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wespe artillery

Archive: 31 posts

i have recently built a replica wespe of WWII. it features full suspension, recoil and lighting and my favorite new feature, shell cam: when activated your camera follows the fired shell to see where it hits. this is EXTREMELY useful for finding targets and extends the VERY FAR beyond the usual camera distance. here are some pics. BTW i haven't published it yet but will soon, im just busy working on a pather tank witch looks awesome by the way, any way...

2009-12-28 06:36:00

Posts: 255

yay!!!! i finally got the photo upload to work, i feel so accomplished...2009-12-28 06:37:00

Posts: 255

BTW the first and last attached photos are of during its firing sequence (hence the visual effects)2009-12-28 06:37:00

Posts: 255

You shouldn't comment more than once in a row on threads, it bumps you to the front of the thread line and messes up the system.

Anyway, nice model. I like the look of the treads and it's very true-to-life on the real thing.

The "shell cam" is pretty awesome. That's a good name for it. I used on on this howitzer:


Also, why do you prefer WWII? Modern stuff is just so much cooler. lol. Here's my model of a modern self-proppeled howitzer.

2009-12-29 03:55:00

Posts: 3251

i just like old german tanks mostly, although i have made many new ones aswell, it sucks though, i made a fully functional stryker after playing MW2, but it was accidentally deleted... twice, after the second time i just got angry and stopped (stupid save game glitches). although it did have a very cool chaff feature, where if a missile had a blue magnetic key on it than when it got close the stryker would deploy chaff and destroy the missile. btw thanks for the advice i had no idea about the double post thingy.2009-12-29 06:23:00

Posts: 255

nice work mate but i agree with incinerator22. mordern day stuff are much cooler.2009-12-30 08:26:00

Posts: 108

looks great.. but.. I like more modern stuff too. Althrough, i have been making a lot of rusty steam-engine like things recently like my CC09 entry and the level I'm working on now.

Hmm.. This makes me want to build a javilin missile system where the missile is lauched then flies almost vertically before hitting the target from above.. if anyone builds it before I do (I know how incinerator22 likes to take my ideas before I put them into action ), please dont take all the credit for the idea..
2010-01-01 03:25:00

Posts: 118

looks great.. but.. I like more modern stuff too. Althrough, i have been making a lot of rusty steam-engine like things recently like my CC09 entry and the level I'm working on now.

Hmm.. This makes me want to build a javilin missile system where the missile is lauched then flies almost vertically before hitting the target from above.. if anyone builds it before I do (I know how incinerator22 likes to take my ideas before I put them into action ), please dont take all the credit for the idea..

That's genial!!! I'll get right to work on it.
2010-01-01 04:32:00

Posts: 3251

haha . seems like horwitzer has all-of-a-sudden decided to build a javilin missile system. What a great idea! I wish I thought of that... 2010-01-17 18:48:00

Posts: 118

my javelin actually works really well. its shoulder mounted and you can walk around with it. if you want to shoot you just tap grab and it will fire. it hits at just about the edge of the camera which is very useful for targeting. the only thing is that you have to be on flat to launch it other wise the missile might hit behind you or even on you!! lol.2010-01-18 02:46:00

Posts: 255

So does it work like how I described my idea? '...missile is lauched then flies almost vertically before hitting the target from above'?2010-01-18 19:48:00

Posts: 118

yes, but i need to improve the design, the missile flies a little too far and not strait up, but other than that its pretty much as you'd expect.

BTW if you can figure out how it works you get a free cookie
2010-01-18 20:23:00

Posts: 255

Well I know how I was going to do it . Have a little block on a piston that moves up the missile with a key on it that triggers specific jets to turn on and off for the right amount of time to aim the missile up then point it back down again when its reached a good altitude. Like a mini sequencer on the missile itself. I was also going to incorperate a lock-on system but that might involve having a seperate logic set-up off screen that turns on the lock-on feature at the right time so it does not interfer with the missiles flight untill the missile is coming back down.2010-01-18 22:56:00

Posts: 118

i have tried that method, but to make the missiles of realistic scale and design it is nearly impossible. think simpler...2010-01-19 00:35:00

Posts: 255

The jet pointing the missile up activates as soon as its spawned as there is a mag switch that activates when its close to the launcher. when its out of range, it will be pointing almost straight up. Then when another mag switch gets out of range of the launcher another jet points the missile back down?2010-01-19 18:43:00

Posts: 118

Not quite, even simpler.... ill give you a hint, there are actually 2 missiles....2010-01-19 22:53:00

Posts: 255

Ooooooooooo!... You cheater, lol.
The missile laucher fires the first one up then when its off screen another is emitted pointing down. that method would easily allow for lock-on too... but it would mean the player can't watch the missiles tragectory
2010-01-20 20:49:00

Posts: 118

You got it. And don't call me a cheater until you try it yourself, it is literally impossible to do it with one missile. for technical specs the first missile is made entirely of dissolve, so it is destroyed at the same time the other one is emmited. and also the second missile has a camera on it. i think it works better this way because it would be annoying to watch the missile the whole time.2010-01-20 23:55:00

Posts: 255

I was joking about the 'cheater' I just wanted to see if it was technicaly possible to make a functioning missile with a set trajectory then locks on to something and destroys it. Why dont you use the emitter life-span setting to desolve the first missile instead of it being made of desolve?2010-01-21 19:20:00

Posts: 118

its easier, and ensures that right when the second missile spawns, the camera zone is activated immediately, with only it in the picture.2010-01-21 19:44:00

Posts: 255

ahh i see. when the first missile senses the second is spawned, it will desolve(?). What happens to the jet on the first missile?2010-01-23 14:41:00

Posts: 118

Im not sure actually, but after more than a few launches, the level seems to be covered in rockets.... hmmmmmmm2010-01-23 17:53:00

Posts: 255

haha! the only way i could fix that problem was to have a brain on the missile (this is my controllable missile that im talking about) this means that you cant use it in a level where points matter as people could just spam the missile launch button and get points for each missile fired 2010-01-26 18:07:00

Posts: 118

Wow, fail.2010-01-26 23:09:00

Posts: 255

why not emit a missile that's winched to a rotatory bit? That when it rotates so much it dissolves letting the rocket fly2010-01-30 13:08:00

Posts: 5078

you can make the base of the missile one layer back, so its heavier then the actual bomb filled object. you will emmit the missile vertically and then after a certain time a wobble bolt will activate and turn it upside down so the rocket will point toward the ground. then it will push it down and hit the floor at a set distance.2010-05-21 22:40:00

Posts: 176

you can make the base of the missile one layer back, so its heavier then the actual bomb filled object. you will emmit the missile vertically and then after a certain time a wobble bolt will activate and turn it upside down so the rocket will point toward the ground. then it will push it down and hit the floor at a set distance.

i have tried techniques like this and it seems very very hard to tune so it works correctly. im not saying it can't be done, its just not worth it though...
2010-05-23 02:39:00

Posts: 255

i just made one lol, it goes almost straight up then comes back down pretty far away.2010-05-23 02:56:00

Posts: 176

i just made one lol, it goes almost straight up then comes back down pretty far away.

nicely done, however i haven't been playing LBP at all lately, maybe ill try again sometime though...
2010-05-24 04:09:00

Posts: 255

Great looking photos, please keep it up with the WWII vehicles, modern vehicles don't interest me at all.2010-05-24 04:54:00

Posts: 369

Great looking photos, please keep it up with the WWII vehicles, modern vehicles don't interest me at all.

tell me about it. actually i really want to reproduce the level "ring of steel" from cod5, its really WWIIish and i love that level.
2010-05-24 05:01:00

Posts: 255

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