water height switch I made for use it my levels plus the switch as a prize.

The switch allows you to raise and lower the level of the water.
Fully adjustable and very easy to recreate.

Check it out for yourself.
2009-12-29 03:58:00

Posts: 3

Isn't this like the global water tool? I guess I should just look at the level to see for myself.2009-12-29 04:03:00

Posts: 4193

It is but its using one switch to control the water level going up and down remotely, I couldnt find anything else like it to work the way I wanted to so I thought somone other people could use it too 2009-12-29 04:44:00

Posts: 3

You control water height with a switch you mean?2009-12-30 18:04:00

Posts: 3262

The title was a bit misleading. I thought you figured out how to accurately control the height of the water, but it's only limited to two set heights.

Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty good idea, in fact, it inspired me to make one with more control. I did it really quickly so sorry if it looks sloppy, but it works better than I thought it would.

"Water Height Switch Tech demo" @Kinetik07
2010-01-08 03:58:00

Unknown User

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