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Everest. A yacht by Sun Swords

Archive: 1 post

Xenifus and the Sun Sword Militia Presents...

The Everest Yacht

This is the Everest: a brand new model yacht made my the Sun Sword Militia, built for luxury and tranquility on the beautiful waters of LittleBigPlanet.


The Everest was originally built for personnel use only, but was finally concluded that such a casual vessel should be available to the public.


This yacht, unlike others, features a cabin in it's hull, containing a comfortable, queen-sized mattress bed. This cabin is accessed by opening small latches found outside and inside the cabin.


The Everest is for any kind of boating sack. The adventurous ones will enjoy the scuba gear and diving plane located on the stern of the yacht. The laid-back sacks will find themselves relaxing on the comfortable seating that is distinguished among other vessels.


The Everest is controlled by the control inside of it's other cabin. It's system allows it to move automatically (when engaged by the boater) so that the boater does not constantly have to be there to control it.


It's large amount of foot-room is perfect for large groups of people.

Clad with the logo of the Sun Swords, the Everest rides on the water with pure confidence.


Fishing, scuba diving, travelling, or even a retreat itself, the Everest is clean, durable, and unique among other boats.


So yeah. I built this the night water came out, because I just HAD to have a yacht to play around with. I think I'll publish a level for it later if it gets a little bit of hype (which I'm not exactly gonna bet on). It's a little jagged looking, but overall it's a cleanly made little boat.
2009-12-28 04:27:00

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